src/inter_run.c - Parrot Interpreter - Run Ops and Methods


Various functions that call the run loop.

Functions ^

void runops

Run parrot ops. Set exception handler and/or resume after exception.

parrot_context_t *Parrot_runops_fromc

Runs the Parrot ops, called from C code. The function arguments are already setup according to Parrot calling conventions, the sub argument is an invocable Sub PMC.

static parrot_context_t *runops_args

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

void *Parrot_run_meth_fromc

Run a method sub from C. The function arguments are already setup according to Parrot calling conventions, the sub argument is an invocable Sub PMC.

If registers a PMC return values, it is returned.

PMC *Parrot_runops_fromc_args

Run parrot ops, called from C code, function arguments are passed as va_args according to the signature. The sub argument is an invocable Sub PMC.

Signatures are similar to NCI:

    v ... void return
    I ... INTVAL (not Interpreter)
    N ... NUMVAL
    S ... STRING*
    P ... PMC*
void *Parrot_runops_fromc_args_event

Run code from within event handlers. This variant deals with some reentrency issues. It also should do sanity checks, if e.g. the handler subroutine didn't return properly.

INTVAL Parrot_runops_fromc_args_reti

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

FLOATVAL Parrot_runops_fromc_args_retf

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

void *Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

INTVAL Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args_reti

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

FLOATVAL Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args_retf

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

void *Parrot_runops_fromc_arglist

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

INTVAL Parrot_runops_fromc_arglist_reti

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

FLOATVAL Parrot_runops_fromc_arglist_retf

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

void *Parrot_run_meth_fromc_arglist

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

INTVAL Parrot_run_meth_fromc_arglist_reti

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

FLOATVAL Parrot_run_meth_fromc_arglist_retf

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!


include/parrot/interpreter.h, src/interpreter.c.
