src/register.c - Register handling routines


Parrot has 4 register sets, one for each of its basic types. The amount of registers in each set varies depending on the use counts of the respective subroutine and is determined by the PASM/PIR compiler in the register allocation pass (imcc/reg_alloc.c).

There is one register stack to support the saveall and restoreall opcodes. The former copies all registers to a newly allocated storage and points the register base pointers to this storage. In Parrot_pop_regs the register base pointers are restored to the previous values and the allocated register memory is discarded.

Context and Register Allocation Functions ^


#include "parrot/parrot.h" #include "parrot/register.h"

/* HEADERIZER HFILE: include/parrot/register.h */

/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */

static void clear_regs( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(parrot_context_t *ctx) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);

static void init_context( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(parrot_context_t *ctx), NULLOK(const parrot_context_t *old) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);

/* HEADERIZER END: static */

/* * Context and register frame layout * * +----------++----+------+------------+----+ * | context || N | I | P | S + * +----------++----+------+------------+----+ * ^ ^ ^ ^ * | | ctx.bp ctx.bp_ps * ctx.state opt * padding * * Registers are addressed as usual via the register base pointer ctx.bp. * * The macro CONTEXT() hides these details * */

/* * Context and register frame allocation * * There are two allocation strategies: chunked memory and malloced * with a free list. * * CHUNKED_CTX_MEM = 1 * * is a pointer to an allocated chunk of memory. * The pointer holds the next usable * location. With (full) continuations the pointer can't be * moved below the ctx_mem.threshold, which is the highest context pointer * of all active continuations. * [the code for this is incomplete; it had suffered some bit-rot and was * getting in the way of maintaining the other case. -- rgr, 4-Feb-06.] * * TODO GC has to lower this threshold when collecting continuations. * * CHUNKED_CTX_MEM = 0 * * Context/register memory is malloced. is used as a free * list of reusable items. */

#define CTX_ALLOC_SIZE 0x20000

#define ALIGNED_CTX_SIZE (((sizeof (Parrot_Context) + NUMVAL_SIZE - 1) \ / NUMVAL_SIZE) * NUMVAL_SIZE)

/* * Round register allocation size up to the nearest multiple of 8. A * granularity of 8 is arbitrary, it could have been some bigger power of 2. A * "slot" is an index into the free_list array. Each slot in free_list has a * linked list of pointers to already allocated contexts available for (re)use. * The slot where an available context is stored corresponds to the size of the * context. */



#if CHUNKED_CTX_MEM # error "Non-working code removed." #endif


FUNCDOC: destroy_context

Free allocated context memory


void destroy_context(PARROT_INTERP) { int slot; Parrot_Context *context;

    /* clear active contexts all the way back to the initial context */
    context = CONTEXT(interp->ctx);
    while (context) {
        Parrot_Context * const prev = context->caller_ctx;
        if (context->n_regs_used) {
            context->n_regs_used = NULL;
        context = prev;

    /* clear freed contexts */
    for (slot = 0; slot < interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots; ++slot) {
        void *ptr = interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot];
        while (ptr) {
            void * const next = *(void **) ptr;
            ptr = next;


FUNCDOC: create_initial_context

Create initial interpreter context.


void create_initial_context(PARROT_INTERP) { static INTVAL num_regs[] = {32,32,32,32}; Parrot_Context *ignored;

    /* Create some initial free_list slots. */

#define INITIAL_FREE_SLOTS 8 interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots = INITIAL_FREE_SLOTS; interp->ctx_mem.free_list = (void **)mem_sys_allocate_zeroed(INITIAL_FREE_SLOTS * sizeof (void *));

    /* For now create context with 32 regs each. Some src tests (and maybe
     * other extenders) assume the presence of these registers */
    ignored = Parrot_alloc_context(interp, num_regs);


FUNCDOC: parrot_gc_context

Cleanup dead context memory. Called by the garbage collector.


PARROT_API void parrot_gc_context(PARROT_INTERP) { #if CHUNKED_CTX_MEM parrot_context_t ctx;

    if (!interp->ctx_mem.threshold)
    LVALUE_CAST(char *, ctx.bp) = interp->ctx_mem.threshold -
        sizeof (parrot_regs_t);
    /* TODO */

static void clear_regs(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(parrot_context_t *ctx)) { int i;

    /* NULL out registers - P/S have to be NULL for GC
     * if the architecture has 0x := NULL and 0.0 we could memset too
    ctx->bp.regs_i = interp->ctx.bp.regs_i;
    ctx->bp_ps.regs_s = interp->ctx.bp_ps.regs_s;
    for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_PMC]; i++) {
        CTX_REG_PMC(ctx, i) = PMCNULL;
    for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_STR]; i++) {
        CTX_REG_STR(ctx, i) = NULL;

    if (Interp_debug_TEST(interp, PARROT_REG_DEBUG_FLAG)) {
        /* depending on -D40 we set int, num to garbage different garbage
         * TODO remove this code for parrot 1.0
        for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_INT]; i++) {
            CTX_REG_INT(ctx, i) = -999;
        for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_NUM]; i++) {
            CTX_REG_NUM(ctx, i) = -99.9;
    else {
        for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_INT]; i++) {
            CTX_REG_INT(ctx, i) = -888;
        for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_NUM]; i++) {
            CTX_REG_NUM(ctx, i) = -88.8;

static void init_context(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(parrot_context_t *ctx), NULLOK(const parrot_context_t *old)) { ctx->ref_count = 0; /* TODO 1 - Exceptions !!! */ ctx->current_results = NULL; ctx->results_signature = NULL; ctx->lex_pad = PMCNULL; ctx->outer_ctx = NULL; ctx->current_cont = NULL; ctx->current_object = NULL; /* XXX who clears it? */ ctx->current_HLL = 0;

    if (old) {
        /* some items should better be COW copied */
        ctx->constants = old->constants;
        ctx->reg_stack = old->reg_stack;     /* XXX move into interpreter? */
        ctx->user_stack = old->user_stack;   /* XXX move into interpreter? */
        ctx->warns = old->warns;
        ctx->errors = old->errors;
        ctx->trace_flags = old->trace_flags;
        ctx->pred_offset = old->pred_offset;
        ctx->current_HLL = old->current_HLL;
        ctx->current_namespace = old->current_namespace;
        /* end COW */
        ctx->recursion_depth = old->recursion_depth;
    /* other stuff is set inside Sub.invoke */
    clear_regs(interp, ctx);


FUNCDOC: Parrot_dup_context

Duplicate the passed context


PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL Parrot_Context * Parrot_dup_context(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(const Parrot_Context *old) ) { size_t diff; Parrot_Context *ctx; DECL_CONST_CAST;

    const size_t reg_alloc = old->regs_mem_size;
    const int slot = CALCULATE_SLOT_NUM(reg_alloc);
    void * ptr = interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot];

    if (ptr)
        interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot] = *(void **) ptr;
        ptr = (void *)mem_sys_allocate(reg_alloc + ALIGNED_CTX_SIZE);

    ctx = (Parrot_Context *)ptr;
    CONTEXT(interp->ctx) = ctx;

    ctx->regs_mem_size          = reg_alloc;
    ctx->n_regs_used            = (INTVAL *)mem_sys_allocate(sizeof (INTVAL) * 4);
    ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_INT] = old->n_regs_used[REGNO_INT];
    ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_NUM] = old->n_regs_used[REGNO_NUM];
    ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_STR] = old->n_regs_used[REGNO_STR];
    ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_PMC] = old->n_regs_used[REGNO_PMC];
    diff                        = (long *)ctx - (long *)const_cast(old);

    interp->ctx.bp.regs_i    += diff;
    interp->ctx.bp_ps.regs_s += diff;
    init_context(interp, ctx, old);
    return ctx;


FUNCDOC: Parrot_push_context

Remember old context in caller_ctx, suitable to use with Parrot_pop_context.


PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL Parrot_Context * Parrot_push_context(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(INTVAL *n_regs_used)) { Parrot_Context * const old = CONTEXT(interp->ctx); Parrot_Context * const ctx = Parrot_alloc_context(interp, n_regs_used);

    ctx->caller_ctx  = old;

    /* doesn't change */
    ctx->current_sub = old->current_sub;

    /* copy more ? */
    return ctx;


FUNCDOC: Parrot_pop_context

Free the context created with Parrot_push_context and restore the previous context.


PARROT_API void Parrot_pop_context(PARROT_INTERP) { Parrot_Context * const ctx = CONTEXT(interp->ctx); Parrot_Context * const old = ctx->caller_ctx;

    Parrot_free_context(interp, ctx, 1);

    /* restore old, set cached interpreter base pointers */
    CONTEXT(interp->ctx) = old;
    interp->ctx.bp       = old->bp;
    interp->ctx.bp_ps    = old->bp_ps;


FUNCDOC: Parrot_alloc_context

Allocate a new context and set the context pointer. Please note that the register usage n_regs_used is copied. The function returns the new context.


PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Parrot_Context * Parrot_alloc_context(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(INTVAL *number_regs_used)) { Parrot_Context *old, *ctx; void *ptr, *p;

     * TODO (OPT) if we allocate a new context due to a self-recursive call
     *      create a specialized version that just uses caller's size
    const size_t size_i = sizeof (INTVAL)   * number_regs_used[REGNO_INT];
    const size_t size_n = sizeof (FLOATVAL) * number_regs_used[REGNO_NUM];
    const size_t size_s = sizeof (STRING*)  * number_regs_used[REGNO_STR];
    const size_t size_p = sizeof (PMC*)     * number_regs_used[REGNO_PMC];

    const size_t size_nip      = size_n + size_i + size_p;
    const size_t all_regs_size = size_n + size_i + size_p + size_s;
    const size_t reg_alloc     = ROUND_ALLOC_SIZE(all_regs_size);
    const int    slot          = CALCULATE_SLOT_NUM(reg_alloc);

    /* this gets attached to the context, which should free it */
    INTVAL *n_regs_used    = (INTVAL *)mem_sys_allocate(sizeof (INTVAL) * 4);
    n_regs_used[REGNO_INT] = number_regs_used[REGNO_INT];
    n_regs_used[REGNO_NUM] = number_regs_used[REGNO_NUM];
    n_regs_used[REGNO_STR] = number_regs_used[REGNO_STR];
    n_regs_used[REGNO_PMC] = number_regs_used[REGNO_PMC];

     * If slot is beyond the end of the allocated list, extend the list to
     * allocate more slots.
    if (slot >= interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots) {
        const int extend_size = slot + 1;
        int i;

        interp->ctx_mem.free_list = (void **)mem_sys_realloc(
                interp->ctx_mem.free_list, extend_size * sizeof (void*));

        for (i = interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots; i < extend_size; ++i)
            interp->ctx_mem.free_list[i] = NULL;
        interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots = extend_size;

     * The free_list contains a linked list of pointers for each size (slot
     * index). Pop off an available context of the desired size from free_list.
     * If no contexts of the desired size are available, allocate a new one.
    ptr = interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot];
    old = CONTEXT(interp->ctx);

    if (ptr) {
         * Store the next pointer from the linked list for this size (slot
         * index) in free_list. On "*(void **) ptr", C won't dereference a void
         * * pointer (untyped), so type cast ptr to void** (a dereference-able
         * type) then dereference it to get a void*. Store the dereferenced
         * value (the next pointer in the linked list) in free_list.
        interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot] = *(void **) ptr;
    else {
        const size_t to_alloc = reg_alloc + ALIGNED_CTX_SIZE;
        if (old)
            ptr = mem_sys_allocate(to_alloc);
            ptr = mem_sys_allocate_zeroed(to_alloc);

#if CTX_LEAK_DEBUG if (Interp_debug_TEST(interp, PARROT_CTX_DESTROY_DEBUG_FLAG)) { fprintf(stderr, "[alloc ctx %p]\n", ptr); } #endif

    CONTEXT(interp->ctx) = ctx = (Parrot_Context *)ptr;

    ctx->regs_mem_size   = reg_alloc;
    ctx->n_regs_used     = n_regs_used;

    /* regs start past the context */
    p = (void *) ((char *)ptr + ALIGNED_CTX_SIZE);

    /* ctx.bp points to I0, which has Nx on the left */
    interp->ctx.bp.regs_i = (INTVAL*)((char*)p + size_n);

    /* ctx.bp_ps points to S0, which has Px on the left */
    interp->ctx.bp_ps.regs_s = (STRING**)((char*)p + size_nip);
    init_context(interp, ctx, old);

    return ctx;


FUNCDOC: Parrot_free_context

Free the context. If re_use is true, this function is called by a return continuation invoke, else from the destructor of a continuation.


PARROT_API void Parrot_free_context(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(Parrot_Context *ctxp), int re_use) { /* * The context structure has a reference count, initially 0. This field is * incrementented when a continuation that points to it is created -- either * directly, or when a continuation is cloned, or when a retcontinuation is * converted to a full continuation in invalidate_retc. To check for leaks, * (a) disable NDEBUG, (b) enable CTX_LEAK_DEBUG in interpreter.h, and (c) * excecute "debug 0x80" in a (preferably small) test case. * */ if (re_use || --ctxp->ref_count <= 0) { void *ptr; int slot;

#ifndef NDEBUG if ( Interp_debug_TEST(interp, PARROT_CTX_DESTROY_DEBUG_FLAG) && ctxp->current_sub) { /* can't probably PIO_eprintf here */ const Parrot_sub * const doomed = PMC_sub(ctxp->current_sub);

            fprintf(stderr, "[free  ctx %p of sub '%s']\n",
                    (void *)ctxp,
                    (doomed && doomed->name == (void*)0xdeadbeef
                     ? "???"
                     : (char*)doomed->name->strstart));
        if (ctxp->n_regs_used) {
            ctxp->n_regs_used = NULL;

        ptr  = ctxp;
        slot = CALCULATE_SLOT_NUM(ctxp->regs_mem_size);

        PARROT_ASSERT(slot < interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots);
        *(void **)ptr = interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot];
        interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot] = ptr;


FUNCDOC: Parrot_set_context_threshold

Mark the context as possible threshold.


PARROT_API void Parrot_set_context_threshold(PARROT_INTERP, NULLOK(Parrot_Context *ctxp)) { UNUSED(interp); UNUSED(ctxp); /* nothing to do */ }


Register Stack Functions ^


typedef struct save_regs_t { Regs_ni old_bp_ni; /* restoreall just resets ptrs */ Regs_ps old_bp_ps; Regs_ps bp_ps; /* pushed regs need DOD marking */ INTVAL n_regs_pmc; INTVAL n_regs_str; } save_regs_t;


FUNCDOC: setup_register_stacks

Set up the register stacks.


void setup_register_stacks(PARROT_INTERP) { CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->reg_stack = register_new_stack(interp, "Regs_", sizeof (save_regs_t));



FUNCDOC: Parrot_push_regs

Save all registers onto the register stack.


PARROT_API void Parrot_push_regs(PARROT_INTERP) { Stack_Chunk_t *chunk; size_t size_nip, size_nips; void *ptr;

    parrot_context_t * const ctx     = CONTEXT(interp->ctx);
    Stack_Chunk_t **   const chunk_p = &ctx->reg_stack;
    save_regs_t *      const save_r  =
        (save_regs_t *)stack_prepare_push(interp, chunk_p);

    save_r->old_bp_ni.regs_i = ctx->bp.regs_i;
    save_r->old_bp_ps.regs_s = ctx->bp_ps.regs_s;
    save_r->n_regs_str       = ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_STR];
    save_r->n_regs_pmc       = ctx->n_regs_used[REGNO_PMC];

    size_nips = size_nip + _SIZEOF_STRS;
    ptr       = mem_sys_allocate(size_nips);
    memcpy(ptr, (char*)ctx->bp.regs_i - _SIZEOF_NUMS, size_nips);
    interp->ctx.bp_ps.regs_s = ctx->bp_ps.regs_s =
        save_r->bp_ps.regs_s = (STRING **) ((char*) ptr + size_nip);
    interp->ctx.bp.regs_i = ctx->bp.regs_i =
        (INTVAL *) ((char*) ptr + _SIZEOF_NUMS);
    chunk = *chunk_p;
    PObj_bufstart(chunk) = ptr;
    PObj_buflen  (chunk) = size_nips;


FUNCDOC: Parrot_pop_regs

Restore all registers from register stack.


PARROT_API void Parrot_pop_regs(PARROT_INTERP) { parrot_context_t * const ctx = CONTEXT(interp->ctx); Stack_Chunk_t ** const chunk_p = &ctx->reg_stack; Stack_Chunk_t * const chunk = *chunk_p; save_regs_t * const save_r = (save_regs_t *)stack_prepare_pop(interp, chunk_p);

    /* restore register base pointers */
    interp->ctx.bp.regs_i    = ctx->bp.regs_i    =
    interp->ctx.bp_ps.regs_s = ctx->bp_ps.regs_s =
    /* deal with allocated memory, GC handles the chunk itself */
    PObj_bufstart(chunk) = NULL;
    PObj_buflen(chunk) = 0;


FUNCDOC: mark_register_stack

Marks the register stack and its registers as live.


void mark_register_stack(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(Stack_Chunk_t* chunk)) { for (; ; chunk = chunk->prev) { int i; save_regs_t *save_r; Interp_Context ctx;

        pobject_lives(interp, (PObj*)chunk);
        if (chunk == chunk->prev)
        save_r = (save_regs_t *)STACK_DATAP(chunk);
        ctx.bp.regs_i    = NULL;
        ctx.bp_ps.regs_p = save_r->old_bp_ps.regs_p;
        for (i = 0; i < save_r->n_regs_pmc; ++i) {
            PObj * const obj = (PObj *)CTX_REG_PMC(&ctx, i);
            if (obj)
                pobject_lives(interp, obj);
        for (i = 0; i < save_r->n_regs_str; ++i) {
            PObj * const obj = (PObj *)CTX_REG_STR(&ctx, i);
            if (obj)
                pobject_lives(interp, obj);

PARROT_API void Parrot_clear_i(PARROT_INTERP) { int i; for (i = 0; i < CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->n_regs_used[REGNO_INT]; ++i) REG_INT(interp, i) = 0; }

PARROT_API void Parrot_clear_s(PARROT_INTERP) { int i; for (i = 0; i < CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->n_regs_used[REGNO_STR]; ++i) REG_STR(interp, i) = NULL; }

PARROT_API void Parrot_clear_p(PARROT_INTERP) { int i; for (i = 0; i < CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->n_regs_used[REGNO_PMC]; ++i) REG_PMC(interp, i) = PMCNULL; }

PARROT_API void Parrot_clear_n(PARROT_INTERP) { int i; for (i = 0; i < CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->n_regs_used[REGNO_NUM]; ++i) REG_NUM(interp, i) = 0.0; }



include/parrot/register.h and src/stack_common.c


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