src/events.c - Event handling stuff


An event_thread handles async events for all interpreters. When events are due, they are placed in per interpreter task_queues, where they are handled then by the check_event* opcodes.

IO events and signals are caught in the io_thread, which again dispatches these to one or all interpreters.


#include "parrot/parrot.h" #include "parrot/events.h"

typedef struct pending_io_events { int n; int alloced; parrot_event **events; } pending_io_events;

/* HEADERIZER HFILE: include/parrot/events.h */ /* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */

PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static opcode_t * do_event( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(parrot_event* event), NULLOK(opcode_t *next) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);

PARROT_MALLOC PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL static QUEUE_ENTRY* dup_entry( NOTNULL(const QUEUE_ENTRY *entry) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL static QUEUE_ENTRY* dup_entry_interval( NOTNULL(QUEUE_ENTRY *entry), FLOATVAL now ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static void* event_thread( NOTNULL(void *data) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

static void event_to_exception( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(const parrot_event* event) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);

static void init_events_all( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

static void init_events_first( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static void* io_thread( SHIM(void *data) );

static void io_thread_ready_rd( NOTNULL(pending_io_events *ios), int ready_rd ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

static void Parrot_sigaction( int sig, NULLOK(void (*handler)(int)) ); static void Parrot_unblock_signal( int sig ); static int process_events( NOTNULL(QUEUE *event_q) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

static void schedule_signal_event( int signum ); static void sig_handler( int signum ); static void stop_io_thread( void ); static void store_io_event( NOTNULL(pending_io_events *ios), NOTNULL(parrot_event *ev) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);

PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static opcode_t * wait_for_wakeup( PARROT_INTERP, NULLOK(opcode_t *next) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);

/* HEADERIZER END: static */

/* * event debugging stuff - turn it off before running tests */ #define EVENT_DEBUG 0 /* * not yet - need to sort out platform code and fix exceptions first * TODO get some config for POSIX compliant * TODO create API for extenders like ponie - events disabled for now */ #if defined(linux) || defined(darwin) # define INSTALL_EVENT_HANDLER 0 #else # define INSTALL_EVENT_HANDLER 0 #endif

#if EVENT_DEBUG # define edebug(x) fprintf x static const char *ev_names[] = { "EVENT_TYPE_NONE", "EVENT_TYPE_EVENT", "EVENT_TYPE_IO", "EVENT_TYPE_MSG", "EVENT_TYPE_TIMER", "EVENT_TYPE_CALL_BACK", "EVENT_TYPE_SLEEP", "EVENT_TYPE_TERMINATE", "EVENT_TYPE_EVENT_TERMINATE", "EVENT_TYPE_CLASS_CHANGED", "EVENT_TYPE_SIGNAL", "EVENT_TYPE_SUSPEND_FOR_GC" }; static const char* et(const parrot_event* const e) { return ev_names[e->type]; }

#else # define edebug(x) #endif

/* forward defs */

/* * we have exactly one global event_queue * TODO task prio handling */ static QUEUE *event_queue; #define TASK_PRIO 10

/* * user accessible signals like SIGINT */ #ifndef SIGINT # define SIGINT -4711 #endif #ifndef SIGHUP # define SIGHUP -4712 #endif

/* * XXX need a configure test * should be sig_atomic_t */ static int sig_int, sig_hup;

/* * a pipe is used to send messages to the IO thread */ static int pipe_fds[2]; #define PIPE_READ_FD pipe_fds[0] #define PIPE_WRITE_FD pipe_fds[1]

/* * a structure to communicate with the io_thread */ typedef struct io_thread_msg { INTVAL command; parrot_event *ev; } io_thread_msg;


Signal Handling ^

FUNCDOC: sig_handler

Handle signal signum.

TODO - Only SIGHUP is handled at the moment for testing


static void sig_handler(int signum) { switch (signum) { case SIGINT: sig_int = 1; break; case SIGHUP: sig_hup = 1; break; } }


FUNCDOC: Parrot_sigaction

Signal handlers are common to all threads, signal block masks are specific, so we install one handler then block that signal and unblock it in the thread, that will receive that signal.


static void Parrot_sigaction(int sig, NULLOK(void (*handler)(int))) { #if PARROT_HAS_SIGACTION struct sigaction action; sigset_t block_mask;

    /* install handler */
    action.sa_handler = handler;
    action.sa_flags = 0;
    sigaction(sig, &action, NULL);

    /* block that signal */
    sigaddset(&block_mask, sig);
    sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &block_mask, NULL);

/* * unblock a signal */ static void Parrot_unblock_signal(int sig) { #if PARROT_HAS_SIGACTION sigset_t block_mask;

    sigaddset(&block_mask, sig);
    sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &block_mask, NULL);

PARROT_API void Parrot_init_signals(void) { /* * SIGFPE is architecture specific - some signal an error, * some don't, so we have to use direct checks if we are dividing * by zero. */ Parrot_sigaction(SIGHUP, sig_handler); }


Initialization ^

FUNCDOC: init_events_first

Init event system for first interpreter.


static void init_events_first(PARROT_INTERP) { Parrot_thread ev_handle; #ifndef WIN32 Parrot_thread io_handle; #endif

     * be sure all init is done only once
     * we could use pthread_once for that too
    if (event_queue)
        PANIC(interp, "event queue already exists - missing parent_interp?");
     * create event queue
    event_queue = queue_init(TASK_PRIO);
     * we use a message pipe to send IO related stuff to the
     * IO thread
#ifndef WIN32
     * pipes on WIN32 don't support select
     * s. p6i: "event.c - of signals and pipes"
    if (pipe(pipe_fds))
        real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Couldn't create message pipe");
     * now set some sig handlers before any thread is started, so
     * that all threads inherit the signal block mask
     * we start an event_handler thread
    THREAD_CREATE_DETACHED(ev_handle, event_thread, event_queue);
     * and a signal and IO handler thread
#ifndef WIN32
    THREAD_CREATE_DETACHED(io_handle, io_thread, event_queue);


FUNCDOC: init_events_all

Init events for all interpreters.


static void init_events_all(PARROT_INTERP) { /* * create per interpreter task queue */ interp->task_queue = queue_init(0); }


FUNCDOC: Parrot_init_events

Initialize the event system.


PARROT_API void Parrot_init_events(PARROT_INTERP) { if (!interp->parent_interpreter) { /* add the very first interpreter to the list of interps. */ pt_add_to_interpreters(interp, NULL); init_events_first(interp); } init_events_all(interp); }


Event Handler Functions ^

FUNCDOC: Parrot_schedule_event

Create queue entry and insert event into task queue.


PARROT_API void Parrot_schedule_event(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(parrot_event* ev)) { QUEUE_ENTRY* const entry = mem_allocate_typed(QUEUE_ENTRY); entry->next = NULL; ev->interp = interp; entry->data = ev; switch (ev->type) { case EVENT_TYPE_TIMER: case EVENT_TYPE_SLEEP: entry->type = QUEUE_ENTRY_TYPE_TIMED_EVENT; insert_entry(event_queue, entry); break; case EVENT_TYPE_CALL_BACK: case EVENT_TYPE_SIGNAL: case EVENT_TYPE_IO: entry->type = QUEUE_ENTRY_TYPE_EVENT; unshift_entry(event_queue, entry); break; default: entry->type = QUEUE_ENTRY_TYPE_EVENT; push_entry(event_queue, entry); break; } }

/* * create and schedule a signal event */ static void schedule_signal_event(int signum) { parrot_event* const ev = mem_allocate_typed(parrot_event); QUEUE_ENTRY * const entry = mem_allocate_typed(QUEUE_ENTRY);

    entry->next = NULL;
    entry->type = QUEUE_ENTRY_TYPE_EVENT;
    ev->type = EVENT_TYPE_SIGNAL;
    ev->u.signal = signum;
    entry->data = ev;
     * deliver to all interpreters


FUNCDOC: Parrot_new_timer_event

Create a new timer event due at diff from now, repeated at interval and running the passed sub.


PARROT_API void Parrot_new_timer_event(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(PMC *timer), FLOATVAL diff, FLOATVAL interval, int repeat, NULLOK(PMC *sub), parrot_event_type_enum typ) { parrot_event* const ev = mem_allocate_typed(parrot_event);

    const FLOATVAL now = Parrot_floatval_time();

    ev->type                   = typ;
    ev->u.timer_event.timer    = timer;
    ev->u.timer_event.abs_time = now + diff;
    ev->u.timer_event.interval = interval;
    ev->u.timer_event.repeat   = repeat;
    ev->u.timer_event.sub      = sub;

    if (repeat && FLOAT_IS_ZERO(interval))
        ev->u.timer_event.interval = diff;

    Parrot_schedule_event(interp, ev);


FUNCDOC: Parrot_new_cb_event

Prepare and schedule a callback event.


PARROT_API void Parrot_new_cb_event(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(PMC *cbi), NOTNULL(char *ext)) { parrot_event* const ev = mem_allocate_typed(parrot_event); QUEUE_ENTRY* const entry = mem_allocate_typed(QUEUE_ENTRY);

    entry->next = NULL;
    entry->data = ev;
    ev->interp = interp;
    ev->type = EVENT_TYPE_CALL_BACK;
    ev->u.call_back.cbi = cbi;
    ev->u.call_back.external_data = ext;
    Parrot_schedule_interp_qentry(interp, entry);


FUNCDOC: Parrot_del_timer_event

Deactivate the timer identified by timer.


PARROT_API void Parrot_del_timer_event(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(PMC *timer)) { QUEUE_ENTRY *entry;


    for (entry = event_queue->head; entry; entry = entry->next) {
        if (entry->type == QUEUE_ENTRY_TYPE_TIMED_EVENT) {

            parrot_event * const event = (parrot_event *)entry->data;

            if (event->interp == interp
                    && event->u.timer_event.timer == timer) {
                event->u.timer_event.interval = 0.0;
                event->type = EVENT_TYPE_NONE;


FUNCDOC: Parrot_new_terminate_event

Create a terminate event, interpreter will leave the run-loop when this event arrives.


PARROT_API void Parrot_new_terminate_event(PARROT_INTERP) { parrot_event* const ev = mem_allocate_typed(parrot_event); ev->type = EVENT_TYPE_TERMINATE; Parrot_schedule_event(interp, ev); }


FUNCDOC: Parrot_new_suspend_for_gc_event

Create a suspend-for-GC event, interpreter will wait on a condition variable for GC to finish when the event arrives.


PARROT_API void Parrot_new_suspend_for_gc_event(PARROT_INTERP) { QUEUE_ENTRY *qe; parrot_event* const ev = mem_allocate_typed(parrot_event); ev->type = EVENT_TYPE_SUSPEND_FOR_GC; qe = mem_allocate_typed(QUEUE_ENTRY); qe->next = NULL; qe->data = ev; qe->type = QUEUE_ENTRY_TYPE_EVENT; /* we don't use schedule_event because we must modify its * task queue immediately */ Parrot_schedule_interp_qentry(interp, qe); }


FUNCDOC: Parrot_kill_event_loop

Schedule event-loop terminate event. This shuts down the event thread.


PARROT_API void Parrot_kill_event_loop(void) { parrot_event* const ev = mem_allocate_typed(parrot_event); ev->type = EVENT_TYPE_EVENT_TERMINATE; Parrot_schedule_event(NULL, ev); }


FUNCDOC: Parrot_schedule_interp_qentry

Put a queue entry into the interpreters task queue and enable event checking for the interpreter.


PARROT_API void Parrot_schedule_interp_qentry(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(struct QUEUE_ENTRY *entry)) { parrot_event * const event = (parrot_event *)entry->data; /* * sleep checks events when it awakes */ edebug((stderr, "got entry - schedule_inter_qentry %s\n", et(event))); if (event->type != EVENT_TYPE_SLEEP) enable_event_checking(interp); /* * do push_entry last - this signales the queue condition so the * interpreter might starting process that event immediately * * we should better use a priority for placing the event * in front or at the end of the queue */ switch (event->type) { case EVENT_TYPE_CALL_BACK: case EVENT_TYPE_SIGNAL: unshift_entry(interp->task_queue, entry); break; default: push_entry(interp->task_queue, entry); break; } }


FUNCDOC: Parrot_schedule_broadcast_qentry

Broadcast an event.


void Parrot_schedule_broadcast_qentry(NOTNULL(struct QUEUE_ENTRY *entry)) { parrot_event * const event = (parrot_event *)entry->data;

    switch (event->type) {
        case EVENT_TYPE_SIGNAL:
            edebug((stderr, "broadcast signal\n"));
             * we don't have special signal handlers in usercode yet
             * e.g.:
             * install handler like exception handler *and*
             * set a interpreter flag, that a handler exists
             * we then could examine that flag (after LOCKing it)
             * and dispatch the exception to all interpreters that
             * handle it
             * Finally, we send the first (main) interpreter that signal
             * For now just send to all.
            switch (event->u.signal) {
                case SIGHUP:
                case SIGINT:
                    if (n_interpreters) {
                        size_t i;
                        for (i = 1; i < n_interpreters; ++i) {
                            Interp *interp;
                            edebug((stderr, "deliver SIGINT to %d\n", i));
                            interp = interpreter_array[i];
                            if (interp)
                    Parrot_schedule_interp_qentry(interpreter_array[0], entry);
                    edebug((stderr, "deliver SIGINT to 0\n"));
            internal_exception(1, "Unknown event to broadcast");


IO Thread Handling ^

FUNCDOC: io_thread

The IO thread uses select/poll to handle IO events and signals.

It waits on input from the message pipe to insert file descriptors in the wait sets.


#ifndef WIN32

static void store_io_event(NOTNULL(pending_io_events *ios), NOTNULL(parrot_event *ev)) { if (!ios->alloced) { ios->events = (parrot_event **)mem_sys_allocate(16 * sizeof (ev)); ios->alloced = 16; } else if (ios->n == ios->alloced - 1) { ios->alloced <<= 1; ios->events = (parrot_event **)mem_sys_realloc(ios->events, (ios->alloced * sizeof (ev))); } ios->events[ios->n++] = ev; }

static void io_thread_ready_rd(NOTNULL(pending_io_events *ios), int ready_rd) { int i;

    for (i = 0; i < ios->n; ++i) {
        parrot_event * const ev = ios->events[i];
        PMC * const pio = ev->u.io_event.pio;
        const int fd = PIO_getfd(NULL, pio);
        if (fd == ready_rd) {
            /* remove from event list */
            for (; i < ios->n; ++i)
                ios->events[i] = ios->events[i+1];
            Parrot_schedule_event(ev->interp, ev);

PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static void* io_thread(SHIM(void *data)) { fd_set act_rfds, act_wfds; int n_highest, i; int running = 1; pending_io_events ios;

    ios.n       = 0;
    ios.alloced = 0;  = 0;
    /* remember pending io events */

     * Watch the reader end of the pipe for messages
    FD_SET(PIPE_READ_FD, &act_rfds);
    n_highest = PIPE_READ_FD + 1;
     * all signals that we shall handle here have to be unblocked
     * in this and only in this thread
    while (running) {
        fd_set rfds = act_rfds;
        fd_set wfds = act_wfds;
        const int retval = select(n_highest, &rfds, &wfds, NULL, NULL);

        switch (retval) {
            case -1:
                if (errno == EINTR) {
                    edebug((stderr, "select EINTR\n"));
                    if (sig_int) {
                        edebug((stderr, "int arrived\n"));
                        sig_int = 0;
                         * signal the event thread
                    if (sig_hup) {
                        edebug((stderr, "int arrived\n"));
                        sig_hup = 0;
                         * signal the event thread

            case 0:     /* timeout - can't happen */
                edebug((stderr, "IO ready\n"));
                for (i = 0; i < n_highest; ++i) {
                    if (FD_ISSET(i, &rfds)) {
                        if (i == PIPE_READ_FD) {
                            io_thread_msg buf;
                             * a command arrived
                            edebug((stderr, "msg arrived\n"));
                            if (read(PIPE_READ_FD, &buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf))
                                        "read error from msg pipe");
                            switch (buf.command) {
                                case IO_THR_MSG_TERMINATE:
                                    running = 0;
                                case IO_THR_MSG_ADD_SELECT_RD:
                                        PMC * const pio = buf.ev->u.io_event.pio;
                                        const int fd = PIO_getfd(NULL, pio);
                                        if (FD_ISSET(fd, &act_rfds)) {
                                        FD_SET(fd, &act_rfds);
                                        if (fd >= n_highest)
                                            n_highest = fd + 1;
                                        store_io_event(&ios, buf.ev);
                                    /* TODO */
                                            "unhandled msg in pipe");

                        else {
                             * one of the io_event fds is ready
                             * remove from active set, as we don't
                             * want to fire again during io_handler
                             * invocation
                            FD_CLR(i, &act_rfds);
                            io_thread_ready_rd(&ios, i);
                /* TODO check fds */
    edebug((stderr, "IO thread terminated\n"));
    return NULL;


FUNCDOC: stop_io_thread

Tell the IO thread to stop.


static void stop_io_thread(void) { #ifndef WIN32 io_thread_msg buf; /* * tell IO thread to stop */ memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.command = IO_THR_MSG_TERMINATE; if (write(PIPE_WRITE_FD, &buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) internal_exception(1, "msg pipe write failed"); #endif }

PARROT_API void Parrot_event_add_io_event(PARROT_INTERP, NULLOK(PMC *pio), NULLOK(PMC *sub), NULLOK(PMC *data), INTVAL which) { io_thread_msg buf; parrot_event * const event = mem_allocate_typed(parrot_event);

    event->type        = EVENT_TYPE_IO;
    event->interp      = interp;
     * TODO dod_register these PMCs as long as the event system
     *      owns these 3
     *      unregister, when event is passed to interp again
    event->u.io_event.pio       = pio;
    event->u.io_event.handler   = sub;
    event->u.io_event.user_data = data;

    buf.command = which;
    buf.ev      = event;
#ifndef WIN32
    if (write(PIPE_WRITE_FD, &buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf))
        real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "msg pipe write failed");


Event Handler Thread Functions ^

FUNCDOC: dup_entry

Duplicate queue entry.


PARROT_MALLOC PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL static QUEUE_ENTRY* dup_entry(NOTNULL(const QUEUE_ENTRY *entry)) { QUEUE_ENTRY * const new_entry = mem_allocate_typed(QUEUE_ENTRY);

    new_entry->next = NULL;
    new_entry->type = entry->type;
    new_entry->data = mem_allocate_typed(parrot_event);

    mem_sys_memcopy(new_entry->data, entry->data, sizeof (parrot_event));
    return new_entry;


FUNCDOC: dup_entry_interval

Duplicate timed entry and add interval to abs_time.


PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL static QUEUE_ENTRY* dup_entry_interval(NOTNULL(QUEUE_ENTRY *entry), FLOATVAL now) { QUEUE_ENTRY * const new_entry = dup_entry(entry); parrot_event * const event = (parrot_event *)new_entry->data;

    event->u.timer_event.abs_time = now + event->u.timer_event.interval;

    return new_entry;


FUNCDOC: process_events

Do something, when an event arrived caller has locked the mutex returns 0 if event thread terminates.


static int process_events(NOTNULL(QUEUE *event_q)) { FLOATVAL now; QUEUE_ENTRY *entry;

    while ((entry = peek_entry(event_q)) != NULL) {
         * one or more entries arrived - we hold the mutex again
         * so we have to use the nonsyc_pop_entry to pop off event entries
        parrot_event *event = NULL;

        switch (entry->type) {
            case QUEUE_ENTRY_TYPE_EVENT:
                entry = nosync_pop_entry(event_q);
                event = (parrot_event *)entry->data;

                event = (parrot_event *)entry->data;
                now   = Parrot_floatval_time();

                 * if the timer_event isn't due yet, ignore the event
                 * (we were signalled on insert of the event)
                 * wait until we get at it again when time has elapsed
                if (now < event->u.timer_event.abs_time)
                    return 1;
                entry = nosync_pop_entry(event_q);

                /* if event is repeated dup and reinsert it */

                if (event->u.timer_event.interval) {
                    if (event->u.timer_event.repeat) {
                        if (event->u.timer_event.repeat != -1)
                                dup_entry_interval(entry, now));
                internal_exception(1, "Unknown queue entry");
        if (event->type == EVENT_TYPE_NONE) {
        else if (event->type == EVENT_TYPE_EVENT_TERMINATE) {

            return 0;
         * now insert entry in interpreter task queue
        if (event->interp) {
            Parrot_schedule_interp_qentry(event->interp, entry);
        else {
    } /* while events */
    return 1;


FUNCDOC: event_thread

The event thread is started by the first interpreter. It handles all events for all interpreters.


PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static void* event_thread(NOTNULL(void *data)) { QUEUE * const event_q = (QUEUE *) data; int running = 1;

     * we might already have an event in the queue
    if (peek_entry(event_q))
        running = process_events(event_q);
    while (running) {
        QUEUE_ENTRY * const entry = peek_entry(event_q);

        if (!entry) {
            /* wait infinite until entry arrives */
        else if (entry->type == QUEUE_ENTRY_TYPE_TIMED_EVENT) {
            /* do a_timedwait for entry */
            struct timespec abs_time;
            parrot_event * const event = (parrot_event*)entry->data;
            const FLOATVAL when = event->u.timer_event.abs_time;

            abs_time.tv_sec = (time_t) when;
            abs_time.tv_nsec = (long)((when - abs_time.tv_sec)*1000.0f)
            queue_timedwait(event_q, &abs_time);
        else {
            /* we shouldn't get here probably
            internal_exception(1, "Spurious event");

         * one or more entries arrived - we hold the mutex again
         * so we have to use the nonsync_pop_entry to pop off event entries
        running = process_events(event_q);
    } /* event loop */
     * the main interpreter is dying
     * TODO empty the queue
    edebug((stderr, "event thread stopped\n"));
    return NULL;


Sleep Handling ^

FUNCDOC: wait_for_wakeup

Sleep on the event queue condition. If an event arrives, the event is processed. Terminate the loop if sleeping is finished.


PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static opcode_t * wait_for_wakeup(PARROT_INTERP, NULLOK(opcode_t *next)) { QUEUE * const tq = interp->task_queue;

    interp->sleeping = 1;

     * event handler like callbacks or timers are run as normal code
     * so inside such an event handler function, another event might get
     * handled, which is good (higher priority events can interrupt
     * other event handler).  OTOH we must ensure that all state changes
     * are done in do_event and we should probably suspend nested
     * event handlers sometimes
     * FIXME: the same is true for the *next param:
     *        get rid of that, instead mangle the resume flags
     *        and offset to stop the runloop

    while (interp->sleeping) {
        QUEUE_ENTRY * const entry = wait_for_entry(tq);
        parrot_event * const event = (parrot_event*)entry->data;

        edebug((stderr, "got ev %s head : %p\n", et(event), tq->head));
        next  = do_event(interp, event, next);

    edebug((stderr, "woke up\n"));
    return next;


FUNCDOC: Parrot_sleep_on_event

Go to sleep. This is called from the sleep opcode.



    if (interp->sleeping)
        fprintf(stderr, "nested sleep might not work\n");
     * place the opcode_t* next arg in the event data, so that
     * we can identify this event in wakeup
    Parrot_new_timer_event(interp, (PMC *) next, t,
            0, 0, NULL, EVENT_TYPE_SLEEP);
    next = wait_for_wakeup(interp, next);
     * TODO check for nanosleep or such
    Parrot_sleep((UINTVAL) ceil(t));
    return next;


Event Handling for Run-Loops ^

FUNCDOC: Parrot_do_check_events

Explicitly sync called by the check_event opcode from run loops.


PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL opcode_t * Parrot_do_check_events(PARROT_INTERP, NULLOK(opcode_t *next)) { if (peek_entry(interp->task_queue)) return Parrot_do_handle_events(interp, 0, next);

    return next;


FUNCDOC: event_to_exception

Convert event to exception and throw it.


static void event_to_exception(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(const parrot_event* event)) { const int exit_code = -event->u.signal;

    switch (event->u.signal) {
        case SIGINT:
        case SIGHUP:
             * SIGINT is silent, if no exception handler is
             * installed: set severity to EXCEPT_exit
            do_exception(interp, EXCEPT_exit, exit_code);
            do_exception(interp, EXCEPT_error, exit_code);


FUNCDOC: do_event

Run user code or such.


PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static opcode_t * do_event(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(parrot_event* event), NULLOK(opcode_t *next)) { edebug((stderr, "do_event %s\n", et(event))); switch (event->type) { case EVENT_TYPE_TERMINATE: next = NULL; /* this will terminate the run loop */ break; case EVENT_TYPE_SIGNAL: interp->sleeping = 0; /* generate exception */ event_to_exception(interp, event); /* not reached - will longjmp */ break; case EVENT_TYPE_TIMER: /* run ops, save registers */ Parrot_runops_fromc_args_event(interp, event->u.timer_event.sub, "v"); break; case EVENT_TYPE_CALL_BACK: edebug((stderr, "starting user cb\n")); Parrot_run_callback(interp, event->u.call_back.cbi, event->u.call_back.external_data); break; case EVENT_TYPE_IO: edebug((stderr, "starting io handler\n")); Parrot_runops_fromc_args_event(interp, event->u.io_event.handler, "vPP", event->u.io_event.pio, event->u.io_event.user_data); break; case EVENT_TYPE_SLEEP: interp->sleeping = 0; break; case EVENT_TYPE_SUSPEND_FOR_GC: edebug((stderr, "suspend for gc\n")); pt_suspend_self_for_gc(interp); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled event type %d\n", event->type); break; } mem_sys_free(event); return next; }


FUNCDOC: Parrot_do_handle_events

Called by the check_event__ opcode from run loops or from above. When called from the check_events__ opcode, we have to restore the op_func_table.


PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL opcode_t * Parrot_do_handle_events(PARROT_INTERP, int restore, NULLOK(opcode_t *next)) { QUEUE * const tq = interp->task_queue;

    if (restore)

    if (!peek_entry(tq))
        return next;

    while (peek_entry(tq)) {
        QUEUE_ENTRY * const  entry = pop_entry(tq);
        parrot_event * const event = (parrot_event*)entry->data;

        next  = do_event(interp, event, next);

    return next;



include/parrot/events.h and docs/dev/events.pod.


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