src/io/io_layers.c - IO Layer Handling


The Parrot IO subsystem uses a per-interpreter stack to provide a layer-based approach to IO. Each layer implements a subset of the ParrotIOLayerAPI vtable. To find an IO function the layer stack is searched downwards until a non-NULL function pointer is found for that particular slot.

Layer and Stack Functions ^

FUNCDOC: PIO_base_new_layer

The default IO layer constructor. Creates and returns a new ParrotIOLayer. If a prototype *proto is supplied then its values will be copied to the new instance.


#include "parrot/parrot.h" #include "parrot/io.h" #include "io_private.h"

/* HEADER: include/parrot/io.h */

PARROT_API ParrotIOLayer * PIO_base_new_layer(ParrotIOLayer *proto) { ParrotIOLayer * const new_layer = mem_allocate_typed(ParrotIOLayer);

     * XXX use managed memory here ?
    if (proto) {
        /* FIXME: Flag here to indicate whether to free strings */
        new_layer->name  = proto->name;
        new_layer->flags = proto->flags;
        new_layer->api   = proto->api;
    else {
        new_layer->name = NULL;
        new_layer->flags = 0;
        new_layer->api = NULL;
    new_layer->self = 0;
    new_layer->up = NULL;
    new_layer->down = NULL;
    return new_layer;



The default IO layer destructor. Frees the memory associated with *layer.


PARROT_API void PIO_base_delete_layer(ParrotIOLayer *layer /*NULLOK*/) { if (layer != NULL) mem_sys_free(layer); }


FUNCDOC: PIO_push_layer

Push a layer onto an IO object (*pmc) or the default stack.

FUNCDOC: PIO_push_layer_str

Push a layer onto an IO object (*pmc).


PARROT_API INTVAL PIO_push_layer(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NULLOK*/, ParrotIOLayer *layer /*NULLOK*/) { if (layer == NULL) return -1;

    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(pmc)) {
        ParrotIOLayer    *t;
        ParrotIO * const io = PMC_data_typed(pmc, ParrotIO *);

        if (!io)
            return -1;

        /* Error( 1st layer must be terminal) */
        if (io->stack == NULL && (layer->flags & PIO_L_TERMINAL) == 0)
            return -1;

        /* Check and see if this layer already is on stack
         * This is a internals sanity check not a user level
         * check, at least until I fix copy-on-write stacks.
         * -Melvin
        for (t = io->stack; t; t = t->down) {
            if (t == layer)
                return -1;

        /* if this is a global layer create a copy first */
        if (!(io->stack->flags & PIO_L_LAYER_COPIED))
            io->stack = PIO_copy_stack(io->stack);

        layer->down = io->stack;

        if (io->stack)
            io->stack->up = layer;

        io->stack = layer;

        PMC_struct_val(pmc) = layer;

        if (layer->api->Pushed)
            (*layer->api->Pushed) (layer, io);
    else {
        ParrotIOLayer *t;
        ParrotIOData * const d = interp->piodata;
        if (d->default_stack == NULL && (layer->flags & PIO_L_TERMINAL) == 0) {
            /* Error( 1st layer must be terminal) */
            return -1;
        /* Sanity check */
        for (t = d->default_stack; t; t = t->down) {
            if (t == layer)
                return -1;

        layer->down = d->default_stack;
        if (d->default_stack)
            d->default_stack->up = layer;
        d->default_stack = layer;
        return 0;
    return -1;

PARROT_API ParrotIOLayer * PIO_get_layer(Interp *interp, const char *name /*NN*/) /* WARN_UNUSED */ { ParrotIOLayer **t;

    for (t = pio_registered_layers; *t; ++t)
        if (strcmp(name, (*t)->name) == 0)
            return *t;
    return NULL;

void PIO_push_layer_str(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc, STRING *ls) { char * const cls = string_to_cstring(interp, ls); ParrotIOLayer * const l = PIO_get_layer(interp, cls); ParrotIOLayer * newlayer;

    if (!l)
        internal_exception(1, "Layer not found");

    /* make private copy */
    newlayer = PIO_base_new_layer(l);
    newlayer->flags |= PIO_L_LAYER_COPIED;
    PIO_push_layer(interp, pmc, newlayer);


FUNCDOC: PIO_pop_layer

Pop a layer from an IO object (*pmc) or the default stack.

FUNCDOC: PIO_pop_layer_str

Pop a layer from an IO object (*pmc) and return the name of the popped layer. The layer gets freed.


PARROT_API ParrotIOLayer * PIO_pop_layer(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc /*NULLOK*/) { ParrotIO * const io = PMC_data_typed(pmc, ParrotIO *);

    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(pmc)) {
        ParrotIOLayer *layer;

        if (!io)
            return 0;

        /* if this is a global layer create a copy first */
        if (!(io->stack->flags & PIO_L_LAYER_COPIED))
            io->stack = PIO_copy_stack(io->stack);

        layer = io->stack;

        if (layer) {
            io->stack           = layer->down;
            PMC_struct_val(pmc) = io->stack;
            io->stack->up       = 0;
            layer->up           = 0;
            layer->down         = 0;

            if (layer->api->Popped)
                (*layer->api->Popped) (layer, io);

            return layer;

        return layer;
    /* Null io object - use default stack */
    else {
        ParrotIOData  * const d     = interp->piodata;
        ParrotIOLayer * const layer = d->default_stack;

        if (layer) {
            d->default_stack     = layer->down;
            d->default_stack->up = NULL;
            layer->up            = 0;
            layer->down          = 0;

            return layer;

    return NULL;

STRING * PIO_pop_layer_str(Interp *interp, PMC *pmc) { ParrotIOLayer * const layer = PIO_pop_layer(interp, pmc); STRING * const ls = string_make(interp, layer->name, strlen(layer->name), "iso-8859-1", 0); mem_sys_free(layer); return ls; }


FUNCDOC: PIO_copy_stack

Primarily used to copy the default IO stack for a new IO object. Later we will do some funky copy-on-write stuff.


PARROT_API ParrotIOLayer * PIO_copy_stack(ParrotIOLayer *stack /*NULLOK*/) { ParrotIOLayer *ptr_new = NULL; ParrotIOLayer *ptr_last = NULL; ParrotIOLayer **ptr_ptr_new = &ptr_new;

    while (stack) {
        *ptr_ptr_new = PIO_base_new_layer(stack);
        (*ptr_ptr_new)->flags |= PIO_L_LAYER_COPIED;
        (*ptr_ptr_new)->up = ptr_last;
        stack = stack->down;
        ptr_last = *ptr_ptr_new;
        ptr_ptr_new = &((*ptr_ptr_new)->down);

    return ptr_new;

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