examples/assembly/hanoi.pasm - Towers of hanoi


You have to pass in the height of the tower:

    % ./parrot examples/assembly/hanoi.pasm 5


Towers of Hanoi ( is a combinatorial puzzle. The PASM shows manipulation of arrays of integers.

Data Structure ^

P0 is a PerlArray PMC with three entries. Each entry is a PerlArray PMC which represents a tower (column) of Hanoi.

The towers are arrays of integers. 0 indicates no disk is present. A positive integer indicates the diameter of the disk occupying the indicated slot.

So this setup

      ||    ||   ||
     ====   ||   ||
    ======  ||   ==

is represented as

    [[0, 2, 3], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]

In pseudocode:

    main() {
        size = argv[0]
        int arr[] = [[], [], []]
        arr[0] = [1..size]
        arr[1] = [(0) x size]
        arr[2] = [(0) x size]
        move_stack(arr, size, size, 0, 2, 1)

    move_stack(array, size, num, start, target, storage) {
        if(num == 1) {
         move(array, size, start, target)
    } else {
        # move all but the largest disk to storage
        move_stack(array, size, num-1, start, storage, target)
        # move the largest disk to target
        move(array, size, start, target)
        # move all but the largest disk from storage to target
        move_stack(array, size, num-1, storage, target, start)

    move(array, size, start, target) {
        /* okay, so it's not pseudocode... */
        # find the first non-empty slot on the start column (smallest disk)
        for(i=0; i<size; i++) if(array[start_col][i]) break;
        start_row = i;

        # find the last empty slot on the target column
        for(i=1; i<size; i++) if(array[dest_col][i]) break;
        dest_row  = i - 1;

        # do the move
        array[dest_col][dest_row] = array[start_col][start_row];
        array[start_col][start_row] = 0;

        #print the results
        print(array, size);


First version Tony Payne 05/15/2002.
