src/pmc/imageiothaw.pmc - ImageIOThaw PMC


Thaws PMCs from packfile images.


void init()
Initializes the PMC.
void destroy()
Destroys the PMC.
void mark()
Marks the PMC as alive.
void set_string_native(STRING *image)
Thaws the PMC contained in image.
PMC *get_iter()
Gets the todo list for iterating over.
PMC *get_pmc()
Get the thawed PMC.
INTVAL get_integer()
Get the visit action.
void set_pointer(void *value)
Set an exterior constant table to use for cross-referencing constants.
INTVAL shift_integer()
Retrieve an integer as the next item from the image.
FLOATVAL shift_float()
Retrieve a float as the next item from the image.
STRING *shift_string()
Retrieve a string as the next item from the image.
PMC *shift_pmc()
Retrieve a PMC as the next item from the image.