src/pmc/ref.pmc - Reference to a PMC


The vtable functions for the Ref base class.

All methods not present below get a default body autogenerated inside Parrot::Pmc2c.

Methods ^

void init()
Sets the referenced PMC to PMCNULL.
void init_pmc(PMC *initializer)
Sets the referenced PMC to initializer.
void set_pmc(PMC *other)
Sets the referenced PMC to *other.
PMC *get_pmc()
Get the referenced PMC.
INTVAL type()
Returns the PMC's type.
void mark()
Marks the referenced PMC as live.

These two methods must be implemented because they are not delegated.

STRING *name()
Returns the name of the PMC, not the name of the referenced PMC.
void morph(INTVAL type)
Changes the PMC to a PMC of a new type.


Initial revision by leo 2003.09.01.

Allowed null value by TOGoS 2004.07.28 (evil+bad?)
