php_reflection.pir - PHP reflection Library


Functions ^

mixed Reflection::export(Reflector r [, bool return])
Exports a reflection object. Returns the output if TRUE is specified for return, printing it otherwise.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array Reflection::getModifierNames(int modifiers)
Returns an array of modifier namesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ReflectionClass::__construct(mixed argument)
Constructor. Takes a string or an instance as an argumentNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionClass::__toString()
Returns a string representationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionClass::export(mixed argument [, bool return])
Exports a reflection object. Returns the output if TRUE is specified for return, printing it otherwise.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionClass::getConstant(string name)
Returns the class' constant specified by its nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ReflectionClass::getConstants()
Returns an associative array containing this class' constants and their valuesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionMethod ReflectionClass::getConstructor()
Returns the class' constructor if there is one, NULL otherwiseNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ReflectionClass::getDefaultProperties()
Returns an associative array containing copies of all default property values of the classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionClass::getDocComment()
Returns the doc comment for this classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ReflectionClass::getEndLine()
Returns the line this class' declaration ends atNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionExtension|NULL ReflectionClass::getExtension()
Returns NULL or the extension the class belongs toNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string|false ReflectionClass::getExtensionName()
Returns false or the name of the extension the class belongs toNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionClass::getFileName()
Returns the filename of the file this class was declared inNOT IMPLEMENTED.
String[] ReflectionClass::getInterfaceNames()
Returns an array of names of interfaces this class implementsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionClass[] ReflectionClass::getInterfaces()
Returns an array of interfaces this class implementsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionMethod ReflectionClass::getMethod(string name)
Returns the class' method specified by its nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionMethod[] ReflectionClass::getMethods([long $filter])
Returns an array of this class' methodsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ReflectionClass::getModifiers()
Returns a bitfield of the access modifiers for this classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionClass::getName()
Returns the class' nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionClass ReflectionClass::getParentClass()
Returns the class' parent class, or, if none exists, FALSENOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionProperty[] ReflectionClass::getProperties([long $filter])
Returns an array of this class' propertiesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionProperty ReflectionClass::getProperty(string name)
Returns the class' property specified by its nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ReflectionClass::getStartLine()
Returns the line this class' declaration starts atNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ReflectionClass::getStaticProperties()
Returns an associative array containing all static property values of the classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionClass::getStaticPropertyValue(string name [, mixed default])
Returns the value of a static propertyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::hasConstant(string name)
Returns whether a constant exists or notNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::hasMethod(string name)
Returns whether a method exists or notNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::hasProperty(string name)
Returns whether a property exists or notNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::implementsInterface(string|ReflectionClass interface_name)
Returns whether this class is a subclass of another classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::isAbstract()
Returns whether this class is abstractNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::isFinal()
Returns whether this class is finalNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::isInstance(stdclass object)
Returns whether the given object is an instance of this classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::isInstantiable()
Returns whether this class is instantiableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::isInterface()
Returns whether this is an interface or a classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::isInternal()
Returns whether this class is an internal classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::isIterateable()
Returns whether this class is iterateable (can be used inside foreach)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::isSubclassOf(string|ReflectionClass class)
Returns whether this class is a subclass of another classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionClass::isUserDefined()
Returns whether this class is user-definedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
stdclass ReflectionClass::newInstance(mixed *args, ...)
Returns an instance of this classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
stdclass ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs([array args])
Returns an instance of this classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ReflectionClass::setStaticPropertyValue($name, $value)
Sets the value of a static propertyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ReflectionExtension::__construct(string name)
Constructor. Throws an Exception in case the given extension does not existNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionExtension::__toString()
Returns a string representationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionExtension::export(string name [, bool return])
Exports a reflection object. Returns the output if TRUE is specified for return, printing it otherwise.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ReflectionExtension::getClassNames()
Returns an array containing all names of all classes of this extensionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionClass[] ReflectionExtension::getClasses()
Returns an array containing ReflectionClass objects for all classes of this extensionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ReflectionExtension::getConstants()
Returns an associative array containing this extension's constants and their valuesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ReflectionExtension::getDependencies()
Returns an array containing all names of all extensions this extension depends onNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionFunction[] ReflectionExtension::getFunctions()
Returns an array of this extension's fuctionsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ReflectionExtension::getINIEntries()
Returns an associative array containing this extension's INI entries and their valuesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionExtension::getName()
Returns this extension's nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionExtension::getVersion()
Returns this extension's versionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ReflectionExtension::info()
Prints phpinfo block for the extensionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ReflectionFunction::__construct(string name)
Constructor. Throws an Exception in case the given function does not existNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionFunction::__toString()
Returns a string representationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionFunction::export(string name [, bool return])
Exports a reflection object. Returns the output if TRUE is specified for return, printing it otherwise.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionFunction::getDocComment()
Returns the doc comment for this functionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ReflectionFunction::getEndLine()
Returns the line this function's declaration ends atNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionExtension|NULL ReflectionFunction::getExtension()
Returns NULL or the extension the function belongs toNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string|false ReflectionFunction::getExtensionName()
Returns false or the name of the extension the function belongs toNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionFunction::getFileName()
Returns the filename of the file this function was declared inNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionFunction::getName()
Returns this function's nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionFunction::getNumberOfParameters()
Gets the number of required parametersNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionFunction::getNumberOfRequiredParameters()
Gets the number of required parametersNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionParameter[] ReflectionFunction::getParameters()
Returns an array of parameter objects for this functionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ReflectionFunction::getStartLine()
Returns the line this function's declaration starts atNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ReflectionFunction::getStaticVariables()
Returns an associative array containing this function's static variables and their valuesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionFunction::invoke(mixed *args)
Invokes the functionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs(array args)
Invokes the function and pass its arguments as array.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionFunction::isDeprecated()
Returns whether this function is deprecatedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionFunction::isDisabled()
Returns whether this function has been disabled or notNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionFunction::isInternal()
Returns whether this is an internal functionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionFunction::isUserDefined()
Returns whether this is an user-defined functionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionFunction::returnsReference()
Gets whether this function returns a referenceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ReflectionMethod::__construct(mixed class_or_method [, string name])
Constructor. Throws an Exception in case the given method does not existNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionMethod::__toString()
Returns a string representationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionMethod::export(mixed class, string name [, bool return])
Exports a reflection object. Returns the output if TRUE is specified for return, printing it otherwise.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionClass ReflectionMethod::getDeclaringClass()
Get the declaring classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ReflectionMethod::getModifiers()
Returns a bitfield of the access modifiers for this methodNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionClass ReflectionMethod::getPrototype()
Get the prototypeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionMethod::invoke(mixed object, mixed *args)
Invokes the method.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs(mixed object, array args)
Invokes the function and pass its arguments as array.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionMethod::isAbstract()
Returns whether this method is abstractNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionMethod::isConstructor()
Returns whether this method is the constructorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionMethod::isDestructor()
Returns whether this method is staticNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionMethod::isFinal()
Returns whether this method is finalNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionMethod::isPrivate()
Returns whether this method is privateNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionMethod::isProtected()
Returns whether this method is protectedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionMethod::isPublic()
Returns whether this method is publicNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionMethod::isStatic()
Returns whether this method is staticNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ReflectionObject::__construct(mixed argument)
Constructor. Takes an instance as an argumentNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionObject::export(mixed argument [, bool return])
Exports a reflection object. Returns the output if TRUE is specified for return, printing it otherwise.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ReflectionParameter::__construct(mixed function, mixed parameter)
Constructor. Throws an Exception in case the given method does not existNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionParameter::__toString()
Returns a string representationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionParameter::allowsNull()
Returns whether NULL is allowed as this parameters's valueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionParameter::export(mixed function, mixed parameter [, bool return])
Exports a reflection object. Returns the output if TRUE is specified for return, printing it otherwise.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionClass|NULL ReflectionParameter::getClass()
Returns this parameters's class hint or NULL if there is noneNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionClass|NULL ReflectionParameter::getDeclaringClass()
Returns in which class this parameter is defined (not the typehint of the parameter)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionFunction ReflectionParameter::getDeclaringFunction()
Returns the ReflectionFunction for the function of this parameterNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValue()
Returns the default value of this parameter or throws an exceptionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionParameter::getName()
Returns this parameters's nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionParameter::getPosition()
Returns whether this parameter is an optional parameterNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionParameter::isArray()
Returns whether parameter MUST be an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionParameter::isDefaultValueAvailable()
Returns whether the default value of this parameter is availableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionParameter::isOptional()
Returns whether this parameter is an optional parameterNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionParameter::isPassedByReference()
Returns whether this parameters is passed to by referenceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ReflectionProperty::__construct(mixed class, string name)
Constructor. Throws an Exception in case the given property does not existNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionProperty::__toString()
Returns a string representationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionProperty::export(mixed class, string name [, bool return])
Exports a reflection object. Returns the output if TRUE is specified for return, printing it otherwise.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
ReflectionClass ReflectionProperty::getDeclaringClass()
Get the declaring classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionProperty::getDocComment()
Returns the doc comment for this propertyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ReflectionProperty::getModifiers()
Returns a bitfield of the access modifiers for this propertyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ReflectionProperty::getName()
Returns the class' nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ReflectionProperty::getValue([stdclass object])
Returns this property's valueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionProperty::isDefault()
Returns whether this property is default (declared at compilation time).NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionProperty::isPrivate()
Returns whether this property is privateNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionProperty::isProtected()
Returns whether this property is protectedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionProperty::isPublic()
Returns whether this property is publicNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ReflectionProperty::isStatic()
Returns whether this property is staticNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ReflectionProperty::setValue([stdclass object,] mixed value)
Sets this property's valueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
