Plumhead - Testing

Testsuite ^

For testing the test-suite from a current PHP release is used. For sanity checking there are also very few tests in languages/plumhead/t. These are used by 'make test'.

How to run the PHP test suite ^

A problem are relative paths used by both the PHP test suite and by the generated PIR. Something like this worked for me under Linux.

  cd ~/devel/Parrot/trunk
  perl && make
  cd ~/devel/PHP/php-5.2.0
  ./configure && make
  ln -s ../../Parrot/trunk/parrot
  ln -s ../../Parrot/trunk/languages
  export PATH=.:$PATH
  export TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=languages/plumhead/
  export TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE=languages/plumhead/
  php run-tests.php -v --keep-all -r languages/plumhead/t/selection.txt | tee run-tests.log

Good luck.

Author ^

Bernhard Schmalhofer - <>
