php_curl.pir - PHP curl Library


Functions ^

void curl_close(resource ch)
Close a cURL sessionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource curl_copy_handle(resource ch)
Copy a cURL handle along with all of it's preferencesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int curl_errno(resource ch)
Return an integer containing the last error numberNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string curl_error(resource ch)
Return a string contain the last error for the current sessionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool curl_exec(resource ch)
Perform a cURL sessionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed curl_getinfo(resource ch [, int option])
Get information regarding a specific transferNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource curl_init([string url])
Initialize a cURL sessionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int curl_multi_add_handle(resource mh, resource ch)
Add a normal cURL handle to a cURL multi handleNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void curl_multi_close(resource mh)
Close a set of cURL handlesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int curl_multi_exec(resource mh, int &still_running)
Run the sub-connections of the current cURL handleNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string curl_multi_getcontent(resource ch)
Return the content of a cURL handle if CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is setNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array curl_multi_info_read(resource mh [, long msgs_in_queue])
Get information about the current transfersNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource curl_multi_init(void)
Returns a new cURL multi handleNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int curl_multi_remove_handle(resource mh, resource ch)
Remove a multi handle from a set of cURL handlesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int curl_multi_select(resource mh[, double timeout])
Get all the sockets associated with the cURL extension, which can then be "selected"NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool curl_setopt(resource ch, int option, mixed value)
Set an option for a cURL transferNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool curl_setopt_array(resource ch, array options)
Set an array of option for a cURL transferNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array curl_version([int version])
Return cURL version information.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
