src/io/portable.c - Portable I/O utility functions


This file implements generic, portable I/O functionality using C's STDIO. This function set is the default fallback for all platforms. It must compile on any system with the ANSI C standard library. Also note that unlike the other low-level I/O utility function sets (UNIX, Win32), this is buffered I/O, out of necessity.

Functions ^

static const char *convert_flags_to_stdio

Returns a C string representation of flags suitable for passing to fopen() in Parrot_io_open_portable().

INTVAL Parrot_io_init_portable

Setup standard streams, etc.

PMC *Parrot_io_open_portable

Open a new FileHandle PMC from a given path.

PMC *Parrot_io_fdopen_portable

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

INTVAL Parrot_io_close_portable

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

INTVAL Parrot_io_is_closed_portable

Test whether the filehandle has been closed.

static INTVAL io_is_tty_portable

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

size_t Parrot_io_peek_portable

Retrieve the next character in the stream without modifying the stream.

INTVAL Parrot_io_getblksize_portable

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

INTVAL Parrot_io_flush_portable

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

size_t Parrot_io_read_portable

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

size_t Parrot_io_write_portable

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

PIOOFF_T Parrot_io_seek_portable

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

PIOOFF_T Parrot_io_tell_portable

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

PMC *Parrot_io_open_pipe_portable

Open a pipe. Not implemented for this platform.


src/io/unix.c, src/io/win32.c, src/io/io.c, src/io/io_private.h, include/parrot/io_portable.h.
