php_spl.pir - PHP spl Library


Functions ^

void AppendIterator::__construct()
Create an AppendIteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void AppendIterator::append(Iterator it)
Append an iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
ArrayIterator AppendIterator::getArrayIterator()
Get access to inner ArrayIteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int AppendIterator::getIteratorIndex()
Get index of iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void AppendIterator::next()
Forward to next elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void AppendIterator::rewind()
Rewind to the first iterator and rewind the first iterator, tooNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool AppendIterator::valid()
Check if the current state is validNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed|NULL ArrayIterator::current()
Return current array entryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed|NULL ArrayIterator::key()
Return current array keyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ArrayIterator::next()
Move to next entryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ArrayIterator::rewind()
Rewind array back to the startNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ArrayIterator::seek(int $position)
Seek to position.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ArrayIterator::valid()
Check whether array contains more entriesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ArrayObject::__construct(array|object ar = array() [, int flags = 0 [, string iterator_class = "ArrayIterator"]])
proto void ArrayIterator::__construct(array|object ar = array() [, int flags = 0]) Cronstructs a new array iterator from a path.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ArrayObject::append(mixed $newval)
proto void ArrayIterator::append(mixed $newval) Appends the value (cannot be called for objects).NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ArrayObject::asort()
proto int ArrayIterator::asort() Sort the entries by values.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ArrayObject::count()
proto int ArrayIterator::count() Return the number of elements in the Iterator.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
Array|Object ArrayObject::exchangeArray(Array|Object ar = array())
Replace the referenced array or object with a new one and return the old one (right now copy - to be changed)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ArrayObject::getFlags()
ArrayIterator ArrayObject::getIterator()
Create a new iterator from a ArrayObject instanceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ArrayObject::getIteratorClass()
Get the class used in getIterator.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ArrayObject::ksort()
proto int ArrayIterator::ksort() Sort the entries by key.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ArrayObject::natcasesort()
proto int ArrayIterator::natcasesort() Sort the entries by key using case insensitive "natural order" algorithm.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ArrayObject::natsort()
proto int ArrayIterator::natsort() Sort the entries by values using "natural order" algorithm.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ArrayObject::offsetExists(mixed $index)
proto bool ArrayIterator::offsetExists(mixed $index) Returns whether the requested $index exists.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed ArrayObject::offsetGet(mixed $index)
proto mixed ArrayIterator::offsetGet(mixed $index) Returns the value at the specified $index.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ArrayObject::offsetSet(mixed $index, mixed $newval)
proto void ArrayIterator::offsetSet(mixed $index, mixed $newval) Sets the value at the specified $index to $newval.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ArrayObject::offsetUnset(mixed $index)
proto void ArrayIterator::offsetUnset(mixed $index) Unsets the value at the specified $index.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ArrayObject::setFlags(int flags)
void ArrayObject::setIteratorClass(string iterator_class)
Set the class used in getIterator.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ArrayObject::uasort(callback cmp_function)
proto int ArrayIterator::uasort(callback cmp_function) Sort the entries by values user defined function.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ArrayObject::uksort(callback cmp_function)
proto int ArrayIterator::uksort(callback cmp_function) Sort the entries by key using user defined function.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void CachingIterator::__construct(Iterator it [, flags = CIT_CALL_TOSTRING])
Construct a CachingIterator from an IteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string CachingIterator::__toString()
Return the string representation of the current elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void CachingIterator::count()
Number of cached elementsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool CachingIterator::getCache()
Return the cacheNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int CachingIterator::getFlags()
Return the internal flagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool CachingIterator::hasNext()
Check whether the inner iterator has a valid next elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void CachingIterator::next()
Move the iterator forwardNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool CachingIterator::offsetExists(mixed index)
Return whether the requested index existsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string CachingIterator::offsetGet(mixed index)
Return the internal cache if usedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void CachingIterator::offsetSet(mixed index, mixed newval)
Set given index in cacheNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void CachingIterator::offsetUnset(mixed index)
Unset given index in cacheNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void CachingIterator::rewind()
Rewind the iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void CachingIterator::setFlags(int flags)
Set the internal flagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool CachingIterator::valid()
Check whether the current element is validNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void DirectoryIterator::__construct(string path)
Cronstructs a new dir iterator from a path.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
DirectoryIterator DirectoryIterator::current()
Return this (needed for Iterator interface)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string DirectoryIterator::getBasename([string $suffix])
Returns filename component of current dir entryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
RecursiveDirectoryIterator DirectoryIterator::getChildren()
Returns an iterator for the current entry if it is a directoryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string DirectoryIterator::getFilename()
Return filename of current dir entryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool DirectoryIterator::isDot()
Returns true if current entry is '.' or '..'NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string DirectoryIterator::key()
Return current dir entryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void DirectoryIterator::next()
Move to next entryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void DirectoryIterator::rewind()
Rewind dir back to the startNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string DirectoryIterator::valid()
Check whether dir contains more entriesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void EmptyIterator::current()
Throws exception BadMethodCallExceptionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void EmptyIterator::key()
Throws exception BadMethodCallExceptionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void EmptyIterator::next()
void EmptyIterator::rewind()
false EmptyIterator::valid()
void FilterIterator::__construct(Iterator it)
Create an Iterator from another iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed FilterIterator::current()
proto mixed CachingIterator::current() proto mixed LimitIterator::current() proto mixed ParentIterator::current() proto mixed IteratorIterator::current() proto mixed NoRewindIterator::current() proto mixed AppendIterator::current() Get the current element valueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
Iterator FilterIterator::getInnerIterator()
proto Iterator CachingIterator::getInnerIterator() proto Iterator LimitIterator::getInnerIterator() proto Iterator ParentIterator::getInnerIterator() Get the inner iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed FilterIterator::key()
proto mixed CachingIterator::key() proto mixed LimitIterator::key() proto mixed ParentIterator::key() proto mixed IteratorIterator::key() proto mixed NoRewindIterator::key() proto mixed AppendIterator::key() Get the current keyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void FilterIterator::next()
Move the iterator forwardNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void FilterIterator::rewind()
Rewind the iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool FilterIterator::valid()
proto bool ParentIterator::valid() proto bool IteratorIterator::valid() proto bool NoRewindIterator::valid() Check whether the current element is validNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void InfiniteIterator::__construct(Iterator it)
Create an iterator from another iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void InfiniteIterator::next()
Prevent a call to inner iterators rewind() (internally the current data will be fetched if valid())NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void IteratorIterator::__construct(Traversable it)
Create an iterator from anything that is traversableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
LimitIterator::__construct(Iterator it [, int offset, int count])
Construct a LimitIterator from an Iterator with a given starting offset and optionally a maximum countNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int LimitIterator::getPosition()
Return the current positionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void LimitIterator::next()
Move the iterator forwardNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void LimitIterator::rewind()
Rewind the iterator to the specified starting offsetNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void LimitIterator::seek(int position)
Seek to the given positionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool LimitIterator::valid()
Check whether the current element is validNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void NoRewindIterator::__construct(Iterator it)
Create an iterator from another iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed NoRewindIterator::current()
Return inner iterators current()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed NoRewindIterator::key()
Return inner iterators key()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void NoRewindIterator::next()
Return inner iterators next()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void NoRewindIterator::rewind()
Prevent a call to inner iterators rewind()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool NoRewindIterator::valid()
Return inner iterators valid()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ParentIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it)
Create a ParentIterator from a RecursiveIteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ParentIterator::next()
proto void IteratorIterator::next() proto void NoRewindIterator::next() Move the iterator forwardNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ParentIterator::rewind()
proto void IteratorIterator::rewind() Rewind the iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object RecursiveArrayIterator::getChildren()
Create a sub iterator for the current element (same class as $this)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RecursiveArrayIterator::hasChildren()
Check whether current element has children (e.g. is an array)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveCachingIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it [, flags = CIT_CALL_TOSTRING])
Create an iterator from a RecursiveIteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
RecursiveCachingIterator RecursiveCachingIterator::getChildren()
Return the inner iterator's children as a RecursiveCachingIteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RecursiveCachingIterator::hasChildren()
Check whether the current element of the inner iterator has childrenNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(string path [, int flags])
Cronstructs a new dir iterator from a path.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string RecursiveDirectoryIterator::current()
Return getFilename(), getFileInfo() or $this depending on flagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getSubPath()
void RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getSubPathname()
Get sub path and file nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RecursiveDirectoryIterator::hasChildren([bool $allow_links = false])
Returns whether current entry is a directory and not '.' or '..'NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string RecursiveDirectoryIterator::key()
Return getPathname() or getFilename() depending on flagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveDirectoryIterator::next()
Move to next entryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveDirectoryIterator::rewind()
Rewind dir back to the startNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveFilterIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it)
Create a RecursiveFilterIterator from a RecursiveIteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
RecursiveFilterIterator RecursiveFilterIterator::getChildren()
Return the inner iterator's children contained in a RecursiveFilterIteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RecursiveFilterIterator::hasChildren()
Check whether the inner iterator's current element has childrenNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveIteratorIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator|IteratorAggregate it [, int mode = RIT_LEAVES_ONLY [, int flags = 0]])
Creates a RecursiveIteratorIterator from a RecursiveIterator.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveIteratorIterator::beginChildren()
Called when recursing one level downNOT IMPLEMENTED.
RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator::beginIteration()
Called when iteration begins (after first rewind() call)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator::callGetChildren()
Return children of current elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RecursiveIteratorIterator::callHasChildren()
Called for each element to test whether it has childrenNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed RecursiveIteratorIterator::current()
Access the current element valueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveIteratorIterator::endChildren()
Called when end recursing one levelNOT IMPLEMENTED.
RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator::endIteration()
Called when iteration ends (when valid() first returns falseNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int RecursiveIteratorIterator::getDepth()
Get the current depth of the recursive iterationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator::getInnerIterator()
The current active sub iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int|false RecursiveIteratorIterator::getMaxDepth()
Return the maximum accepted depth or false if any depth is allowedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator::getSubIterator([int level])
The current active sub iterator or the iterator at specified levelNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed RecursiveIteratorIterator::key()
Access the current keyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveIteratorIterator::next()
Move forward to the next elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveIteratorIterator::nextElement()
Called when the next element is availableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveIteratorIterator::rewind()
Rewind the iterator to the first element of the top level inner iterator.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveIteratorIterator::setMaxDepth([$max_depth = -1])
Set the maximum allowed depth (or any depth if pmax_depth = -1]NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RecursiveIteratorIterator::valid()
Check whether the current position is validNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RecursiveRegexIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it, string regex [, int mode [, int flags [, int preg_flags]]])
Create an RecursiveRegexIterator from another recursive iterator and a regular expressionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
RecursiveRegexIterator RecursiveRegexIterator::getChildren()
Return the inner iterator's children contained in a RecursiveRegexIteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void RegexIterator::__construct(Iterator it, string regex [, int mode [, int flags [, int preg_flags]]])
Create an RegexIterator from another iterator and a regular expressionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RegexIterator::accept()
Match (string)current() against regular expressionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RegexIterator::getFlags()
Returns current operation flagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RegexIterator::getFlags()
Returns current PREG flags (if in use or NULL)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RegexIterator::getMode()
Returns current operation modeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RegexIterator::setFlags(int new_flags)
Set operation flagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RegexIterator::setMode(int new_mode)
Set new operation modeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool RegexIterator::setPregFlags(int new_flags)
int SimpleXMLIterator::count()
Get number of child elementsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
SimpleXMLIterator SimpleXMLIterator::current()
Get current elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
SimpleXMLIterator SimpleXMLIterator::getChildren()
Get child element iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SimpleXMLIterator::hasChildren()
Check whether element has children (elements)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string SimpleXMLIterator::key()
Get name of current child elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SimpleXMLIterator::next()
Move to next elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SimpleXMLIterator::rewind()
Rewind to first elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SimpleXMLIterator::valid()
Check whether iteration is validNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileInfo::__construct(string file_name)
Cronstructs a new SplFileInfo from a path.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileInfo::getATime()
Get last access time of fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string SplFileInfo::getBasename([string $suffix])
Returns filename component of pathNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileInfo::getCTime()
Get inode modification time of fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
SplFileInfo SplFileInfo::getFileInfo([string $class_name])
Get/copy file infoNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string SplFileInfo::getFilename()
Return filename onlyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileInfo::getGroup()
Get file groupNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileInfo::getInode()
Get file inodeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string SplFileInfo::getLinkTarget()
Return the target of a symbolic linkNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileInfo::getMTime()
Get last modification time of fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileInfo::getOwner()
Get file ownerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string SplFileInfo::getPath()
Return the pathNOT IMPLEMENTED.
SplFileInfo SplFileInfo::getPathInfo([string $class_name])
Get/copy file infoNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string SplFileInfo::getPathname()
Return path and filenameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileInfo::getPerms()
Get file permissionsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string SplFileInfo::getRealPath()
Return the resolved pathNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileInfo::getSize()
string SplFileInfo::getType()
bool SplFileInfo::isDir()
Returns true if file is directoryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileInfo::isExecutable()
Returns true if file is executableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileInfo::isFile()
Returns true if file is a regular fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileInfo::isLink()
Returns true if file is symbolic linkNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileInfo::isReadable()
Returns true if file can be readNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileInfo::isWritable()
Returns true if file can be writtenNOT IMPLEMENTED.
SplFileObject SplFileInfo::openFile([string mode = 'r' [, bool use_include_path [, resource context]]])
Open the current fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileInfo::setFileClass([string class_name])
Class to use in openFile()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileInfo::setInfoClass([string class_name])
Class to use in getFileInfo(), getPathInfo()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileObject::__construct(string filename [, string mode = 'r' [, bool use_include_path [, resource context]]]])
Construct a new file objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string SplFileObject::current()
Return current line from fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileObject::eof()
Return whether end of file is reachedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileObject::fflush()
Flush the fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileObject::fgetc()
Get a character form the fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array SplFileObject::fgetcsv([string delimiter [, string enclosure]])
Return current line as csvNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string SplFileObject::fgets()
Rturn next line from fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string SplFileObject::fgetss([string allowable_tags])
Get a line from file pointer and strip HTML tagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileObject::flock(int operation [, int &wouldblock])
Portable file lockingNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileObject::fpassthru()
Output all remaining data from a file pointerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileObject::fscanf(string format [, string ...])
Implements a mostly ANSI compatible fscanf()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileObject::fseek(int pos [, int whence = SEEK_SET])
Return current file positionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileObject::fstat()
Stat() on a filehandleNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileObject::ftell()
Return current file positionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileObject::ftruncate(int size)
Truncate file to 'size' lengthNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed SplFileObject::fwrite(string str [, int length])
Binary-safe file writeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileObject::getChildren()
array SplFileObject::getCsvControl()
Get the delimiter and enclosure character used in fgetcsvNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileObject::getFlags()
Get file handling flagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplFileObject::getMaxLineLen()
Get maximum line lengthNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplFileObject::hasChildren()
int SplFileObject::key()
Return line numberNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileObject::next()
Read next lineNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileObject::rewind()
Rewind the file and read the first lineNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileObject::seek(int line_pos)
Seek to specified lineNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileObject::setCsvControl([string delimiter = ',' [, string enclosure = '"']])
Set the delimiter and enclosure character used in fgetcsvNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileObject::setFlags(int flags)
Set file handling flagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileObject::setMaxLineLen(int max_len)
Set maximum line lengthNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void SplFileObject::valid()
void SplObjectStorage::attach($obj)
Attaches an object to the storage if not yet containedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool SplObjectStorage::contains($obj)
Determine whethe an object is contained in the storageNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int SplObjectStorage::count()
Determine number of objects in storageNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed SplObjectStorage::current()
void SplObjectStorage::detach($obj)
Detaches an object from the storageNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed SplObjectStorage::key()
void SplObjectStorage::next()
void SplObjectStorage::rewind()
string SplObjectStorage::serialize()
void SplObjectStorage::unserialize(string serialized)
bool SplObjectStorage::valid()
void SplTempFileObject::__construct([int max_memory])
Construct a new temp file objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array class_implements(mixed what [, bool autoload ])
Return all classes and interfaces implemented by SPLNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array class_parents(object instance)
Return an array containing the names of all parent classesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int iterator_apply(Traversable it, mixed function [, mixed params])
Calls a function for every element in an iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int iterator_count(Traversable it)
Count the elements in an iteratorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array iterator_to_array(Traversable it [, bool use_keys = true])
Copy the iterator into an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void spl_autoload(string class_name [, string file_extensions])
Default implementation for __autoload()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void spl_autoload_call(string class_name)
Try all registerd autoload function to load the requested classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string spl_autoload_extensions([string file_extensions])
Register and return default file extensions for spl_autoloadNOT IMPLEMENTED.
false|array spl_autoload_functions()
Return all registered __autoload() functionnsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool spl_autoload_register([mixed autoload_function = "spl_autoload" [, throw = true]])
Register given function as __autoload() implementationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool spl_autoload_unregister(mixed autoload_function)
Unregister given function as __autoload() implementationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array spl_classes()
Return an array containing the names of all clsses and interfaces defined in SPLNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string spl_object_hash(object obj)
Return hash id for given objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
