php_odbc.pir - PHP odbc Library


Functions ^

bool birdstep_autocommit(int index)
bool birdstep_close(int id)
bool birdstep_commit(int index)
int birdstep_connect(string server, string user, string pass)
int birdstep_exec(int index, string exec_str)
bool birdstep_fetch(int index)
string birdstep_fieldname(int index, int col)
int birdstep_fieldnum(int index)
bool birdstep_freeresult(int index)
bool birdstep_off_autocommit(int index)
mixed birdstep_result(int index, int col)
bool birdstep_rollback(int index)
mixed odbc_autocommit(resource connection_id [, int OnOff])
Toggle autocommit mode or get statusNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool odbc_binmode(int result_id, int mode)
Handle binary column dataNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void odbc_close(resource connection_id)
Close an ODBC connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void odbc_close_all(void)
Close all ODBC connectionsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_columnprivileges(resource connection_id, string catalog, string schema, string table, string column)
Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch a list of columns and associated privileges for the specified tableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_columns(resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string table_name [, string column_name]]]])
Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch a list of column names in specified tablesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool odbc_commit(resource connection_id)
Commit an ODBC transactionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_connect(string DSN, string user, string password [, int cursor_option])
Connect to a datasourceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string odbc_cursor(resource result_id)
Get cursor nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array odbc_data_source(resource connection_id, int fetch_type)
Return information about the currently connected data sourceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string odbc_error([resource connection_id])
Get the last error codeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string odbc_errormsg([resource connection_id])
Get the last error messageNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_exec(resource connection_id, string query [, int flags])
Prepare and execute an SQL statementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool odbc_execute(resource result_id [, array parameters_array])
Execute a prepared statementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array odbc_fetch_array(int result [, int rownumber])
Fetch a result row as an associative arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int odbc_fetch_into(resource result_id, array result_array, [, int rownumber])
Fetch one result row into an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object odbc_fetch_object(int result [, int rownumber])
Fetch a result row as an objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool odbc_fetch_row(resource result_id [, int row_number])
int odbc_field_len(resource result_id, int field_number)
Get the length (precision) of a columnNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string odbc_field_name(resource result_id, int field_number)
Get a column nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int odbc_field_num(resource result_id, string field_name)
Return column numberNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int odbc_field_scale(resource result_id, int field_number)
Get the scale of a columnNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string odbc_field_type(resource result_id, int field_number)
Get the datatype of a columnNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_foreignkeys(resource connection_id, string pk_qualifier, string pk_owner, string pk_table, string fk_qualifier, string fk_owner, string fk_table)
Returns a result identifier to either a list of foreign keys in the specified table or a list of foreign keys in other tables that refer to the primary key in the specified tableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool odbc_free_result(resource result_id)
Free resources associated with a resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_gettypeinfo(resource connection_id [, int data_type])
Returns a result identifier containing information about data types supported by the data sourceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool odbc_longreadlen(int result_id, int length)
bool odbc_next_result(resource result_id)
Checks if multiple results are avaiableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int odbc_num_fields(resource result_id)
Get number of columns in a resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int odbc_num_rows(resource result_id)
Get number of rows in a resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_pconnect(string DSN, string user, string password [, int cursor_option])
Establish a persistent connection to a datasourceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_prepare(resource connection_id, string query)
Prepares a statement for executionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_primarykeys(resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table)
Returns a result identifier listing the column names that comprise the primary key for a tableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_procedurecolumns(resource connection_id [, string qualifier, string owner, string proc, string column])
Returns a result identifier containing the list of input and output parameters, as well as the columns that make up the result set for the specified proceduresNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_procedures(resource connection_id [, string qualifier, string owner, string name])
Returns a result identifier containg the list of procedure names in a datasourceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed odbc_result(resource result_id, mixed field)
Get result dataNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int odbc_result_all(resource result_id [, string format])
Print result as HTML tableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool odbc_rollback(resource connection_id)
Rollback a transactionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool odbc_setoption(resource conn_id|result_id, int which, int option, int value)
Sets connection or statement optionsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_specialcolumns(resource connection_id, int type, string qualifier, string owner, string table, int scope, int nullable)
Returns a result identifier containing either the optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row in the table or columns that are automatically updated when any value in the row is updated by a transactionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_statistics(resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string name, int unique, int accuracy)
Returns a result identifier that contains statistics about a single table and the indexes associated with the tableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_tableprivileges(resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string name)
Returns a result identifier containing a list of tables and the privileges associated with each tableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource odbc_tables(resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name [, string table_types]]]])
Call the SQLTables functionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool solid_fetch_prev(resource result_id)
