exception handling macros ^

Exception creation can be fairly verbose. These macros provide an API of sorts to the exceptions.

catch () ^

Preamble for any tcl-related exception handler.

rethrow () ^

Re-throw the current exception

get_stacktrace (OUT string message) ^

RT#40687: return the stacktrace for the current exception

get_message (OUT string message) ^

Get the simple string message for the current exception.

get_severity (OUT int level) ^

Get the severity level of the current exception.

get_return_code ^

Get the tcl-level code for this exception. (TCL_CATCH, TCL_RETURN), etc. Note that TCL_OK is not one of the options here: that's implied by a normal parrot .return

Utility methods ^

the implementation of these never change: define them once and just include them.

cloneable () ^

Simplistic implementation of __clone

dumper ^

Utility macro to simplify generating output during debug cycles.
