php_interbase.pir - PHP interbase Library


Functions ^

bool ibase_add_user(resource service_handle, string user_name, string password [, string first_name [, string middle_name [, string last_name]]])
Add a user to security databaseNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ibase_affected_rows( [ resource link_identifier ] )
Returns the number of rows affected by the previous INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ibase_backup(resource service_handle, string source_db, string dest_file [, int options [, bool verbose]])
Initiates a backup task in the service manager and returns immediatelyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_blob_add(resource blob_handle, string data)
Add data into created blobNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_blob_cancel(resource blob_handle)
Cancel creating blobNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ibase_blob_close(resource blob_handle)
resource ibase_blob_create([resource link_identifier])
Create blob for adding dataNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_blob_echo([ resource link_identifier, ] string blob_id)
Output blob contents to browserNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ibase_blob_get(resource blob_handle, int len)
Get len bytes data from open blobNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ibase_blob_import([ resource link_identifier, ] resource file)
Create blob, copy file in it, and close itNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ibase_blob_info([ resource link_identifier, ] string blob_id)
Return blob length and other useful infoNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource ibase_blob_open([ resource link_identifier, ] string blob_id)
Open blob for retrieving data partsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_close([resource link_identifier])
Close an InterBase connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_commit( resource link_identifier )
Commit transactionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_commit_ret( resource link_identifier )
Commit transaction and retain the transaction contextNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource ibase_connect(string database [, string username [, string password [, string charset [, int buffers [, int dialect [, string role]]]]]])
Open a connection to an InterBase databaseNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ibase_db_info(resource service_handle, string db, int action [, int argument])
Request statistics about a databaseNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_delete_user(resource service_handle, string user_name, string password [, string first_name [, string middle_name [, string last_name]]])
Delete a user from security databaseNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_drop_db([resource link_identifier])
Drop an InterBase databaseNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ibase_errcode(void)
Return error codeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ibase_errmsg(void)
Return error messageNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ibase_execute(resource query [, mixed bind_arg [, mixed bind_arg [, ...]]])
Execute a previously prepared queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ibase_fetch_assoc(resource result [, int fetch_flags])
Fetch a row from the results of a queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object ibase_fetch_object(resource result [, int fetch_flags])
Fetch a object from the results of a queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ibase_fetch_row(resource result [, int fetch_flags])
Fetch a row from the results of a queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ibase_field_info(resource query_result, int field_number)
Get information about a fieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_free_event_handler(resource event)
Frees the event handler set by ibase_set_event_handler()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_free_query(resource query)
Free memory used by a queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_free_result(resource result)
Free the memory used by a resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ibase_gen_id(string generator [, int increment [, resource link_identifier ]])
Increments the named generator and returns its new valueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_maintain_db(resource service_handle, string db, int action [, int argument])
Execute a maintenance command on the database serverNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_modify_user(resource service_handle, string user_name, string password [, string first_name [, string middle_name [, string last_name]]])
Modify a user in security databaseNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_name_result(resource result, string name)
Assign a name to a result for use with ... WHERE CURRENT OF <name> statementsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ibase_num_fields(resource query_result)
Get the number of fields in resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ibase_num_params(resource query)
Get the number of params in a prepared queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ibase_num_rows( resource result_identifier )
Return the number of rows that are available in a resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ibase_param_info(resource query, int field_number)
Get information about a parameterNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource ibase_pconnect(string database [, string username [, string password [, string charset [, int buffers [, int dialect [, string role]]]]]])
Open a persistent connection to an InterBase databaseNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource ibase_prepare([resource link_identifier, ] string query)
Prepare a query for later executionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ibase_query([resource link_identifier, [ resource link_identifier, ]] string query [, mixed bind_arg [, mixed bind_arg [, ...]]])
Execute a queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ibase_restore(resource service_handle, string source_file, string dest_db [, int options [, bool verbose]])
Initiates a restore task in the service manager and returns immediatelyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_rollback( resource link_identifier )
Rollback transactionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_rollback_ret( resource link_identifier )
Rollback transaction and retain the transaction contextNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ibase_server_info(resource service_handle, int action)
Request information about a database serverNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource ibase_service_attach(string host, string dba_username, string dba_password)
Connect to the service managerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ibase_service_detach(resource service_handle)
Disconnect from the service managerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource ibase_set_event_handler([resource link_identifier,] callback handler, string event [, string event [, ...]])
Register the callback for handling each of the named eventsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource ibase_trans([int trans_args [, resource link_identifier [, ... ], int trans_args [, resource link_identifier [, ... ]] [, ...]]])
Start a transaction over one or several databasesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ibase_wait_event([resource link_identifier,] string event [, string event [, ...]])
Waits for any one of the passed Interbase events to be posted by the database, and returns its nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
