php_xmlreader.pir - PHP xmlreader Library


Functions ^

boolean XMLReader::XML(string source [, string encoding [, int options]])
Sets the string that the the XMLReader will parse.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::close()
Closes xmlreader - current frees resources until xmlTextReaderClose is fixed in libxmlNOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::expand()
Moves the position of the current instance to the next node in the stream.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string XMLReader::getAttribute(string name)
Get value of an attribute from current elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string XMLReader::getAttributeNo(int index)
Get value of an attribute at index from current elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string XMLReader::getAttributeNs(string name, string namespaceURI)
Get value of a attribute via name and namespace from current elementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::getParserProperty(int property)
Indicates whether given property (one of the parser option constants) is set or not on parserNOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::isValid()
Returns boolean indicating if parsed document is valid or not. Must set XMLREADER_LOADDTD or XMLREADER_VALIDATE parser option prior to the first call to read or this method will always return FALSENOT IMPLEMENTED.
string XMLReader::lookupNamespace(string prefix)
Return namespaceURI for associated prefix on current nodeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::moveToAttribute(string name)
Positions reader at specified attribute - Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failureNOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::moveToAttributeNo(int index)
Positions reader at attribute at spcecified index. Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failureNOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::moveToAttributeNs(string name, string namespaceURI)
Positions reader at attribute spcified by name and namespaceURI. Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failureNOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::moveToElement()
Moves the position of the current instance to the node that contains the current Attribute node.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::moveToFirstAttribute()
Moves the position of the current instance to the first attribute associated with the current node.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::moveToNextAttribute()
Moves the position of the current instance to the next attribute associated with the current node.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::next([string localname])
Moves the position of the current instance to the next node in the stream.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::open(string URI [, string encoding [, int options]])
Sets the URI that the the XMLReader will parse.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::read()
Moves the position of the current instance to the next node in the stream.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::readInnerXml()
Reads the contents of the current node, including child nodes and markup.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::readOuterXml()
Reads the contents of the current node, including child nodes and markup.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::readString()
Reads the contents of an element or a text node as a string.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::setParserProperty(int property, boolean value)
Sets parser property (one of the parser option constants). Properties must be set after open() or XML() and before the first read() is calledNOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::setRelaxNGSchema(string filename)
Sets the string that the the XMLReader will parse.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::setRelaxNGSchemaSource(string source)
Sets the string that the the XMLReader will parse.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
boolean XMLReader::setSchema(string filename)
Use W3C XSD schema to validate the document as it is processed. Activation is only possible before the first Read().NOT IMPLEMENTED.
