src/dynpmc/quantumreg.pmc - QuantumReg PMC
Development has stalled.
Takers are welcome.
This is an interface to the libquantum library.
The QuantumReg PMC looks from the outside like an fixed size array.
void class_init()
- Class initialization.
QuantumReg is a dynamic PMC,
meaning that a dynamically loadable module is created.
On Unix-like systems this is a shared library.
When it is available,
the shared library has linked in the library 'libquantum'.
VOID set_integer_native(INTVAL size)
- Create a new QuantumReg with specified number of registers.
INTVAL get_bool_keyed_int(INTVAL key)
- Makes a measurement on |0> of the qubit at position key.
INTVAL get_integer()
- Returns the number of qbits in the quantum register.