classes/fixedstringarray.pmc - fixed size array for strings only


This class, FixedStringArray, implements an array of fixed size, which stored STRING* TODO: it uses PerlString's internally to perform conversion, but it should use String PMCs

Functions ^

Methods ^

void init()

Initializes the array.

void morph(INTVAL type)

Const classes must have a morph().

void destroy()

Destroys the array.

PMC *clone()

Creates and returns a copy of the array.

void mark()

Marks the array as live.

INTVAL get_bool()

Returns whether the array has any elements (meaning been initialized, for a fixed sized array).

INTVAL elements()

INTVAL get_integer()

Returns the number of elements in the array.

INTVAL get_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL key)

Returns the integer value of the element at index key.

INTVAL get_integer_keyed(PMC *key)

Returns the integer value of the element at index *key.

FLOATVAL get_number_keyed_int(INTVAL key)

Returns the floating-point value of the element at index key.

FLOATVAL get_number_keyed (PMC *key)

Returns the floating-point value of the element at index *key.

STRING *get_string_keyed_int(INTVAL key)

Returns the Parrot string value of the element at index key.

STRING *get_string_keyed(PMC *key)

Returns the Parrot string value of the element at index *key.

PMC *get_pmc_keyed_int(INTVAL key)

Returns the PMC value of the element at index key.

PMC *get_pmc_keyed(PMC *key)

Returns the PMC value of the element at index *key.

void set_integer_native(INTVAL size)

Resizes the array to size elements.

void set_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL key, INTVAL value)

Sets the integer value of the element at index key to value.

void set_integer_keyed(PMC *key, INTVAL value)

Sets the integer value of the element at index key to value.

void set_number_keyed_int(INTVAL key, FLOATVAL value)

Sets the floating-point value of the element at index key to value.

void set_number_keyed(PMC *key, FLOATVAL value)

Sets the floating-point value of the element at index key to value.

void set_string_keyed_int(INTVAL key, STRING *value)

Sets the Parrot string value of the element at index key to value.

void set_string_keyed(PMC *key, STRING *value)

Sets the string value of the element at index key to value.

void set_pmc_keyed_int(INTVAL key, PMC *src)

Sets the PMC value of the element at index key to *src.

void set_pmc_keyed(PMC *key, PMC *value)

Sets the string value of the element at index key to value.




Initial version 2004.06.11 by Matt Fowles
