Test::Builder::Tester - Parrot extension for testing test modules


    # load this library
    load_bytecode 'library/Test/Builder/Tester.pbc'

    # grab the subroutines you want to use
    .local pmc plan
    .local pmc test_out
    .local pmc test_diag
    .local pmc test_test

    plan      = get_hll_global [ 'Test'; 'Builder'; 'Tester' ], 'plan'
    test_out  = get_hll_global [ 'Test'; 'Builder'; 'Tester' ], 'test_out'
    test_diag = get_hll_global [ 'Test'; 'Builder'; 'Tester' ], 'test_diag'
    test_test = get_hll_global [ 'Test'; 'Builder'; 'Tester' ], 'test_test'

    # create a new Test::Builder object
    .local pmc tb_args
    .local pmc test

    tb_args = new 'Hash'
    test    = new [ 'Test'; 'Builder' ], tb_args

    # set your test plan
    plan( 4 )

    # test a passing test
    test_out( 'ok 1 - hi' )
    test.'ok'( 1, 'hi' )
    test_test( 'passing test')

    # test a test with some diagnostics
    test_out( 'ok 3 - A message' )
    test_diag( "some\nlines" )
    test.ok( 1, 'A message' )
    test.diag( 'some' )
    test.diag( 'lines' )
    test_test( 'passing test with diagnostics' )

    # clean up


Test::Builder::Tester is a pure-Parrot library for testing testing modules built on Test::Builder. It allows you to describe the TAP output that they will produce, showing any differences in description, directive, and diagnostics.

This is a procedural library.


This module defines the following public functions:

plan( num_tests )
Sets the number of tests you plan to run, where num_tests is an int.
test_pass( test_string )
Sets the expectation for a test to pass. test_string is the optional description of the test.
test_fail( test_string )
Sets the expectation for a test to fail. test_string is the optional description of the test.
test_out( test_string )
Sets the expected output for this test to a string. This should be a line of TAP output containing a combination of test number, status, description, and directive.
test_err( test_string )
Sets the expected diagnostic output for this test to a string. This should be a line of TAP output containing a test directive.
test_diag( test_string )
Sets the expected diagnostic output for this test to a string. This should be a line of TAP output containing a test directive.This and test_err() are effectively the same.
test_test( test_description )
Compares all of the expected test output and diagnostic output with the actual test output. This reports success or failure, using the giving string for the test description, and prints a diagnostic message with the divergent test output or diagnostic output.


Written and maintained by chromatic, chromatic at wgz dot org, based on the Perl 6 port he wrote, based on the original Perl 5 version written by Mark Fowler. Please send patches, feedback, and suggestions to the Perl 6 internals mailing list.


Copyright (C) 2005-2008, The Perl Foundation.
