src/debug.c - Parrot debugging


This file implements Parrot debugging and is used by pdb, the Parrot debugger, and the debug ops.

Functions ^

static const char *parse_int(const char *str, int *intP)

Parse an int out of a string and return a pointer to just after the int. The output parameter intP contains the parsed value.

static const char *parse_string(Interp *interp, const char *str, STRING **strP)

Parse a double-quoted string out of a C string and return a pointer to just after the string. The parsed string is converted to a Parrot STRING and placed in the output parameter strP.

static const char *parse_key(Interp *interp, const char *str, PMC **keyP)

Parse an aggregate key out of a string and return a pointer to just after the key. Currently only string and integer keys are allowed.

static const char *parse_command(const char *command, unsigned long *cmdP)

Convert the command at the beginning of a string into a numeric value that can be used as a switch key for fast lookup.

void PDB_next(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Execute the next N operation(s).

Inits the program if needed, runs the next N >= 1 operations and stops.

void PDB_trace(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Execute the next N operations; if no number is specified, it defaults to 1.

PDB_condition_t *PDB_cond(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Analyzes a condition from the user input.

void PDB_watchpoint(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Set a watchpoint.

void PDB_set_break(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Set a break point, the source code file must be loaded.

void PDB_init(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Init the program.

void PDB_continue(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Continue running the program. If a number is specified, skip that many breakpoints.

PDB_breakpoint_t *PDB_find_breakpoint(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Find breakpoint number N; returns NULL if the breakpoint doesn't exist or if no breakpoint was specified.

void PDB_disable_breakpoint(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Disable a breakpoint; it can be reenabled with the enable command.

void PDB_enable_breakpoint(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Reenable a disabled breakpoint; if the breakpoint was not disabled, has no effect.

void PDB_delete_breakpoint(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Delete a breakpoint.

void PDB_delete_condition(Interp *interp, PDB_breakpoint_t *breakpoint)

Delete a condition associated with a breakpoint.

void PDB_skip_breakpoint(Interp *interp, long i)

Skip i times all breakpoints.

char PDB_program_end(Interp *interp)

End the program.

char PDB_check_condition(Interp *interp, PDB_condition_t *condition)

Returns true if the condition was met.

char PDB_break(Interp *interp)

Returns true if we have to stop running.

char *PDB_escape(const char *string, INTVAL length)

Escapes ", \r, \n, \t, \a and \\.

int PDB_unescape(char *string)

Do inplace unescape of \r, \n, \t, \a and \\.

size_t PDB_disassemble_op(Interp *interp, char *dest, int space, op_info_t *info, opcode_t *op, PDB_file_t *file, opcode_t *code_start, int full_name)

Disassembles op.

void PDB_disassemble(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Disassemble the bytecode.

long PDB_add_label(PDB_file_t *file, opcode_t *cur_opcode, opcode_t offset)

Add a label to the label list.

void PDB_free_file(Interp *interp)

Frees any allocated source files.

void PDB_load_source(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Load a source code file.

char PDB_hasinstruction(char *c)

Return true if the line has an instruction.


void PDB_list(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Show lines from the source code file.

void PDB_eval(Interp *interp, const char *command)

evals an instruction.

opcode_t *PDB_compile(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Compiles instructions with the PASM compiler.

Appends an end op.

This may be called from PDB_eval above or from the compile opcode which generates a malloced string.

int PDB_extend_const_table(Interp *interp)

Extend the constant table.

void PDB_print_user_stack(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Print an entry from the user stack.

void PDB_info(Interp *interp)

Print the interpreter info.

void PDB_help(Interp *interp, const char *command)

Print the help text. "Help" with no arguments prints a list of commands. "Help xxx" prints information on command xxx.

void PDB_backtrace(Interp *interp)

Prints a backtrace of the interp's call chain.


include/parrot/debug.h, src/pdb.c and ops/debug.ops.


Initial version by Daniel Grunblatt on 2002.5.19.

Start of rewrite - leo 2005.02.16

The debugger now uses its own interpreter. User code is run in Interp *debugee. We have:

    ^                            |
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Debug commands are mostly run inside the debugger. User code runs of course in the debugee.
