php_oci8.pir - PHP oci8 Library


Functions ^

bool oci_bind_array_by_name(resource stmt, string name, array &var, int max_table_length [, int max_item_length [, int type ]])
Bind a PHP array to an Oracle PL/SQL type by nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_bind_by_name(resource stmt, string name, mixed &var, [, int maxlength [, int type]])
Bind a PHP variable to an Oracle placeholder by nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_cancel(resource stmt)
Cancel reading from a cursorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_close(resource connection)
Disconnect from databaseNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_collection_append(string value)
Append an object to the collectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_collection_assign(object from)
Assign a collection from another existing collectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_collection_element_assign(int index, string val)
Assign element val to collection at index ndxNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string oci_collection_element_get(int ndx)
Retrieve the value at collection index ndxNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_collection_max()
Return the max value of a collection. For a varray this is the maximum length of the arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_collection_size()
Return the size of a collectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_collection_trim(int num)
Trim num elements from the end of a collectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_commit(resource connection)
Commit the current contextNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource oci_connect(string user, string pass [, string db [, string charset [, int session_mode ]])
Connect to an Oracle database and log on. Returns a new session.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_define_by_name(resource stmt, string name, mixed &var [, int type])
Define a PHP variable to an Oracle column by nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array oci_error([resource stmt|connection|global])
Return the last error of stmt|connection|global. If no error happened returns false.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_execute(resource stmt [, int mode])
Execute a parsed statementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_fetch(resource stmt)
Prepare a new row of data for readingNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_fetch_all(resource stmt, array &output[, int skip[, int maxrows[, int flags]]])
Fetch all rows of result data into an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array oci_fetch_array( resource stmt [, int mode ])
Fetch a result row as an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array oci_fetch_assoc( resource stmt )
Fetch a result row as an associative arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object oci_fetch_object( resource stmt )
Fetch a result row as an objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array oci_fetch_row( resource stmt )
Fetch a result row as an enumerated arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_field_is_null(resource stmt, int col)
Tell whether a column is NULLNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string oci_field_name(resource stmt, int col)
Tell the name of a columnNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_field_precision(resource stmt, int col)
Tell the precision of a columnNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_field_scale(resource stmt, int col)
Tell the scale of a columnNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_field_size(resource stmt, int col)
Tell the maximum data size of a columnNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed oci_field_type(resource stmt, int col)
Tell the data type of a columnNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_field_type_raw(resource stmt, int col)
Tell the raw oracle data type of a columnNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_free_collection()
Deletes collection objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_free_descriptor()
Deletes large object descriptionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_free_statement(resource stmt)
Free all resources associated with a statementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void oci_internal_debug(int onoff)
Toggle internal debugging output for the OCI extensionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_append( object lob )
Appends data from a LOB to another LOBNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_close()
Closes lob descriptorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_copy( object lob_to, object lob_from [, int length ] )
Copies data from a LOB to another LOBNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_eof()
Checks if EOF is reachedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_lob_erase( [ int offset [, int length ] ] )
Erases a specified portion of the internal LOB, starting at a specified offsetNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_export([string filename [, int start [, int length]]])
Writes a large object into a fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_flush( [ int flag ] )
Flushes the LOB bufferNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_import( string filename )
Loads file into a LOBNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_is_equal( object lob1, object lob2 )
Tests to see if two LOB/FILE locators are equalNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string oci_lob_load()
Loads a large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string oci_lob_read( int length )
Reads particular part of a large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_rewind()
Rewind pointer of a LOBNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_save( string data [, int offset ])
Saves a large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_seek( int offset [, int whence ])
Moves the pointer of a LOBNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_lob_size()
Returns size of a large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_lob_tell()
Tells LOB pointer positionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_truncate( [ int length ])
int oci_lob_write( string string [, int length ])
Writes data to current position of a LOBNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_lob_write_temporary(string var [, int lob_type])
Writes temporary blobNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object oci_new_collection(resource connection, string tdo [, string schema])
Initialize a new collectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource oci_new_connect(string user, string pass [, string db])
Connect to an Oracle database and log on. Returns a new session.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource oci_new_cursor(resource connection)
Return a new cursor (Statement-Handle) - use this to bind ref-cursors!NOT IMPLEMENTED.
object oci_new_descriptor(resource connection [, int type])
Initialize a new empty descriptor LOB/FILE (LOB is default)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_num_fields(resource stmt)
Return the number of result columns in a statementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int oci_num_rows(resource stmt)
Return the row count of an OCI statementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource oci_parse(resource connection, string query)
Parse a query and return a statementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_password_change(resource connection, string username, string old_password, string new_password)
Changes the password of an accountNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource oci_pconnect(string user, string pass [, string db [, string charset ]])
Connect to an Oracle database using a persistent connection and log on. Returns a new session.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string oci_result(resource stmt, mixed column)
Return a single column of result dataNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_rollback(resource connection)
Rollback the current contextNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string oci_server_version(resource connection)
Return a string containing server version informationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool oci_set_prefetch(resource stmt, int prefetch_rows)
Sets the number of rows to be prefetched on execute to prefetch_rows for stmtNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string oci_statement_type(resource stmt)
Return the query type of an OCI statementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ocifetchinto(resource stmt, array &output [, int mode])
Fetch a row of result data into an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ocigetbufferinglob()
Returns current state of buffering for a LOBNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ocisetbufferinglob( boolean flag )
Enables/disables buffering for a LOBNOT IMPLEMENTED.
