src/pmc/callsignature.pmc - CallSignature PMC


The CallSignature PMC is used to store the argument list and argument meta information for a multiple dispatch call.


void init()
Initializes a newly created CallSignature object.
void mark()
Mark any referenced strings and PMCs.
void set_string_native(STRING *value)
Sets the short signature for the CallSignature.
STRING *get_string()
Returns the short signature for the CallSignature.
void set_pmc(PMC *value)
Sets a fixed-size array of integer types (a type tuple) for the CallSignature.
PMC *get_pmc()
Returns a fixed-size array of integer types (a type tuple) for the CallSignature.
void set_attr_str(STRING *key, PMC *value)
Set a PMC value for an attribute by string name.
Stores the return signature, an array of PMCs.
Stores a set of flags for the call signature arguments, an array of integers.
Stores a set of flags for the call signature return arguments, an array of integers.
PMC *get_attr_str(STRING *key)
Get a PMC value for an attribute by string name.
Retrieves the return signature, an array of PMCs.
Retrieves the flags for the call signature arguments, an array of integers.
Retrieves the flags for the call signature return arguments, an array of integers.
Retrieves the hash of named arguments.
PMC *clone()
Creates and returns a clone of the signature.