This is the parrot bytecode library.


__onload is the initialization function. It sets the signatures of parrotlib's interface functions.
STRING = include_file_location( STRING )
Is called by IMCC when it encounters an .include statement. The string parameter the argument of this statement.This function returns the absolute filename of the requested file.
STRING = bytecode_location( STRING )
Is called by Parrot_load_bytecode. The string parameter is the name of the file to be loaded.This function returns the absolute filename of the requested file.
STRING = dynext_location( STRING )
Returns the location of a dynamic extension.


Jens Rieks <parrot at jensbeimsurfen dot de> is the author and maintainer. Please send patches and suggestions to the Perl 6 Internals mailing list.


Copyright (C) 2004-2008, The Perl Foundation.
