src/interpreter.c - Parrot Interpreter


The interpreter API handles running the operations.

The predereferenced code chunk is pre-initialized with the opcode function pointers, addresses, or opnumbers of the prederef__ opcode. This opcode then calls the do_prederef() function, which then fills in the real function, address or op number.

Because the prederef__ opcode returns the same pc_prederef it was passed, the runops loop will re-execute the same location, which will then have the pointer to the real prederef opfunc and prederef args.

Pointer arithmetic is used to determine the index into the bytecode corresponding to the currect opcode. The bytecode and prederef arrays have the same number of elements because there is a one-to-one mapping.

Functions ^


#include <assert.h> #include "parrot/parrot.h" #include "interp_guts.h" #include "parrot/oplib/core_ops.h" #include "parrot/oplib/core_ops_switch.h" #include "parrot/oplib/ops.h" #include "runops_cores.h" #if JIT_CAPABLE # include "parrot/exec.h" # include "jit.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_COMPUTED_GOTO # include "parrot/oplib/core_ops_cg.h" # include "parrot/oplib/core_ops_cgp.h" #endif #include "parrot/dynext.h"

/* HEADERIZER HFILE: none */ /* XXX Needs to get done at the same time as the other interpreter files */

/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */

static void dynop_register_switch( size_t n_old, size_t n_new ); static void dynop_register_xx( PARROT_INTERP, size_t n_old, size_t n_new, oplib_init_f init_func ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL static oplib_init_f get_op_lib_init( PARROT_INTERP, int core_op, int which, NOTNULL(PMC *lib) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(4);

static void init_prederef( PARROT_INTERP, int which ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

static void load_prederef( PARROT_INTERP, int which ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

static void notify_func_table( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(op_func_t* table), int on ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);

static void prederef_args( void **pc_prederef, PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(opcode_t *pc), NOTNULL(const op_info_t *opinfo) ) __attribute__nonnull__(2) __attribute__nonnull__(3) __attribute__nonnull__(4);

static opcode_t * runops_cgp( PARROT_INTERP, opcode_t *pc ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

static opcode_t * runops_exec( PARROT_INTERP, opcode_t *pc ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

static opcode_t * runops_jit( PARROT_INTERP, opcode_t *pc ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

static opcode_t * runops_switch( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(opcode_t *pc) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);

static void stop_prederef( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

static void turn_ev_check( PARROT_INTERP, int on ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

/* HEADERIZER END: static */


FUNCDOC: prederef_args

Called from do_prederef() to deal with any arguments.

pc_prederef is the current opcode.


static void prederef_args(void **pc_prederef, PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(opcode_t *pc), NOTNULL(const op_info_t *opinfo)) { const PackFile_ConstTable * const const_table = interp->code->const_table;

    const int regs_n = CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->n_regs_used[REGNO_NUM];
    const int regs_i = CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->n_regs_used[REGNO_INT];
    const int regs_p = CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->n_regs_used[REGNO_PMC];
    const int regs_s = CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->n_regs_used[REGNO_STR];
    /* prederef var part too */
    const int m = opinfo->op_count;
    int n = opinfo->op_count;
    int i;

    ADD_OP_VAR_PART(interp, interp->code, pc, n);
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        const opcode_t arg = pc[i];
        int type;
        if (i >= m) {
            PMC * const sig = (PMC*) pc_prederef[1];
            type = SIG_ITEM(sig, i - m);
            type = opinfo->types[i - 1];

        switch (type) {

        case PARROT_ARG_KI:
        case PARROT_ARG_I:
            if (arg < 0 || arg >= regs_i)
                real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERP_ERROR, "Illegal register number");
            pc_prederef[i] = (void *)REG_OFFS_INT(arg);

        case PARROT_ARG_N:
            if (arg < 0 || arg >= regs_n)
                real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERP_ERROR, "Illegal register number");
            pc_prederef[i] = (void *)REG_OFFS_NUM(arg);

        case PARROT_ARG_K:
        case PARROT_ARG_P:
            if (arg < 0 || arg >= regs_p)
                real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERP_ERROR, "Illegal register number");
            pc_prederef[i] = (void *)REG_OFFS_PMC(arg);

        case PARROT_ARG_S:
            if (arg < 0 || arg >= regs_s)
                real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERP_ERROR, "Illegal register number");
            pc_prederef[i] = (void *)REG_OFFS_STR(arg);

        case PARROT_ARG_KIC:
        case PARROT_ARG_IC:
            pc_prederef[i] = (void *)pc[i];

        case PARROT_ARG_NC:
            if (arg < 0 || arg >= const_table->const_count)
                real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERP_ERROR, "Illegal constant number");
            pc_prederef[i] = (void *) &const_table->constants[arg]->u.number;

        case PARROT_ARG_SC:
            if (arg < 0 || arg >= const_table->const_count)
                real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERP_ERROR, "Illegal constant number");
            pc_prederef[i] = (void *)const_table->constants[arg]->u.string;

        case PARROT_ARG_PC:
        case PARROT_ARG_KC:
            if (arg < 0 || arg >= const_table->const_count)
                real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERP_ERROR, "Illegal constant number");
            pc_prederef[i] = (void *)const_table->constants[arg]->u.key;
            real_exception(interp, NULL, ARG_OP_NOT_HANDLED,
                               "Unhandled argtype 0x%x\n", type);


FUNCDOC: do_prederef

This is called from within the run cores to predereference the current opcode.

pc_prederef is the current opcode, and type is the run core type.


void do_prederef(void **pc_prederef, PARROT_INTERP, int type) { const size_t offset = pc_prederef - interp->code->prederef.code; opcode_t * const pc = ((opcode_t *)interp->code-> + offset; const op_info_t *opinfo; size_t n;

    if (*pc < 0 || *pc >= (opcode_t)interp->op_count)
        real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERP_ERROR, "Illegal opcode");
    opinfo = &interp->op_info_table[*pc];
    /* first arguments - PIC needs it */
    prederef_args(pc_prederef, interp, pc, opinfo);
    switch (type) {
        case PARROT_SWITCH_CORE:
        case PARROT_CGP_CORE:
        case PARROT_CGP_JIT_CORE:
            parrot_PIC_prederef(interp, *pc, pc_prederef, type);
            real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Tried to prederef wrong core");
     * now remember backward branches, invoke and similar opcodes
    n = opinfo->op_count;
    if (((opinfo->jump & PARROT_JUMP_RELATIVE) &&
            opinfo->types[n - 2] == PARROT_ARG_IC &&
            pc[n - 1] < 0) ||   /* relative backward branch */
            (opinfo->jump & PARROT_JUMP_ADDRESS)) {
        Prederef * const pi = &interp->code->prederef;
         * first time prederef.branches == NULL:
         * estimate size to 1/16th of opcodes
        if (!pi->branches) {
            size_t nb = interp->code->base.size / 16;
            if (nb < 8)
                nb = (size_t)8;
            pi->branches = (Prederef_branch *)mem_sys_allocate(
                               sizeof (Prederef_branch) * nb);
            pi->n_allocated = nb;
            pi->n_branches = 0;
        else if (pi->n_branches >= pi->n_allocated) {
            pi->n_allocated = (size_t) (pi->n_allocated * 1.5);
            pi->branches = (Prederef_branch *)mem_sys_realloc(pi->branches,
                    sizeof (Prederef_branch) * pi->n_allocated);
        pi->branches[pi->n_branches].offs = offset;
        pi->branches[pi->n_branches].op = *pc_prederef;


FUNCDOC: turn_ev_check

Turn on or off event checking for prederefed cores.

Fills in the event_checker opcode, or restores original ops in all branch locations of the opcode stream.

Note that when on is true, this is being called from the event handler thread.


static void turn_ev_check(PARROT_INTERP, int on) { const Prederef * const pi = &interp->code->prederef; size_t i;

    if (!pi->branches)
    for (i = 0; i < pi->n_branches; ++i) {
        const size_t offs = pi->branches[i].offs;
        if (on) {
            interp->code->prederef.code[offs] =
                ((void **)interp->op_lib->op_func_table)
            interp->code->prederef.code[offs] = pi->branches[i].op;


FUNCDOC: get_op_lib_init

Returns an opcode's library op_lib init function.

core_op indicates whether the opcode represents a core Parrot operation.

which is the run core type.

For dynamic oplibs core_op will be 0 and lib will be a ParrotLibrary PMC.


PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL static oplib_init_f get_op_lib_init(PARROT_INTERP, int core_op, int which, NOTNULL(PMC *lib)) { if (core_op) { oplib_init_f init_func; switch (which) { case PARROT_SWITCH_CORE: case PARROT_SWITCH_JIT_CORE: init_func = PARROT_CORE_SWITCH_OPLIB_INIT; break; #ifdef HAVE_COMPUTED_GOTO case PARROT_CGP_CORE: case PARROT_CGP_JIT_CORE: init_func = PARROT_CORE_CGP_OPLIB_INIT; break; case PARROT_CGOTO_CORE: init_func = PARROT_CORE_CG_OPLIB_INIT; break; #endif case PARROT_EXEC_CORE: /* normal func core */ case PARROT_JIT_CORE: /* normal func core */ case PARROT_SLOW_CORE: /* normal func core */ case PARROT_FAST_CORE: /* normal func core */ init_func = PARROT_CORE_OPLIB_INIT; break; default: real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Couldn't find init_func for core %d", which); } return init_func; } return (oplib_init_f) D2FPTR(PMC_struct_val(lib)); }


FUNCDOC: load_prederef

interp->op_lib = prederefed oplib.


static void load_prederef(PARROT_INTERP, int which) { const oplib_init_f init_func = get_op_lib_init(interp, 1, which, NULL); int (*get_op)(const char * name, int full);

    get_op = interp->op_lib->op_code;
    interp->op_lib = init_func(1);
    /* preserve the get_op function */
    interp->op_lib->op_code = get_op;
    if (interp->op_lib->op_count != interp->op_count)
        real_exception(interp, NULL, PREDEREF_LOAD_ERROR,
                "Illegal op count (%d) in prederef oplib\n",


FUNCDOC: init_prederef

Initialize: load prederef func_table, file prederef.code.


static void init_prederef(PARROT_INTERP, int which) { load_prederef(interp, which); if (!interp->code->prederef.code) { const size_t N = interp->code->base.size; opcode_t *pc = interp->code->; size_t i, n_pics; void *pred_func; /* Parrot_memalign_if_possible in OpenBSD allocates 256 if you ask for 312 -- Need to verify this, it may have been a bug elsewhere. If it works now, we can remove the mem_sys_allocate_zeroed line below. */ #if 0 void **temp = (void **)mem_sys_allocate_zeroed(N * sizeof (void *)); #else void **temp = (void **)Parrot_memalign_if_possible(256, N * sizeof (void *)); #endif /* * calc and remember pred_offset */ CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->pred_offset = pc - (opcode_t*)temp;

        /* fill with the prederef__ opcode function */
        if (which == PARROT_SWITCH_CORE || which == PARROT_SWITCH_JIT_CORE)
            pred_func = (void*) CORE_OPS_prederef__;
            pred_func = ((void **)
        for (i = n_pics = 0; i < N;) {
            op_info_t * const opinfo = &interp->op_info_table[*pc];
            size_t n;

            temp[i] = pred_func;
            n = opinfo->op_count;
            ADD_OP_VAR_PART(interp, interp->code, pc, n);
            /* count ops that need a PIC */
            if (parrot_PIC_op_is_cached(*pc))
            pc += n;
            i += n;

        interp->code->prederef.code = temp;
        /* allocate pic store */
        if (n_pics) {
            /* pic_index is starting from 1 */
            parrot_PIC_alloc_store(interp->code, n_pics + 1);


FUNCDOC: stop_prederef

Restore the interpreter's op function tables to their initial state. Also recreate the event function pointers. This is only necessary for run-core changes, but we don't know the old run core.


static void stop_prederef(PARROT_INTERP) { interp->op_func_table = PARROT_CORE_OPLIB_INIT(1)->op_func_table; if (interp->evc_func_table) { mem_sys_free(interp->evc_func_table); interp->evc_func_table = NULL; } Parrot_setup_event_func_ptrs(interp); }



FUNCDOC: exec_init_prederef

interp->op_lib = prederefed oplib

The "normal" op_lib has a copy in the interpreter structure - but get the op_code lookup function from standard core prederef has no op_info_table


void exec_init_prederef(PARROT_INTERP, void *prederef_arena) { load_prederef(interp, PARROT_CGP_CORE);

    if (!interp->code->prederef.code) {
        size_t N = interp->code->base.size; /* XXX Unused */
        void **temp = (void **)prederef_arena;
        opcode_t *pc = interp->code->; /* XXX unused */

        interp->code->prederef.code = temp;
        /* TODO */


FUNCDOC: init_jit

Initializes JIT function for the specified opcode and returns it.


void * init_jit(PARROT_INTERP, opcode_t *pc) { #if JIT_CAPABLE opcode_t *code_start; UINTVAL code_size; /* in opcodes */ opcode_t *code_end; Parrot_jit_info_t *jit_info;

    if (interp->code->jit_info)
        return ((Parrot_jit_info_t *)interp->code->jit_info)->arena.start;

    code_start = interp->code->;
    code_size  = interp->code->base.size;
    code_end   = code_start + code_size;

# if defined HAVE_COMPUTED_GOTO && PARROT_I386_JIT_CGP # ifdef __GNUC__ # ifdef PARROT_I386 init_prederef(interp, PARROT_CGP_CORE); # endif # endif # endif

    interp->code->jit_info =
        jit_info = parrot_build_asm(interp, code_start, code_end,
            NULL, JIT_CODE_FILE);

    return jit_info->arena.start;
    return NULL;


FUNCDOC: prepare_for_run

Prepares to run the interpreter's run core.


void prepare_for_run(PARROT_INTERP) { switch (interp->run_core) { case PARROT_JIT_CORE: (void) init_jit(interp, interp->code->; break; case PARROT_SWITCH_CORE: case PARROT_SWITCH_JIT_CORE: case PARROT_CGP_CORE: case PARROT_CGP_JIT_CORE: init_prederef(interp, interp->run_core); break; default: break; } }

#ifdef PARROT_EXEC_OS_AIX extern void* aix_get_toc(); #endif


FUNCDOC: runops_jit

Runs the JIT code for the specified opcode.


static opcode_t * runops_jit(PARROT_INTERP, opcode_t *pc) { #if JIT_CAPABLE # ifdef PARROT_EXEC_OS_AIX /* AIX calling convention requires that function-call-by-ptr be made through the following struct: */ struct ptrgl_t { jit_f functPtr; void *toc; void *env; } ptrgl_t; ptrgl_t.functPtr = (jit_f) D2FPTR(init_jit(interp, pc)); ptrgl_t.env = NULL;

    /* r2 (TOC) needs to point back here so we can return from non-JIT
       functions */
    ptrgl_t.toc = aix_get_toc();

    ((jit_f) D2FPTR(&ptrgl_t)) (interp, pc);
#  else
    jit_f jit_code = (jit_f) D2FPTR(init_jit(interp, pc));
    (jit_code) (interp, pc);
#  endif
    return NULL;


FUNCDOC: runops_exec

Runs the native executable version of the specified opcode.


static opcode_t * runops_exec(PARROT_INTERP, opcode_t *pc) { #if EXEC_CAPABLE opcode_t *code_start; UINTVAL code_size; /* in opcodes */ opcode_t *code_end; extern int Parrot_exec_run;

    code_start = interp->code->;
    code_size = interp->code->base.size;
    code_end = code_start + code_size;
#  if defined HAVE_COMPUTED_GOTO && defined USE_CGP
#    ifdef __GNUC__
#      ifdef PARROT_I386
    init_prederef(interp, PARROT_CGP_CORE);
#      endif
#    endif
#  endif
    if (Parrot_exec_run == 2) {
        Parrot_exec_run = 0;
        Interp_core_SET(interp, PARROT_JIT_CORE);
        runops_jit(interp, pc);
        Interp_core_SET(interp, PARROT_EXEC_CORE);
    else if (Parrot_exec_run == 1) {
        Parrot_exec(interp, pc, code_start, code_end);
        run_native(interp, pc, code_start);

#else UNUSED(interp); UNUSED(pc); #endif return NULL; }


FUNCDOC: runops_cgp

Runs the C goto, predereferenced core.


static opcode_t * runops_cgp(PARROT_INTERP, opcode_t *pc) { #ifdef HAVE_COMPUTED_GOTO opcode_t *code_start = (opcode_t *)interp->code->; opcode_t *pc_prederef; init_prederef(interp, PARROT_CGP_CORE); pc_prederef = (opcode_t*)interp->code->prederef.code + (pc - code_start); pc = cgp_core(pc_prederef, interp); return pc; #else PIO_eprintf(interp, "Computed goto unavailable in this configuration.\n"); Parrot_exit(interp, 1); return NULL; #endif }


FUNCDOC: runops_switch

Runs the switch core.


static opcode_t * runops_switch(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(opcode_t *pc)) { opcode_t * const code_start = (opcode_t *)interp->code->; opcode_t *pc_prederef; init_prederef(interp, PARROT_SWITCH_CORE); pc_prederef = (opcode_t*)interp->code->prederef.code + (pc - code_start); pc = switch_core(pc_prederef, interp); return pc; }


FUNCDOC: runops_int

Run Parrot operations of loaded code segment until an end opcode is reached. Run core is selected depending on the Interp_flags. When a restart opcode is encountered, a different core may be selected and evaluation of opcode continues.


void runops_int(PARROT_INTERP, size_t offset) { int lo_var_ptr; opcode_t *(*core) (Interp *, opcode_t *) = (opcode_t *(*) (Interp *, opcode_t *)) 0;

    if (!interp->lo_var_ptr) {
         * if we are entering the run loop the first time
        interp->lo_var_ptr = (void *)&lo_var_ptr;

     * setup event function ptrs
    if (!interp->save_func_table) {

    interp->resume_offset = offset;
    interp->resume_flag |= RESUME_RESTART;

    while (interp->resume_flag & RESUME_RESTART) {
        opcode_t * const pc = (opcode_t *)
            interp->code-> + interp->resume_offset;

        interp->resume_offset = 0;
        interp->resume_flag &= ~(RESUME_RESTART | RESUME_INITIAL);
        switch (interp->run_core) {
            case PARROT_SLOW_CORE:

                core = runops_slow_core;

                if (Interp_flags_TEST(interp, PARROT_PROFILE_FLAG)) {
                    core = runops_profile_core;
                    if (interp->profile == NULL) {
                        interp->profile = mem_allocate_zeroed_typed(RunProfile);
                        interp->profile->data = (ProfData *)
                            mem_sys_allocate_zeroed((interp->op_count +
                                        PARROT_PROF_EXTRA) * sizeof (ProfData));
            case PARROT_FAST_CORE:
                core = runops_fast_core;
            case PARROT_CGOTO_CORE:
                core = runops_cgoto_core;
                real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Error: PARROT_CGOTO_CORE not available");
            case PARROT_CGP_CORE:
            case PARROT_CGP_JIT_CORE:
                core = runops_cgp;
                real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Error: PARROT_CGP_CORE not available");
            case PARROT_SWITCH_CORE:
            case PARROT_SWITCH_JIT_CORE:
                core = runops_switch;
            case PARROT_JIT_CORE:
                real_exception(interp, NULL, JIT_UNAVAILABLE,
                        "Error: PARROT_JIT_FLAG is set, "
                        "but interpreter is not JIT_CAPABLE!\n");
                core = runops_jit;
            case PARROT_EXEC_CORE:
                real_exception(interp, NULL, EXEC_UNAVAILABLE,
                        "Error: PARROT_EXEC_FLAG is set, "
                        "but interpreter is not EXEC_CAPABLE!\n");
                core = runops_exec;
                real_exception(interp, NULL, UNIMPLEMENTED,
                        "ambigious runcore switch used");

        /* run it finally */
        core(interp, pc);
        /* if we have fallen out with resume and we were running CGOTO, set
         * the stacktop again to a sane value, so that restarting the runloop
         * is ok.
        if (interp->resume_flag & RESUME_RESTART) {
            if ((int)interp->resume_offset < 0)
                real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "branch_cs: illegal resume offset");


FUNCDOC: Parrot_setup_event_func_ptrs

Setup a func_table containing pointers (or addresses) of the check_event__ opcode.

TODO: Free it at destroy. Handle run-core changes.


void Parrot_setup_event_func_ptrs(PARROT_INTERP) { const size_t n = interp->op_count; const oplib_init_f init_func = get_op_lib_init(interp, 1, interp->run_core, NULL); op_lib_t * const lib = init_func(1); /* * remember op_func_table */ interp->save_func_table = lib->op_func_table; if (!lib->op_func_table) return; /* function or CG core - prepare func_table */ if (!interp->evc_func_table) { size_t i;

        interp->evc_func_table = (op_func_t *)mem_sys_allocate(
                                     sizeof (op_func_t) * n);
        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            interp->evc_func_table[i] = (op_func_t)


Dynamic Loading Functions ^

FUNCDOC: dynop_register

Register a dynamic oplib.


void dynop_register(PARROT_INTERP, PMC* lib_pmc) { op_lib_t *lib, *core; oplib_init_f init_func; op_func_t *new_func_table, *new_evc_func_table; op_info_t *new_info_table; size_t i, n_old, n_new, n_tot;

    if (n_interpreters > 1) {
        /* This is not supported because oplibs are always shared.
         * If we mem_sys_reallocate() the op_func_table while another
         * interpreter is running using that exact op_func_table,
         * this will cause problems
         * Also, the mapping from op name to op number is global even for
         * dynops (!). The mapping is done by get_op in core_ops.c (even for
         * dynops) and uses a global hash as a cache and relies on modifications
         * to the static-scoped core_op_lib data structure to see dynops.
        real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "loading a new dynoplib while more than "
            "one thread is running is not supported.");

    if (!interp->all_op_libs)
        interp->all_op_libs = (op_lib_t **)mem_sys_allocate(
                sizeof (op_lib_t *) * (interp->n_libs + 1));
        interp->all_op_libs = (op_lib_t **)mem_sys_realloc(interp->all_op_libs,
                sizeof (op_lib_t *) * (interp->n_libs + 1));

    init_func = get_op_lib_init(interp, 0, 0, lib_pmc);
    lib = init_func(1);

    interp->all_op_libs[interp->n_libs++] = lib;
     * if we are registering an op_lib variant, called from below
     * the base names of this lib and the previous one are the same
    if (interp->n_libs >= 2 &&
                lib->name) == 0) ) {
        /* registering is handled below */
     * when called from yyparse, we have to set up the evc_func_table

    n_old = interp->op_count;
    n_new = lib->op_count;
    n_tot = n_old + n_new;

    assert(interp->op_count == core->op_count);
    new_evc_func_table = (op_func_t *)mem__sys_realloc(interp->evc_func_table,
            sizeof (op_func_t) * n_tot);
    if (core->flags & OP_FUNC_IS_ALLOCATED) {
        new_func_table = (op_func_t *)mem_sys_realloc(core->op_func_table,
                sizeof (op_func_t) * n_tot);
        new_info_table = (op_info_t *)mem_sys_realloc(core->op_info_table,
                sizeof (op_info_t) * n_tot);
    else {
         * allocate new op_func and info tables
        new_func_table = (op_func_t *)mem_sys_allocate(sizeof (op_func_t) * n_tot);
        new_info_table = (op_info_t *)mem_sys_allocate(sizeof (op_info_t) * n_tot);
        /* copy old */
        for (i = 0; i < n_old; ++i) {
            new_func_table[i] = interp->op_func_table[i];
            new_info_table[i] = interp->op_info_table[i];
    /* add new */
    for (i = n_old; i < n_tot; ++i) {
        new_func_table[i] = ((op_func_t*)lib->op_func_table)[i - n_old];
        new_info_table[i] = lib->op_info_table[i - n_old];
         * fill new ops of event checker func table
         * if we are running a different core, entries are
         * changed below
        new_evc_func_table[i] =
    interp->evc_func_table = new_evc_func_table;
    interp->save_func_table = new_func_table;
     * deinit core, so that it gets rehashed
    /* set table */
    core->op_func_table = interp->op_func_table = new_func_table;
    core->op_info_table = interp->op_info_table = new_info_table;
    core->op_count = interp->op_count = n_tot;
    /* done for plain core */
    dynop_register_xx(interp, n_old, n_new,
    dynop_register_xx(interp, n_old, n_new,
    dynop_register_switch(n_old, n_new);


FUNCDOC: dynop_register_xx

Register op_lib with other cores.


static void dynop_register_xx(PARROT_INTERP, size_t n_old, size_t n_new, oplib_init_f init_func) { op_lib_t *cg_lib, *new_lib; op_func_t *ops_addr = NULL; size_t n_tot; #if 0 /* related to CG and CGP ops issue below */ STRING *op_variant; #endif oplib_init_f new_init_func; PMC *lib_variant;

    n_tot = n_old + n_new;
    cg_lib = init_func(1);

    if (cg_lib->flags & OP_FUNC_IS_ALLOCATED) {
        ops_addr = (op_func_t *)mem_sys_realloc(cg_lib->op_func_table,
                n_tot * sizeof (op_func_t));
    else {
        size_t i;

        ops_addr = (op_func_t *)mem_sys_allocate(n_tot * sizeof (op_func_t));
        cg_lib->flags = OP_FUNC_IS_ALLOCATED;
        for (i = 0; i < n_old; ++i)
            ops_addr[i] = cg_lib->op_func_table[i];
     * XXX running CG and CGP ops currently works only via the wrapper
     * the problem is:
     *  The actual runcores cg_core and cgp_core are very big functions.
     *  The C compiler usually addresses "spilled" registers in the C stack.
     *  The loaded opcode lib is another possibly big function, but with
     *  a likely different stack layout. Directly jumping around between
     *  code locations in these two opcode functions works, but access
     *  to stack-ed (or spilled) variables fails badly.
     *  We would need to prepare the assembly source of the opcode
     *  lib so that all variable access on the stack has the same
     *  layout and compile the prepared assembly to ops_cgp?.o
     *  The switched core is different anyway, as we can't extend the
     *  compiled big switch statement with the new cases. We have
     *  always to use the wrapper__ opcode called from the default case.
#if 0
    /* check if the lib_pmc exists with a _xx flavor */
    new_init_func = get_op_lib_init(0, 0, lib_pmc);
    new_lib = new_init_func(1);
    op_variant = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp, "%s_ops%s",
            new_lib->name, cg_lib->suffix);
    lib_variant = Parrot_load_lib(interp, op_variant, NULL);
     * XXX running CG and CGP ops currently works only via the wrapper
    if (0 /*lib_variant */) {
        size_t i;

        new_init_func = get_op_lib_init(interp, 0, 0, lib_variant);
        new_lib = new_init_func(1);
        for (i = n_old; i < n_tot; ++i)
            ops_addr[i] = (new_lib->op_func_table)[i - n_old];
        new_lib->op_func_table = ops_addr;
        new_lib->op_count = n_tot;
        new_init_func((long) ops_addr);
    else {
        size_t i;
        /* if not install wrappers */
        /* fill new entries with the wrapper op */
        for (i = n_old; i < n_tot; ++i)
            ops_addr[i] = (cg_lib->op_func_table)[CORE_OPS_wrapper__];
     * if we are running this core, update event check ops
    if ((int)interp->run_core == cg_lib->core_type) {
        size_t i;

        for (i = n_old; i < n_tot; ++i)
            interp->evc_func_table[i] =
        interp->save_func_table = ops_addr;
     * tell the cg_core about the new jump table
    cg_lib->op_func_table = ops_addr;
    cg_lib->op_count = n_tot;
    init_func((long) ops_addr);

static void dynop_register_switch(size_t n_old, size_t n_new) { op_lib_t * const lib = PARROT_CORE_SWITCH_OPLIB_INIT(1); lib->op_count = n_old + n_new; }


FUNCDOC: notify_func_table

Tell the interpreter's running core about the new function table.


static void notify_func_table(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(op_func_t* table), int on) { const oplib_init_f init_func = get_op_lib_init(interp, 1, interp->run_core, NULL);

    init_func((long) table);
    switch (interp->run_core) {
        case PARROT_SLOW_CORE:      /* normal func core */
        case PARROT_FAST_CORE:      /* normal func core */
        case PARROT_CGOTO_CORE:      /* cgoto address list  */
            interp->op_func_table = table;
        case PARROT_CGP_CORE:
        case PARROT_CGP_JIT_CORE:
            turn_ev_check(interp, on);


FUNCDOC: disable_event_checking

Restore old function table.

XXX This is only implemented for the function core at present.


PARROT_API void disable_event_checking(PARROT_INTERP) { /* * restore func table */ assert(interp->save_func_table); notify_func_table(interp, interp->save_func_table, 0); }


FUNCDOC: enable_event_checking

Replace func table with one that does event checking for all opcodes.

NOTE: enable_event_checking() is called async by the event handler thread. All action done from here has to be async safe.

XXX This is only implemented for the function core at present.


PARROT_API void enable_event_checking(PARROT_INTERP) { /* * put table in place */ notify_func_table(interp, interp->evc_func_table, 1); }



include/parrot/interpreter.h, src/inter_cb.c, src/inter_create.c, src/inter_misc.c, src/inter_run.c.


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