Pod DocTree nodes.


This file implements the various abstract syntax tree nodes for Pod.

Pod;DocTree Node Types


Pod;DocTree;Node is the base class for all PAST nodes, and is derived from PCT::Node. A node has an array component to hold its children, and a hash component for its attributes. However, we tend to use accessor methods for accessing the node's attributes instead of accessing the hash directly.

Every Pod;DocTree node inherits name, source, and pos attributes from PCT::Node. The name attribute is the node's name, if any, while source and pos are used to identify the location in the original source code for the node. The source and pos values are generally set by the node method inherited from PCT::Node.

Other node attributes are generally defined by subclasses of Pod;DocTree;Node.


A Pod;DocTree;File node represents a file containing Pod. As such, it's the root node of the Pod parse tree. The name attribute contains the name of the file.


Pod;DocTree;Heading nodes represent heading directives in the Pod document tree. The name attribute contains the name of the =headX tag ('head1', 'head2', etc). The level attribute is the numeric heading level (1, 2, etc). The title attribute is the heading title text.

Get/set the heading level for this node.
Get/set the heading title for this node.


Pod;DocTree;Block nodes represent block sections in the Pod document tree, either =begin/=end pairs, or a =for. The name attribute contains the name of the block (the first word after the tag). The title attribute is the block title text (any text after the name on the block directive line).

Get/set the block title for this node.


Pod;DocTree;List nodes represent list sections in the Pod document tree, =over/=back pairs. Lists have multiple children, all Pod;DocTree;Item nodes. The name attribute may indicate if the list is 'ordered', 'bullet', or 'named'.


Pod;DocTree;Item nodes represent list items in the Pod document tree, corresponding to an =item tag. The name attribute contains the item name, number, or bullet. The type attribute indicates whether the list item is 'ordered', 'bullet', or 'named'. Items have multiple children which may be paragraphs, literal paragraphs, or blocks.

Get/set the list item type for this node.


Pod;DocTree;Text nodes represent a section of plain text (a string of alphabetics, numbers, spaces, and punctuation) containing no formatting codes in the Pod document tree. The name attribute contains the text for the node.


Pod;DocTree;Format nodes represent a format code in the Pod document tree. The name attribute contains one of 'bold', 'italic', 'code', 'nonbreaking', 'escape', 'index', 'filename', 'link', or 'noop'. The original single character code is stored in the code attribute. Format nodes have multiple children, which may be text sections or format nodes.

Get/set the single character formatting code for this node.


Pod;DocTree;Paragraph nodes represent paragraph sections in the Pod document tree. Paragraphs have multiple children, which may be text sections or format nodes.


Pod;DocTree;Literal nodes represent literal paragraph sections in the Pod document tree (those paragraphs indented by some number of spaces in the original Pod). Literals have multiple children, which may be text sections or format nodes.


Pod::HTML::Compiler - Pod AST Compiler


Pod::HTML::Compiler implements a compiler for Pod AST nodes.


Return generated HTML for all of its children.
html(Any node)
html(Pod::DocTree::File node)
html(Pod::DocTree::Heading node)
html(Pod::DocTree::Text node)