src/io/io.c - Generic IO


The Parrot IO subsystem uses a per-interpreter stack to provide a layer-based approach to IO. Each layer implements a subset of the ParrotIOLayerAPI vtable. To find an IO function, Parrot searches the layer stack downwards until it finds a non-NULL function pointer for that particular slot.

This file implements the generic functionality. Specific layers are in separate files: src/io/io_buf.c, src/io/io_stdio.c, src/io/io_unix.c, src/io/io_win32.c, and src/io/io_layers.c.

The ParrotIO PMC provides the class-based interface that is used in Parrot ops. The ParrotIO struct is defined in src/io/io_private.h.

Resource Functions ^


#include "parrot/parrot.h" #include "io_private.h"

#include <stdarg.h> #include <assert.h>

/* HEADER: include/parrot/io.h */

/* This is list of valid layers */ ParrotIOLayer **pio_registered_layers = NULL;

/* This is the default stack used for IO. Copy this to each new interp */ /* ParrotIOLayer * pio_default_stack; */

/* The standard streams are:


PIOOFF_T piooffsetzero;


FUNCDOC: new_io_pmc

Creates and returns a new ParrotIO PMC.


PARROT_API PMC * new_io_pmc(Interp *interp, ParrotIO *io /*NULLOK*/) { PMC * const new_pmc = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ParrotIO); PMC_data(new_pmc) = io; PMC_struct_val(new_pmc) = io ? io->stack : NULL; return new_pmc; }


FUNCDOC: PIO_make_io_string

Creates a STRING* suitable for returning results from IO read functions. The passed in buf parameter can:

  1. Point to a NULL STRING
  2. Point to a real STRING
  3. Point to a fake STRING with (strstart, bufused) holding the *buffer information.

In the third case, the buffer or STRING must be able to hold the required amount of data. For cases 1 and 2, a NULL strstart tells this function to allocate the STRING memory.


STRING * PIO_make_io_string(Interp *interp, STRING **buf /*NN*/, size_t len) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { STRING *s; /* * when we get a NULL string, we read a default len */ if (*buf == NULL) { *buf = string_make_empty(interp, enum_stringrep_one, len); return *buf; } s = *buf; if (s->bufused < len) Parrot_allocate_string(interp, s, len); return s; }



Creates a new IO stream.

The values of flags and mode are set in the returned ParrotIO.

Currently iotype is unused.


PARROT_API ParrotIO * PIO_new(Interp *interp, INTVAL iotype, INTVAL flags, INTVAL mode) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIO * const new_io = (ParrotIO *)mem_sys_allocate(sizeof (ParrotIO)); UNUSED(iotype);

    new_io->fpos = new_io->lpos = piooffsetzero;
    new_io->flags = flags;
    new_io->mode = mode;
    new_io->stack = interp->piodata->default_stack;
    new_io->b.flags = 0;
    new_io->b.size = 0;
    new_io->b.startb = NULL;
    new_io->b.endb = NULL;
    new_io-> = NULL;
    return new_io;


FUNCDOC: PIO_destroy

Destroys the IO stream. At the moment, this only frees the memory and removes the pointers from the PMC.


PARROT_API void PIO_destroy(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/) { ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); UNUSED(interp);

    if (!io)
    if (io->b.startb && (io->b.flags & PIO_BF_MALLOC)) {
        io->b.startb = 0;
#if 0
     * PIO_destroy is called by PIO_close
     * XXX can't munmap now
    if (io->b.startb && (io->b.flags & PIO_BF_MMAP)) {
        munmap((void*)io->b.startb, io->b.size);
#  endif
        io->b.startb = io->b.endb = NULL;
        io->b.size = 0;
    if ((io->stack->flags & PIO_L_LAYER_COPIED)) {
        ParrotIOLayer *p;
        for (p = io->stack; p;) {
            ParrotIOLayer *down;
            /* if top got copied, all have to be malloced */
            assert(p->flags & PIO_L_LAYER_COPIED);
            down = p->down;
            if (p->api->Delete)
                (*p->api->Delete) (p);
            p = down;
    PMC_data(pmc) = NULL;
    PMC_struct_val(pmc) = NULL;



Sets up the interpreter's layer stack and creates the STD* handles.

Called when creating an interpreter.


PARROT_API void PIO_init(Interp *interp /*NN*/) { /* Has interp been initialized already? */ if (interp->piodata) { /* memsub system is up and running: */ /* Init IO stacks and handles for interp instance. */ if (PIO_init_stacks(interp) != 0) { internal_exception(PIO_ERROR, "PIO init stacks failed."); }

         * see also #36677
        if (!_PIO_STDIN(interp)) {
            _PIO_STDIN(interp) = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Undef);
        if (!_PIO_STDOUT(interp)) {
            _PIO_STDOUT(interp) = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Undef);
        if (!_PIO_STDERR(interp)) {
            _PIO_STDERR(interp) = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Undef);

        if (Interp_debug_TEST(interp, PARROT_START_DEBUG_FLAG)) {
            PIO_eprintf(NULL, "PIO: IO system initialized.\n");


    interp->piodata = mem_allocate_typed(ParrotIOData);
    if (interp->piodata == NULL)
        internal_exception(PIO_ERROR, "PIO alloc piodata failure.");
    interp->piodata->default_stack = NULL;
    interp->piodata->table = mem_sys_allocate_zeroed(PIO_NR_OPEN * sizeof(ParrotIO *));
    if (interp->piodata->table == NULL)
        internal_exception(PIO_ERROR, "PIO alloc table failure.");




Closes the interpreter's IO resourses. Called during its interpreter destruction.


PARROT_API void PIO_finish(Interp *interp /*NN*/) { ParrotIOLayer *layer; #if 0 PMC *pmc; ParrotIO *io; int i;

    /* When here, the PMC arena is already destroyed, these PMCs
     * aren't usable any more.
     * But ParrotIO::destroy should have flushed/closed all PIOs
     * already. If that's not quite true, we have to separate IO subsys
     * destruction into two parts (again).
    for (i = 0 ; i < PIO_NR_OPEN; i++) {
        if ((pmc = interp->piodata->table[i])) {
            layer = PMC_struct_val(pmc);
            io = PMC_data(pmc);
            PIO_close_down(interp, layer, io);
     * TODO free IO of std-handles
    for (layer = interp->piodata->default_stack; layer;) {
        ParrotIOLayer * const down = layer->down;
        if (layer->api->Delete)
            (*layer->api->Delete) (layer);
        layer = down;
    interp->piodata->table = NULL;
    interp->piodata = NULL;



FUNCDOC: PIO_internal_shutdown

IO system destructor, called on destruction of the last interpreter.


PARROT_API void PIO_internal_shutdown(Interp *interp) { UNUSED(interp); mem_sys_free(pio_registered_layers); pio_registered_layers = NULL; }


FUNCDOC: PIO_init_stacks

Initializes the interpreter's default IO stack by pushing on the IO layers (OS-specific first).


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_init_stacks(Interp *interp) { ParrotIOLayer *p, *bottom = NULL; int fill, n, i;

    /* First push the platform specific OS layer */
    /* Optimize this to keep a default stack and just
     * call copy stack.
#ifdef PIO_OS_UNIX
    PIO_push_layer(interp, PMCNULL, PIO_base_new_layer(&pio_unix_layer));
#ifdef PIO_OS_WIN32
    PIO_push_layer(interp, PMCNULL, PIO_base_new_layer(&pio_win32_layer));
    PIO_push_layer(interp, PMCNULL, PIO_base_new_layer(&pio_stdio_layer));
    PIO_push_layer(interp, PMCNULL, PIO_base_new_layer(&pio_buf_layer));

    fill = 0;
    if (!pio_registered_layers) {
        n = 5;  /* 2 default layers for now + utf8, mmap, string */
        pio_registered_layers = (ParrotIOLayer **)mem_sys_allocate(
                sizeof (ParrotIOLayer *) * (n + 1));
        fill = 1;

    /* Note: All layer pushes should be done before init calls */
    for (i = 0, p = interp->piodata->default_stack; p; p = p->down) {
        bottom = p;
        if (fill) {
            assert(i < n);
            pio_registered_layers[i++] = p;
            pio_registered_layers[i] = NULL;
     * Init calls where done top down, which seem quite wrong  - lower
     * levels need first to open e.g. STD*. Then the buffered layer can
     * set linebuffering or such
    for (p = bottom; p; p = p->up) {
        if (p->api->Init) {
            if ((*p->api->Init) (interp, p) != 0) {
                /* ignore err
                 * see also #36677
                char buf[1024];
                sprintf(buf, "Parrot IO: Failed init layer(%s).\n", p->name);
                internal_exception(PIO_ERROR, buf);
    if (fill) {
        assert(i == 2);
        assert(pio_registered_layers[2] == NULL);
        pio_registered_layers[2] = PIO_utf8_register_layer();
        pio_registered_layers[3] = PIO_mmap_register_layer();
        pio_registered_layers[4] = PIO_string_register_layer();
        pio_registered_layers[5] = NULL;

    return 0;


FUNCDOC: PIO_base_init

Init routine called once for each layer at interpreter creation time. This is similar to a Perl module INIT {} block.

This default implementation does nothing and returns 0.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_base_init(Interp *interp, ParrotIOLayer *l) { UNUSED(interp); UNUSED(l); return 0; }


Generic top-level ParrotIO interface ^

FUNCDOC: PIO_parse_open_flags

Parses *flagstr for Perl-style file open mode flags (<, >, >>, +<, +>) and returns the combined generic bit flags.

The low level OS layers may then interpret the generic bits differently depending on platform.

XXX BD Should this be static?


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_parse_open_flags(const char *flagstr /*NULLOK*/) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { INTVAL flags; const char *s;

    if (!flagstr || !(*flagstr))
        return 0;
    flags = 0;
    s = flagstr;
    /* Set mode flags - <, >, >>, +<, +> */
    switch (*s++) {
        case '+':
            flags |= (PIO_F_WRITE | PIO_F_READ);
            switch (*s++) {
                case '<':
                case '>':
                    flags |= PIO_F_TRUNC;
                    return 0;
        case '<':
            flags |= PIO_F_READ;
        case '>':
            flags |= PIO_F_WRITE;
            if (*s == '>') {
                flags |= PIO_F_APPEND;
            else {
                flags |= PIO_F_TRUNC;
        case '-':       /* -| read from pipe */
            if (*s == '|') {
                flags |= PIO_F_PIPE | PIO_F_READ;
        case '|':       /* |- write to pipe */
            if (*s == '-') {
                flags |= PIO_F_PIPE | PIO_F_WRITE;
            return 0;

    /* TODO: add ? and ! for block/non-block */
    switch (*s++) {
        case '\0':
            /* No extra arguments */
            return 0;

    return flags;



Iterates down the stack to the first layer implementing "Peek" API.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_peek(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, STRING **buffer /*NN*/) { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); if (!io) return -1; return PIO_peek_down(interp, l, io, buffer); }



General purpose interface for manipulating IO objects and layer attributes.

Refer to the PIOCTL* values in include/parrot/io.h.

All set operations return 0 on success and a negative value on error. get operations use the return value as the value requested, but should always be >= 0. A negative value indicates an error. This may be too limited, but we will see. --Melvin


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_pioctl(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, INTVAL cmd, INTVAL arg) {

    ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc);
    ParrotIOBuf * b;
    if (!io)
        return -1;
    b = &io->b;

    switch (cmd) {
       case PIOCTL_CMDSETRECSEP: io->recsep = arg;

       case PIOCTL_CMDGETRECSEP: return io->recsep;

            if (arg == PIOCTL_NONBUF)
               return PIO_setbuf(interp, pmc, 0);
            else if (arg == PIOCTL_LINEBUF)
               return PIO_setlinebuf(interp, pmc);
            else if (arg == PIOCTL_BLKBUF)
               return PIO_setbuf(interp, pmc, PIO_UNBOUND);
            else return -1;

            if (io->flags & PIO_F_LINEBUF) return PIOCTL_LINEBUF;
            if (io->flags & PIO_F_BLKBUF) return PIOCTL_BLKBUF;
            return PIOCTL_NONBUF;

            return PIO_setbuf(interp, pmc, arg);

             if (b) return b->size;
             else return -1;
       default: return -1;

    return 0;



Sets the buffer size for *pmc to bufsize. Returns 0 if the buffering was enabled.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_setbuf(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, size_t bufsize) { ParrotIOLayer * const layer = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); if (!io) return -1; PIO_flush(interp, pmc); return PIO_setbuf_down(interp, layer, io, bufsize); }


FUNCDOC: PIO_setlinebuf

Enables line buffering for *pmc. Returns 0 if line buffering was successfully set, or already enabled.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_setlinebuf(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/) { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); if (!io) return -1;

    return PIO_setlinebuf_down(interp, l, io);



Creates and returns a ParrotIO PMC for *spath.


PARROT_API PMC * PIO_open(Interp *interp, ParrotIOLayer *layer /*NULLOK*/, const char *spath /*NN*/, const char *sflags /*NN*/) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIO *io; const INTVAL flags = PIO_parse_open_flags(sflags);

    if (!layer) {
        layer = interp->piodata->default_stack;

    io = PIO_open_down(interp, layer, spath, flags);
    /* io could be null here but we still have to
     * to create a PMC for the caller, no PMCNULL here
     * as that would cause an exception upon access.
    if (io) {
        io->stack = layer;

    return new_io_pmc(interp, io);



Creates and returns a ParrotIO PMC for *spath on an existing, open file descriptor.

This is used particularly to initialize the STD* IO handles onto the OS IO handles (0,1,2).


PARROT_API PMC * PIO_fdopen(Interp *interp, ParrotIOLayer *layer /*NULLOK*/, PIOHANDLE fd, const char *sflags /*NN*/) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIO *io; INTVAL flags;

    if (!layer) {
        layer = interp->piodata->default_stack;

    flags = PIO_parse_open_flags(sflags);
    if (!flags)
        return NULL;

    io = PIO_fdopen_down(interp, layer, fd, flags);
    /* io could be null here but we still have to
     * to create a PMC for the caller, no PMCNULL here
     * as that would cause an exception upon access.
    if (io) {
        io->stack = layer;

    return new_io_pmc(interp, io);



Flushes, closes, and destroys the ParrotIO PMC *pmc.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_close(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NULLOK*/) { INTVAL res; ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); if (!io) return -1; PIO_flush(interp, pmc); /* XXX boe: is this neccessary here? */ res = PIO_close_down(interp, l, io); PIO_destroy(interp, pmc);

    return res;



Flushes the ParrotIO PMC *pmc.


PARROT_API void PIO_flush(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/) { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); if (!io) return;

    PIO_flush_down(interp, l, io);



Return a new STRING* holding up to len bytes.


Reads up to len bytes from *pmc and copies them into *buffer.


PARROT_API STRING * PIO_reads(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, size_t len) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { STRING *res = NULL; ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc);

    if (!io)
        return new_string_header(interp, 0);

    if (io->b.flags & PIO_BF_MMAP) {
        res = new_string_header(interp, 0);
        res->charset = Parrot_iso_8859_1_charset_ptr;   /* XXX binary */
        res->encoding = Parrot_fixed_8_encoding_ptr;
        res = PIO_make_io_string(interp, &res, len);

    res->bufused = len;
    PIO_read_down(interp, l, io, &res);

    return res;

PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_read(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, char *buffer /*NN*/, size_t len) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); STRING *res = new_string_header(interp, 0); if (!io) return -1;

    res->strstart = buffer;
    res->bufused = len;
    return PIO_read_down(interp, l, io, &res);



Writes len bytes from *buffer to *pmc.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_write(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, const void *buffer /*NN*/, size_t len) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); DECL_CONST_CAST;

    if (!io)
        return -1;

    if (io->flags & PIO_F_WRITE) {
        STRING fake;
        /* TODO skip utf8 translation layers if any */
        fake.strstart = (char *)const_cast(buffer);
        fake.strlen = fake.bufused = len;
        fake.charset = Parrot_default_charset_ptr;
        fake.encoding = Parrot_default_encoding_ptr;
        return PIO_write_down(interp, l, io, &fake);
        return 0;



Moves the read/write position of *pmc to offset bytes from the position indicated by w. Typically w will be 0 for the start of the file, 1 for the current position, and 2 for the end.


PARROT_API PIOOFF_T PIO_seek(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, PIOOFF_T offset, INTVAL w) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); if (!io) return -1;

    return PIO_seek_down(interp, l, io, offset, w);



Returns the current read/write position of *pmc.


PARROT_API PIOOFF_T PIO_tell(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); if (!io) return -1;

    return PIO_tell_down(interp, l, io);



Returns a boolean value indication whether *pmc's current read/write position is EOF.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_eof(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc);


    /* io could be null here, but rather than return a negative error
     * we just fake EOF since eof test is usually in a boolean context.
    if (io) {
        return (io->flags & (PIO_F_EOF)) ? 1 : 0;
    return 1;



Writes *s tp *pmc. C string version.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_puts(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, const char *s /*NN*/) { return PIO_write(interp, pmc, s, strlen(s)); }



Writes *s to *pmc. Parrot string version.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_putps(Interp *interp /*NN*/, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, STRING *s /*NULLOK*/) { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc); assert((unsigned long)l != 0xdeadbeefUL); assert(io != 0);

    if (!s)
        return 0;
    /* trigger GC for debug - but not during tests */
    if (0 && GC_DEBUG(interp))
        Parrot_do_dod_run(interp, DOD_trace_stack_FLAG);
    return PIO_write_down(interp, l, io, s);


FUNCDOC: PIO_fprintf

Writes a C string format with varargs to *pmc.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_fprintf(Interp *interp /*NN*/, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, const char *s /*NN*/, ...) { va_list args; INTVAL ret;

    va_start(args, s);

    ret=PIO_putps(interp, pmc, Parrot_vsprintf_c(interp, s, args));


    return ret;



Writes a C string format with varargs to stdout.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_printf(Interp *interp /*NN*/, const char *s /*NN*/, ...) { va_list args; INTVAL ret;

    va_start(args, s);

    if (interp) {
        STRING * const str = Parrot_vsprintf_c(interp, s, args);
        ret=PIO_putps(interp, _PIO_STDOUT(interp), str);
    else {
        /* Be nice about this...
         **   XXX BD Should this use the default PIO_STDOUT or something?
        ret=vfprintf(stdout, s, args);


    return ret;


FUNCDOC: PIO_eprintf

Writes a C string format with varargs to stderr.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_eprintf(Interp *interp /*NULLOK*/, const char *s /*NN*/, ...) { va_list args; INTVAL ret;

    va_start(args, s);

    if (interp) {
        STRING * const str = Parrot_vsprintf_c(interp, s, args);

        ret=PIO_putps(interp, _PIO_STDERR(interp), str);
    else {
        /* Be nice about this...
        **   XXX BD Should this use the default PIO_STDERR or something?
        ret=vfprintf(stderr, s, args);


    return ret;



Returns *pmc's file descriptor, or 0 if it is not defined.


PARROT_API PIOHANDLE PIO_getfd(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc);


    if (io) {
        return io->fd;

    return (PIOHANDLE)0;        /* XXX that's plain wrong --leo */


PIO_STD* Functions ^




Returns the ParrotIO PMC for stdin.


PARROT_API PMC * PIO_STDIN(Interp *interp /*NN*/) { return _PIO_STDIN(interp); }



Returns the ParrotIO PMC for stdout.


PARROT_API PMC * PIO_STDOUT(Interp *interp /*NN*/) { return _PIO_STDOUT(interp); }



Returns the ParrotIO PMC for stderr.


PARROT_API PMC * PIO_STDERR(Interp *interp) { return _PIO_STDERR(interp); }


DOD-related Functions ^

FUNCDOC: Parrot_IOData_mark

Called from trace_active_PMCs() to mark the IO data live.


PARROT_API void Parrot_IOData_mark(Interp *interp, ParrotIOData *piodata /*NN*/) { INTVAL i; ParrotIOTable table = piodata->table;

    /* this was i < PIO_NR_OPEN, but only standard handles 0..2 need
     * to be kept alive AFAIK -leo
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        if (table[i]) {
            pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)table[i]);


Offset Functions ^

These are used to create offsets for the seek op.

FUNCDOC: PIO_make_offset

Returns offset.


PIOOFF_T PIO_make_offset(INTVAL offset) { return offset; }


FUNCDOC: PIO_make_offset32

hi is shifted 32 bytes to the left and ored together with lo. This allows 64-bit seeks with only 32-bit INTVALS.


PIOOFF_T PIO_make_offset32(INTVAL hi, INTVAL lo) { return ((PIOOFF_T)hi << 31) | lo; }


FUNCDOC: PIO_make_offset_pmc

Returns the return value of the get_integer vtable method on *pmc.


PIOOFF_T PIO_make_offset_pmc(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc) { /* XXX: Maybe use bignums here */ return VTABLE_get_integer(interp, pmc); }


Networking Functions ^


Polls *pmc for the events in which every sec seconds + usec microseconds.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_poll(Interp *interp /*NN*/, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, INTVAL which, INTVAL sec, INTVAL usec) { ParrotIOLayer *l; ParrotIO *io;

    if ( PMC_IS_NULL(pmc) ) {
        real_exception(interp, NULL, E_ValueError, "Can't poll NULL pmc");

    l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc);
    io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data0(pmc);
    return PIO_poll_down(interp, l, io, which, sec, usec);



Creates and returns a socket using the specified address family, socket type, and protocol number. Check the returned PMC with a boolean test to see whether the socket was successfully created.


PARROT_API PMC * PIO_socket(Interp *interp, INTVAL fam, INTVAL type, INTVAL proto) { ParrotIOLayer * const l = interp->piodata->default_stack; ParrotIO * const io = PIO_socket_down(interp, l, fam, type, proto); /* We have to create a PMC here even if the IO handle * didn't create because caller has to be able to * check with a bool test. Can't use a NULL PMC in a bool * test as that will cause an exception. */ return new_io_pmc(interp, io); }



Receives a message from the connected socket *pmc in *buf. Returns -1 if it fails.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_recv(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, STRING **buf /*NN*/) { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data(pmc); if (!io) return -1;

    return PIO_recv_down(interp, l, io, buf);



Sends the message *buf to the connected socket *pmc. Returns -1 if it cannot send the message.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_send(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, STRING *buf /*NN*/) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data(pmc); if (!io) return -1;

    return PIO_send_down(interp, l, io, buf);


FUNCDOC: PIO_connect

Connects *pmc to *address. Returns -1 on failure.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_connect(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, STRING *address /*NN*/) { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data(pmc); if (!io) return -1;

    return PIO_connect_down(interp, l, io, address);



Binds *pmc's socket to the local address and port specified by *address. Returns -1 on failure.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_bind(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, STRING *address /*NN*/) { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data(pmc); if (!io) return -1;

    return PIO_bind_down(interp, l, io, address);



Listens for new connections on socket *pmc. Returns -1 on failure.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_listen(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/, INTVAL backlog) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data(pmc); if (!io) return -1;

    return PIO_listen_down(interp, l, io, backlog);



Accepts a new connection and returns a newly created ParrotIO socket. Returns NULL on failure.


PARROT_API PMC * PIO_accept(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/) { ParrotIO *io2; ParrotIOLayer * const l = (ParrotIOLayer *)PMC_struct_val(pmc); ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data(pmc);

    /* XXX - return NULL or -1 -- c (02 July 2006) */
    if (!io)
        return NULL;

    io2 = PIO_accept_down(interp, l, io);
    return new_io_pmc(interp, io2);



Returns a boolean value indicating whether *pmc is a console/tty.


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_isatty(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NN*/) /* PURE, WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIO * const io = (ParrotIO *)PMC_data(pmc);


    if (!io)
        return 0;

    return (io->flags & PIO_F_CONSOLE) ? 1 : 0;



io/io_buf.c, io/io_passdown.c, io/io_stdio.c, io/io_unix.c, io/io_win32.c, io/io_private.h.


Initially written by Melvin Smith.

Some ideas and goals from Perl 5.7 and Nick Ing-Simmons' work.


Rework to use copy-on-write IO stacks rather than creating a new stack for each IO stream.

Add support for loadable layers in Parrot bytecode.
