src/pmc/context.pmc - Interpreter Context.


Stores context of execution. Currently we store pointer to Parrot_Context structure in PMC_data.

Vtable Functions

void init()
Initialize new Context. See Parrot_alloc_context.
void mark()
Mark Context as alive.
void destroy()
Destroy Context and memory allocated by Parrot_alloc_context.
void *get_pointer()
Return pointer to underlying Parrot_Context structure.
void set_pointer(void *)
Set new Parrot_Context structure.
PMC *get_pmc_keyed_str(STRING *key)
Introspection interface. key can be:
    caller_ctx          ... return Caller Context
    lex_pad             ... return LexPad
    outer_ctx           ... return Outer Context
    current_sub         ... return current Sub
    handlers            ... return list of ExceptioHandlers
    current_cont        ... return current Continuation
    current_object      ... return current Object (if in method call)
    current_namespace   ... return current Namespace
PMC *backtrace
Gets a representation of the backtrace starting from this Context. Returns an array of hashes. Each array element represents a caller in the backtrace, the most recent caller first. The hash has two keys: sub, which holds the PMC representing the sub, and annotations which is a hash of the annotations at the point where the exception was thrown for the current sub, or for the point of the call a level deeper for the rest.