src/spf_vtable.c - Parrot sprintf


Implements the two families of functions Parrot_sprintf may use to retrieve arguments.

Var args Functions ^

static STRING *getchr_va
Gets a char out of the va_list in obj and returns it as a Parrot STRING.size is unused.
static HUGEINTVAL getint_va
Gets an integer out of the va_list in obj and returns it as a Parrot STRING.size is an enum spf_type_t value which indicates the storage type of the integer.
static UHUGEINTVAL getuint_va
Gets an unsigned integer out of the va_list in obj and returns it as a Parrot STRING.size is an enum spf_type_t value which indicates the storage type of the integer.
static HUGEFLOATVAL getfloat_va
Gets an floating-point number out of the va_list in obj and returns it as a Parrot STRING.size is an enum spf_type_t value which indicates the storage type of the number.
static STRING *getstring_va
Gets an string out of the va_list in obj and returns it as a Parrot STRING.size is an enum spf_type_t value which indicates the storage type of the string.
static void *getptr_va
Gets a void * out of the va_list in obj and returns it.size is unused.

PMC Functions ^

static STRING *getchr_pmc
Same as getchr_va() except that a vtable is used to get the value from obj.
static HUGEINTVAL getint_pmc
Same as getint_va() except that a vtable is used to get the value from obj.
static UHUGEINTVAL getuint_pmc
Same as getuint_va() except that a vtable is used to get the value from obj.
static HUGEFLOATVAL getfloat_pmc
Same as getfloat_va() except that a vtable is used to get the value from obj.
static STRING *getstring_pmc
Same as getstring_va() except that a vtable is used to get the value from obj.
static void *getptr_pmc
Same as getptr_va() except that a vtable is used to get the value from obj.


src/misc.h, src/misc.c, src/spf_render.c.


When I was first working on this implementation of sprintf, I ran into a problem. I wanted to re-use the implementation for a Parrot bytecode-level sprintf, but that couldn't be done, since it used va_* directly. For a while I thought about generating two versions of the source with a Perl script, but that seemed like overkill. Eventually I came across this idea -- pass in a specialized vtable with methods for extracting things from the arglist, whatever it happened to be. This is the result.


In the future, it may be deemed desirable to similarly vtable-ize appending things to the string, allowing for faster Parrot_io_printf() &c, as well as a version that writes directly to a C string. However, at this point neither of those is needed.
