parrotcode: Untitled | |
Contents | Language Implementations | .Net |
The subsystem that translates the .NET instruction stream into a stream of Parrot instructions is not written directly in PIR, but instead is generated from a rules file, as described in rulesfile.pod, by the translator builder in conjunction with a particular stack to register mapping module. The idea behind this is to seperate the concerns of instruction mapping, walking the instruction stream and stack to register mapping. Writing this directly in PIR would be error prone and would make it more difficult to try out different stack to register mapping schemes or optimize the instruction translation code lookup.
The translator builder is generating the code that will translate .NET CLI instructions into Parrot instructions. That code in turn is also generating code. The key to hacking on this part of the system is keeping a firm hold on what code is being talked about - the code of the instruction translator or the code that the instruction translator will generate.
The translator builder is invoked as follows:-
perl build/ src/translation.rules --srm Stack --ouptput src/it.pir
Where translation.rules is the input translation rules file, Stack is the stack to register mapping algorithm to use and src/it.pir is the output PIR file to generate.
The first simple task carried out by the translator builder is parsing the translation rules file and placing its contents in a data structure that allows easy access to the data for each rule.
Next, a stack to register mapping module must be loaded, as specified in the command line arguments to the script. These all adhere to a standard interface as defined in SRM::Base, and indeed inhreit from SRM::Base. These modules are used to provide ways of turning stack based code into register based code and by being modules easily allow a number of different mapping algorithms to be benchmarked.
This step emits any PIR that sets things up for instruction translation. This includes giving the stack to register mapper a chance to emit any code that it would like to.
It is desirable to be able to dispatch to the translation code for a particular instruction efficiently. This step emits PIR code that does this. The lookup will happen in a number of steps O(log n) where n is the number of instructions we know how to translate.
This step generates the code for each rule. With support from the register mapping module it substitures metavariables for named or numbered Parrot registers. The register mapping module also takes care of inserting labels. This section has a lot of hooks into the stack to register mapping module, some dependent on the type of instruction being translated. More below.
Once translation has taken place, the stack to register mapping code may wish to perform some cleanup, so there is a hook for it to do so. Also, the end of the translate routine that returns the generated PIR needs to be generated.
The .NET CLR needs to keep track of the types of items on the stack. For example, the add instruction is expected to handle both integer addition and floating point addition and thus the types of the items on the stack that will be added together need to be known so the operation can be carried out correctly. The .NET specification lays down restrictions that ensure that this can be determined statically.
Parrot works somewhat differently; registers and floating point numbers go in a different set of registers. This means that Parrot does not have the cost of determining what behaviour will be required at runtime. (This is a result of .NET being designed to assume a JIT will be present and Parrot trying to ensure that a high performance interpreter is possible).
This means that the translator needs to use data flow analysis to determine the types of Parrot registers that should be used to hold the data that is being operated on. This is discussed in .NET terms as determining the stack type state. There are three cases to consider.
A type will be represented as a type describing hash, which is a Hash PMC with the following fields:
represented as a single letter I, N, S or P. This does not need to be set by any code that instantiates a new type describing hash, but will be available in existing ones. The routine "annotate_reg_type" is responsible for making this entry.
The rules file provides the "typeinfo" entry for load op and call class rules that specifies PIR code that sets values in ${DTYPES} (for ops) or ${LOADTYPE} (for loads). It is up to the translator builder to ensure that ${DTYPES} is set up as an array of the correct size and that ${STYPES} is maintained. (Note that this becomes a little trickier with calling, when the number of entries to pop of ${STYPES} is unknown until runtime. Only a little tricker though.)
This section of the document describes the steps that the translator generator takes when builder the translator for each instruction type.
1. The destination types must be computed. ${DTYPES} will be an array of type describing hashes and used to determine register names in the SRM.
2. The pre_op SRM method is called to generate translator code that will assign to the meta-variables ${STACK0} to ${STACKn), where n is the number of stack locations that the operations pops off to use, and also to the meta-variables ${DEST0} to ${DESTm}, where m is the number of values that are pushed onto the stack after the compuation. Both n and m are passed.
2. If an "instruction" entry has been supplied in the rules file then code to emit this instruction will be inserted into the translator, with the meta-variables substituted as needed. If a PIR entry is supplied then it have meta-variables substituted and then be inserted directly into the translator.
3. The post_op SRM method is called. This does any post-op tasks. For example, if a real stack is being maintained in user code and ${DESTm} were just temporary registers, then these values will need to be pushed onto the real stack. Note that n and m are passed, as in step 2.
1. A load instruction must provide as part of its translation rule a chunk of code that assigns to the meta-variable ${LOADTYPE} a type describing hash for the type of data that the load is placing on the stack. This code will be emitted into the translator first.
2. The translator builder looks at whether or not ${DEST0} is used, meaning that a register is needed to store the loaded value in, or ${LOADREG} is used, meaning that the value being loaded is already in a register (e.g. in the case of a local or an argument). In the first case, let NEED_DEST = 1, in the second case let NEED_DEST = 0. We provide both of these mechanisms to give the SRM chance to optimize away useless data movement.
3. The pre_load SRM method is called, passing the NEED_DEST flag and adding any PIR that is generated to the translator.
4. Emit the translation code as supplied by the pir entry of the load rule.
5. The post_load SRM method is called, passing the NEED_DEST flag and adding any PIR that is generated to the translaotr.
1. The translator builder looks at whether or not ${STOREREG} is assigned to in the PIR that is produced. If this is the case let DEST_REG = 1 otherwise let DEST_REG = 0. In the case where ${STOREREG} is used, the destination for storage is a register and the SRM can produce more optimal code by knowing this. When DEST_REG = 0 then ${STACK0} is set to the name of a register holding the value being popped off the top of the stack to be stored.
2. The pre_store SRM method is called, passing the DEST_REG flag and adding any PIR that is generated to the translator.
3. Emit the translation code as supplied by the pir entry of the store rule.
4. The post_store SRM method is called, passing the DEST_REG flag and adding any PIR that is generated to the translator.
1. The pre_branch SRM method is called to generate translator code that will assign to the meta-variables ${STACK0} to ${STACKn), where n is the number of stack locations that the branch instruction pops off to use. Note that for unconditional branches then n = 0. The value n is passed and any PIR that is generated is added to the translator.
2. Emit the translation code as supplied by the pir entry of the branch rule.
3. The post_branch SRM method is called, passing the pop count as was passed to pre_branch and adding any PIR that is generated to the translator.
1. A calling translation rule may supply code that will optionally compute a single destination type and store it in ${DTYPES}[0]. In the case where no result will be pushed onto the stack (for example, when returning or when a void method is invoked) then ${DTYPES}[0] should not be assigned to - not even a null value.
2. The pre_call SRM method is called. As there is no way to know how many values may need to be popped off the stack until translation time, the stack meta-variables are unhelpful here. Therefore this method must place a list of registers, as many as are needed for the call or return, into the array that has been set up in ${PARAMS}. (Params may be seen as a mis-leading name when returning, but given Parrot uses continuation passing scheme a call and a return look very similar anyway, so it feels kinda natural from a Parrot point of view, if not a .NET one.)
3. Emit the translation code as supplied by the pir entry of the call rule.
4. The post_call SRM method is called.
The SRM modules have a rather intimate relationship with the data flow anlysis that determines the types of items on the stack. As in real life, getting too intimate often makes for trouble. Therefore the following rules should always be obeyed.
1. Look but don't touch. That is, look at the type hashes in the stack types array and get whatever data is needed from them. Never modify the data in the type hashes or remove a type hash from an array of type hashes. Doing so is like cheating on the translator builder, which inserts all the code that is needed to handle data flow analysis information.
2. Don't look at things that aren't available. The three arrays of type hashes that will usually be available (unless it's stated they are not) are ${STYPES} - the types of items on the stack, ${LTYPES} - the types of local variables and ${PTYPES} - the types of parameters passed to the method that the translator is translating. Availability of anything else should not be assumed unless the specification for the SRM method in question says otherwise.
The PIR returned by this method will be placed near the start of the translator so that it runs before instruction translation begins. This will usually be setup code for the stack to register mapper.
Only ${LTYPES} and ${PTYPES} will be available in this method.
The PIR returned by this method will be placed near the end of the translator so that is is run after the instruction translation has been completed. Parrot's GC probably eliminates the need to clean up any data structures, but this method is here just in case some tear-down needs to be performed.
Only ${LTYPES} and ${PTYPES} will be available in this method.
A stack to register mapper may wish to provide a number of subroutines that are used in the mapping process. PIR returned by this method will be inserted outside of the instruction translation sub. Therefore, no meta-variables are available.
Label generation is given to the stack to register mapping module as one of its tasks. Why? Because the SRM is likely to need to know about basic blocks as this knowledge is needed by most stack to register mapping algorithms. In the case that the stack to register mapping algorithm doesn't know, a default implementation of this method is provided that emits a label for every instruction whether or not it is named as a branch target.
Meta-variables are available to this method, however the only one that is likely to be needed is ${PC}, the program counter.
If a label is being generated then it must be of the form "LABn:" where n is the program counter held when that instruction is reached.
This will be called to generate code that precedes the code to translate an instruction that only operates on values on the top of the stack. This is always modelled as popping the registers off the stack, doing the compuation and pushing the results back on the top of the stack. The code generated by pre_op relates to the pop phase, but must produce register names for both the items being popped off the stack and the items being pushed onto the stack.
The count of values that are popped off the top of the stack is passed in as POP_COUNT. The count of values that are pushed onto the top of the stack is passed in as PUSH_COUNT.
For a POP_COUNT value of n the PIR returned must assign the meta-variables STACK0 to STACKn with the names of registers holding the popped values. Under some SRM schemes this may involve actually popping the data from a stack being maintained by the translated instruction stream. Under others it may involve just popping the name from a stack that the translator is maintaining as the values are already in registers in the generated code.
For a PUSH_COUNT value of m the PIR returned must assign the meta-variables DEST0 to DESTm with the names of registers that will hold the values being pushed. Under some SRM schemes these may correspond to the final destination of the values, e.g. if stack locations are being mapped onto registers. In other cases they may be temporary storage locations that will be pushed onto the stack in post_op.
Note that register name compuations will likely involve the ${STYPES} and ${DTYPES} meta-variables, which contain the types of values currently on the stack and the computed types of the values to be pushed onto the stack computed using data flow analysis.
This will be called to generate code that follows the code to translate an instruction that only operates on values on the top of the stack. This is always modelled as popping the registers off the stack, doing the compuation and pushing a single result back on the top of the stack if needed. The code generated by post_op relates to the push phase.
The count of values that are popped off the top of the stack is passed in as POP_COUNT. The count of values that are pushed onto the top of the stack is passed in as PUSH_COUNT.
There are no requirements on the PIR returend to set any meta-variables. In some SRM algorithms there may be nothing to do in post_op. In ones that are maintaining a real stack under the hood, however, this is a chance for values stored in temporary result registers to be pushed onto the real stack that is being maintained.
Again, the ${DTYPES} meta-variable for the array of destination type hashes is available.
This is called to generate code that precedes the translation code for a load instruction. It comes after the type of the item being loaded has been stored as a type describing hash in ${LOADTYPE} so that this data is available.
If NEED_DEST is set then the PIR that is returend must assign to ${DEST0} the name of a register that will be used to store the loaded value. This may be a temporary that will be pushed onto the stack in post_load or it may be a register that is mapped to a particular stack location, depending on the SRM algorithm.
If NEED_DEST is not set then there are no need to assign to any meta-variables.
This is called to generate code that follows the the translation code for a load instruction.
If NEED_DEST is set then the value being loaded will now be in the register named in ${DEST0}. If NEED_DEST is not set then the register holding the value being loaded is stored in ${LOADREG}.
There are no requirements on this method to set any meta-variables. As in pre_load, ${LOADTYPE} will be available.
This is called to generate code that precedes the translation code for a store instruction.
If DEST_REG is set then this means that the destination of the store will be a register, though at this time the name of the register is *not* available. The purpose of the translation code is to produce the name of that register, but not to copy the value to it. This will need to be done in post_store.
If DEST_REG is not set this means that the destination of the store will not be a register. This means that the translation code will need to do something more advanced and will be storing the value itself. Therefore, it needs access to the value, meaning that this method must assign the name of a register holding the value to ${STACK0} and cause the translator to emit any code needed to place the value in that register.
This is called to generate code that follows the translation code for a store instruction.
If DEST_REG is set then this means that the destination of the store will be the register named in ${STOREREG}. The translation code does not copy the value to this location, so this SRM method must return PIR that emits translated code that does this copy operation. The reason behind this is to provide opportunities for optimizing away useless operations. Taking advantage of these is down to the SRM module.
If DEST_REG is not set this means that the destination of the store was not a register. Furthermore, the store will now have been completed. In this case, this method may have little or nothing to do.
This is called to generate code that precedes the translation code for a branch instruction. The branch operation may involve values stored on the top of the stack. The count of values that are popped off the top of the stack by the branch is passed in as POP_COUNT.
For a POP_COUNT value of n the PIR returned must assign the meta-variables STACK0 to STACKn with the names of registers holding the popped values. Under some SRM schemes this may involve actually popping the data from a stack being maintained by the translated instruction stream. Under others it may involve just popping the name from a stack that the translator is maintaining as the values are already in registers in the generated code.
This is called to generate code that follows the translation code for a branch instruction. As with pre_branch, the number of values that the branch instruction takes from the stack top is available in POP_COUNT.
This method has no requirements on setting meta-variables.
This is called to generate code that precedes the translation code for a calling related instruction (either a method call or a return). It needs to put names of registers that contain the parameters to pass or return into the ${PARAMS} array, first parameter as the first element, etc. It will be able to achieve this by looking at the argument to the opcode, which will refer to the method signature.
In addition, if ${DTYPES} has an element, the destination register (for the result of the call) must be set in ${DEST0}.
This is called to generate code that follows the translation code for a calling instruction. This could be used, for example, to put a returned value back onto the stack.
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