

This file implements the encoding functions for fixed-width 8-bit codepoints


#include "parrot/parrot.h" #include "fixed_8.h"

/* HEADER: src/encodings/fixed_8.h */

static UINTVAL get_codepoint(Interp *interp, const STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset); static void set_codepoint(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL codepoint); static UINTVAL get_byte(Interp *interp, const STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset); static void set_byte(Interp *interp, const STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL byte); static STRING *get_codepoints(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count); static STRING *get_bytes(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count); static STRING *get_bytes_inplace(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count, STRING *dest_string); static void set_codepoints(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count, STRING *new_codepoints); static void set_bytes(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count, STRING *new_bytes); static void become_encoding(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string); static UINTVAL codepoints(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string); static UINTVAL bytes(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string);

#define UNIMPL internal_exception(UNIMPLEMENTED, "unimpl fixed_8")

static STRING * to_encoding(Interp *interp, STRING *src, STRING *dest) { UNIMPL; return NULL; }

/* codepoints are bytes, so delegate */ static UINTVAL get_codepoint(Interp *interp, const STRING *source_string /*NN*/, UINTVAL offset) { return get_byte(interp, source_string, offset); }

/* This is the same as set byte */ static void set_codepoint(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL codepoint) { set_byte(interp, source_string, offset, codepoint); }

static UINTVAL get_byte(Interp *interp, const STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset) { unsigned char *contents = (unsigned char *)source_string->strstart; if (offset >= source_string->bufused) { /* internal_exception(0, "get_byte past the end of the buffer (%i of %i)", offset, source_string->bufused);*/ return 0; } return contents[offset]; }

static void set_byte(Interp *interp, const STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL byte) { unsigned char *contents; if (offset >= source_string->bufused) { internal_exception(0, "set_byte past the end of the buffer"); } contents = (unsigned char *)source_string->strstart; contents[offset] = (unsigned char)byte; }

/* Delegate to get_bytes */ static STRING * get_codepoints(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count) { STRING *return_string = get_bytes(interp, source_string, offset, count); return_string->charset = source_string->charset; return return_string; }

static STRING * get_bytes(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count) { STRING *return_string = Parrot_make_COW_reference(interp, source_string); return_string->encoding = source_string->encoding; return_string->charset = source_string->charset;

    return_string->strstart = (char *)return_string->strstart + offset ;
    return_string->bufused = count;

    return_string->strlen = count;
    return_string->hashval = 0;

    return return_string;

/* Delegate to get_bytes */ static STRING * get_codepoints_inplace(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count, STRING *dest_string) {

    return get_bytes_inplace(interp, source_string, offset,
            count, dest_string);

static STRING * get_bytes_inplace(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count, STRING *return_string) { Parrot_reuse_COW_reference(interp, source_string, return_string);

    return_string->strstart = (char *)return_string->strstart + offset ;
    return_string->bufused = count;

    return_string->strlen = count;
    return_string->hashval = 0;

    return return_string;

/* Delegate to set_bytes */ static void set_codepoints(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count, STRING *new_codepoints) { set_bytes(interp, source_string, offset, count, new_codepoints); }

static void set_bytes(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string, UINTVAL offset, UINTVAL count, STRING *new_bytes) { string_replace(interp, source_string, offset, count, new_bytes, NULL); }

/* Unconditionally makes the string be in this encoding, if that's valid */ static void become_encoding(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string) { UNIMPL; }

static UINTVAL codepoints(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string) { return bytes(interp, source_string); }

static UINTVAL bytes(Interp *interp, STRING *source_string) { return source_string->bufused; }

/* * iterator functions */

static UINTVAL fixed8_get_next(Interp *interp, String_iter *iter) { UINTVAL c = get_byte(interp, iter->str, iter->charpos++); iter->bytepos++; return c; }

static void fixed8_set_next(Interp *interp, String_iter *iter, UINTVAL c) { set_byte(interp, iter->str, iter->charpos++, c); iter->bytepos++; }

static void fixed8_set_position(Interp *interp, String_iter *iter, UINTVAL pos) { iter->bytepos = iter->charpos = pos; assert(pos <= PObj_buflen(iter->str)); }

static void iter_init(Interp *interp, const STRING *src, String_iter *iter) { iter->str = src; iter->bytepos = iter->charpos = 0; iter->get_and_advance = fixed8_get_next; iter->set_and_advance = fixed8_set_next; iter->set_position = fixed8_set_position; }

ENCODING * Parrot_encoding_fixed_8_init(Interp *interp) { ENCODING * const return_encoding = Parrot_new_encoding(interp);

    ENCODING base_encoding = {
        1, /* Max bytes per codepoint */

    memcpy(return_encoding, &base_encoding, sizeof (ENCODING));
    Parrot_register_encoding(interp, "fixed_8", return_encoding);
    return return_encoding;

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