src/pmc/imageiosize.pmc - ImageIOSize PMC


Gets the size of an ImageIO image without the allocation costs.


void init()
Initializes the PMC.
void destroy()
Destroys the PMC.
void mark()
Marks the PMC as alive.
VTABLE PMC *get_pmc()
Gets the result PMC after a thaw.
VTABLE PMC *get_iter()
Get the todo list for this freeze/thaw for iterating over.
VTABLE INTVAL get_integer()
Returns the flags describing the visit action
VTABLE void push_integer(INTVAL v)
Pushes the integer v onto the end of the image.
VTABLE void push_float(FLOATVAL v)
Pushes the float v onto the end of the image.
VTABLE void push_string(STRING *v)
Pushes the string *v onto the end of the image.
VTABLE void push_pmc(PMC *v)
Pushes a reference to pmc *v onto the end of the image. If *v hasn't been seen yet, it is also pushed onto the todo list.