src/sub.c - Subroutines


Subroutines, continuations, co-routines and other fun stuff...

Functions ^

void save_context(Interp *interp, struct Parrot_Context *ctx)

Save the current "context" of interpreter.

void restore_context(Interp *interp, struct Parrot_Context *ctx)

Set context of interpreter from a context buffer.

void mark_context(Interp *interpreter, struct Parrot_Context *ctx)

Marks the context *ctx.

static void prepend_stack( struct Stack_Chunk **interp_stack, struct Stack_Chunk **ctx_stack, struct Stack_Chunk *saved_stack, struct Stack_Chunk *saved_base)

The final ctx_stack = interp_stack + saved_stack. interp_stack and ctx_stack are already swapped here.

static void restore_stack( struct Stack_Chunk **interp_stack, struct Stack_Chunk **ctx_stack, struct Stack_Chunk **saved_stack, struct Stack_Chunk *saved_base)

Undo prepend_stack(). interp_stack and ctx_stack are already swapped here.

void swap_context(Interp *interp, struct PMC *sub)

Swaps the context.

struct Parrot_sub *new_sub(Interp *interp)

Returns a new Parrot_sub.

struct Parrot_sub *new_closure(Interp *interp)

Returns a new Parrot_sub with its own sctatchpad.

XXX: Need to document semantics in detail.

struct Parrot_cont *new_continuation(Interp *interp)

Returns a new Parrot_cont with its own copy of the current context.

struct Parrot_cont *new_ret_continuation(Interp *interp)

Returns a new Parrot_cont with its own copy of the current context.

struct Parrot_coro *new_coroutine(Interp *interp)

Returns a new Parrot_coro.

XXX: Need to document semantics in detail.

void mark_retc_cache(Interp *)

Mark the objects in the return continuation cache being alive.

void add_to_retc_cache(Interp *interpreter, PMC *pmc)

Add the return continuation pmc to the cache and turn off custom marking, so that its context isn't marked.

Note: the context structure in PMC_cont(pmc) remains allocated.

*/ void mark_retc_cache(Interp *interpreter) { PMC *pmc = interpreter->caches->retc_cache;

    while (pmc) {
        pobject_lives(interpreter, (PObj*)pmc);
        pmc = PREV_RETC(pmc);
void add_to_retc_cache(Interp *interpreter, PMC *pmc) { Caches *mc = interpreter->caches;

    if (mc->retc_cache)
        PREV_RETC(mc->retc_cache) = mc->retc_cache;
    PREV_RETC(pmc) = NULL;
    mc->retc_cache = pmc;
    /* XXX expensive w. ARENA_DOD_FLAGS */

PMC *new_ret_continuation_pmc(Interp *interp, opcode_t *address)

Returns a new RetContinuation PMC. Uses one from the cache, if possible; otherwise, creates a new one.

void copy_regs(Interp *, struct parrot_regs_t *caller_regs)

Copy function arguments or return values from caller_regs to interpreter.

void invalidate_retc_context(Interp *, struct Parrot_Context *ctx)

Make true Continuation from all RetContinuations up the call chain.




Initial version by Melvin on 2002/06/6.
