src/extend.c - Parrot extension interface


These are the functions that parrot extensions (i.e. parrot subroutines written in C, or some other compiled language, rather than in parrot bytecode) may access.

There is a deliberate distancing from the internals here. Don't go peeking inside -- you've as much access as bytecode does, but no more, so we can provide backwards compatibility for as long as we possibly can.

Functions ^

PARROT_API Parrot_String Parrot_PMC_get_string_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key)

Return the integer keyed string value of the passed-in PMC


Return a pointer to the PMC indicated by an integer key.

PARROT_API Parrot_PMC Parrot_PMC_get_pmc_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key)

Return the integer keyed PMC value of the passed-in PMC

PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_PMC_get_intval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc)

Return the signed integer value of the value in the PMC.

PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_PMC_get_intval_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key)

Return the keyed, signed integer value of the value in the PMC.

PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_PMC_get_intval_pmckey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_PMC key)

Return the keyed, signed integer value of the value in the PMC.

PARROT_API Parrot_Float Parrot_PMC_get_numval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc)

Return the floating-point value of the PMC.

PARROT_API Parrot_Float Parrot_PMC_get_numval_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key)

Return the keyed, signed integer value of the value in the PMC.

PARROT_API PARROT_MALLOC PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL char *Parrot_PMC_get_cstring_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key)

Return a null-terminated string that represents the string value of the PMC.

Note that you must free this string with string_cstring_free()!


Return a null-terminated string that represents the string value of the PMC.

Note that you must free this string with string_cstring_free()!


Return a null-terminated string for the PMC, along with the length.

Yes, right now this is a bit of a cheat. It needs fixing, but without disturbing the interface.

Note that you must free the string with string_cstring_free().

PARROT_API PARROT_MALLOC PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL char *Parrot_PMC_get_cstringn_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, NOTNULL(Parrot_Int *length), Parrot_Int key)

Return a null-terminated string for the PMC, along with the length.

Yes, right now this is a bit of a cheat. It needs fixing, but without disturbing the interface.

Note that you must free this string with string_cstring_free().

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_string(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_String value)

Assign the passed-in Parrot string to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_string_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, Parrot_String value)

Assign the passed-in Parrot string to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_pmc_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, Parrot_PMC value)

Assign the passed-in pmc to the passed-in slot of the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_pmc_pmckey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_PMC key, Parrot_PMC value)

Assign the passed-in pmc to the passed-in slot of the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_pointer_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, NULLOK(void *value))

Assign the passed-in pointer to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_intval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int value)

Assign the passed-in Parrot integer to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_intval_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, Parrot_Int value)

Assign the passed-in Parrot integer to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_numval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Float value)

Assign the passed-in Parrot number to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_numval_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, Parrot_Float value)

Assign the passed-in Parrot number to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_cstring(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, ARGIN_NULLOK(const char *value))

Assign the passed-in null-terminated C string to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_cstring_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, ARGIN_NULLOK(const char *value))

Assign the passed-in null-terminated C string to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_cstringn(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, ARGIN_NULLOK(const char *value), Parrot_Int length)

Assign the passed-in length-noted string to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_push_intval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int value)

Push the passed-in Parrot integer onto the passed in PMC

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_push_numval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Float value)

Push the passed-in Parrot number onto the passed in PMC

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_delete_pmckey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_PMC key)

Deletes the value associated with the passed-in PMC from the PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_cstringn_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, ARGIN_NULLOK(const char *value), Parrot_Int length)

Assign the passed-in length-noted string to the passed-in PMC.

PARROT_API Parrot_PMC Parrot_PMC_new(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int type)

Create and return a new PMC.

PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_PMC_typenum(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(const char *_class))

Returns the internal identifier that represents the named class.

PARROT_API Parrot_PMC Parrot_PMC_null(void)

Returns the special NULL PMC.

PARROT_API void Parrot_free_cstring(NULLOK(char *string))

Deallocate a C string that the interpreter has handed to you.

PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL void *Parrot_call_sub(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, ARGIN(const char *signature), ...)

Call a parrot subroutine with the given function signature. The first char in signature denotes the return value. Next chars are arguments.

The return value of this function can be void or a pointer type.

Signature chars are:

    v ... void return
    I ... Parrot_Int
    N ... Parrot_Float
    S ... Parrot_String
    P ... Parrot_PMC
PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_call_sub_ret_int(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, ARGIN(const char *signature), ...)

Like Parrot_call_sub, with Parrot_Int return result.

PARROT_API Parrot_Float Parrot_call_sub_ret_float(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, ARGIN(const char *signature), ...)

Like Parrot_call_sub, with Parrot_Float return result.

PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL void *Parrot_call_method(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, Parrot_PMC obj, Parrot_String method, ARGIN(const char *signature), ...)

Call a parrot method for the given object.

PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_call_method_ret_int(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, Parrot_PMC obj, Parrot_String method, ARGIN(const char *signature), ...)

Call a parrot method for the given object.

PARROT_API Parrot_Float Parrot_call_method_ret_float(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, Parrot_PMC obj, Parrot_String method, ARGIN(const char *signature), ...)

Call a parrot method for the given object.

PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_get_intreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum)

Return the value of an integer register.

PARROT_API Parrot_Float Parrot_get_numreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum)

Return the value of a numeric register.

PARROT_API Parrot_String Parrot_get_strreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum)

Return the value of a string register.

PARROT_API Parrot_PMC Parrot_get_pmcreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum)

Return the value of a PMC register.

PARROT_API void Parrot_set_intreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum, Parrot_Int value)

Set the value of an I register.

PARROT_API void Parrot_set_numreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum, Parrot_Float value)

Set the value of an N register.

PARROT_API void Parrot_set_strreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum, Parrot_String value)

Set the value of an S register.


PARROT_API void Parrot_set_strreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum, Parrot_String value) { REG_STR(interp, regnum) = value; }


PARROT_API void Parrot_set_pmcreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum, Parrot_PMC value)

Set the value of a P register.

PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL Parrot_String Parrot_new_string(PARROT_INTERP, NULLOK(char *buffer), int length, ARGIN_NULLOK(const char *const encoding_name), Parrot_Int flags)

Create a new Parrot string from a passed-in buffer. Pass in a 0 for flags for right now.

A copy of the buffer is made.

PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Parrot_Language Parrot_find_language(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(char *language))

Find the magic language token for a language, by language name.

PARROT_API void Parrot_register_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc)

Add a reference of the PMC to the interpreters DOD registry. This prevents PMCs only known to extension from getting destroyed during DOD runs.

PARROT_API void Parrot_unregister_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc)

Remove a reference of the PMC from the interpreters DOD registry. If the reference count reaches zero, the PMC will be destroyed during the next DOD run.

PARROT_API Parrot_PMC Parrot_get_dod_registry(PARROT_INTERP)

Return Parrot's internal DOD registry PMC. See also: src/pmc/addrregistry.pmc.

PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_vtable(SHIM_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_VTABLE vtable)

Replaces the vtable of the PMC.


Returns the vtable corresponding to the given PMC ID.


See include/parrot/extend.h and docs/pdds/pdd11_extending.pod.


Initial version by Dan Sugalski.
