parrotcode: Dead object destruction of the various headers | |
Contents | C |
src/dod.c - Dead object destruction of the various headers
This file implements dead object destruction. This is documented in PDD 9 with supplementary notes in docs/dev/
It's possible to turn on/off the checking of the system stack and processor registers. The actual checking is implemented in src/cpu_dep.c.
There's also a verbose mode for garbage collection.
#define DOD_C_SOURCE #include "parrot/parrot.h" #include "parrot/dod.h" #include <assert.h>
/* HEADERIZER HFILE: include/parrot/dod.h */
/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */
static void clear_live_bits( NOTNULL(Small_Object_Pool *pool) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
PARROT_CONST_FUNCTION static size_t find_common_mask( PARROT_INTERP, size_t val1, size_t val2 ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static void mark_special( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(PMC *obj) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static int sweep_cb( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(Small_Object_Pool *pool), int flag, NOTNULL(void *arg) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2) __attribute__nonnull__(4);
static int trace_active_PMCs( PARROT_INTERP, int trace_stack ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
/* HEADERIZER END: static */
/* Set this to 1 to see if unanchored objects are found in system areas. * Please note: these objects might be bogus */ #define GC_VERBOSE 0
#if ! DISABLE_GC_DEBUG /* Set when walking the system stack */ int CONSERVATIVE_POINTER_CHASING = 0; #endif
FUNCDOC: mark_special
Mark a special PMC.
If it has a PMC_EXT
append or prepend the next_for_GC
pointer; otherwise,
do the custom mark directly.
This should really be inline, so if inline isn't available, it would be better if it were a macro.
static void mark_special(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(PMC *obj)) { int hi_prio; Arenas *arena_base;
* If the object is shared, we have to use the arena and dod
* pointers of the originating interpreter.
* We are possibly changing another interpreter's data here, so
* the mark phase of DOD must run only on one interpreter of a pool
* at a time. However, freeing unused objects can occur in parallel.
* And: to be sure that a shared object is dead, we have to finish
* the mark phase of all interpreters in a pool that might reference
* the object.
if (PObj_is_PMC_shared_TEST(obj)) {
interp = PMC_sync(obj)->owner;
/* XXX FIXME hack */
if (!interp->arena_base->dod_mark_ptr)
interp->arena_base->dod_mark_ptr = obj;
arena_base = interp->arena_base;
if (PObj_needs_early_DOD_TEST(obj))
if (PObj_high_priority_DOD_TEST(obj) && arena_base->dod_trace_ptr) {
/* set obj's parent to high priority */
hi_prio = 1;
hi_prio = 0;
if (obj->pmc_ext) {
PMC* const tptr = arena_base->dod_trace_ptr;
* XXX this basically invalidates the high-priority marking
* of PMCs by putting all PMCs onto the front of the list.
* The reason for this is the by far better cache locality
* when aggregates and their contents are marked "together".
* To enable high priority marking again we should probably
* use a second pointer chain, which is, when not empty,
* processed first.
if (tptr || hi_prio) {
if (PMC_next_for_GC(tptr) == tptr) {
PMC_next_for_GC(obj) = obj;
else {
/* put it at the head of the list */
PMC_next_for_GC(obj) = PMC_next_for_GC(tptr);
PMC_next_for_GC(tptr) = (PMC*)obj;
else {
/* put it on the end of the list */
PMC_next_for_GC(arena_base->dod_mark_ptr) = obj;
/* Explicitly make the tail of the linked list be
* self-referential */
arena_base->dod_mark_ptr = PMC_next_for_GC(obj) = obj;
else if (PObj_custom_mark_TEST(obj)) {
PObj_get_FLAGS(obj) |= PObj_custom_GC_FLAG;
VTABLE_mark(interp, obj);
PARROT_API void pobject_lives(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(PObj *obj)) { #if PARROT_GC_GMS do { if (!PObj_live_TEST(obj) && \ PObj_to_GMSH(obj)->gen->gen_no >= interp->gc_generation) \ parrot_gc_gms_pobject_lives(interp, obj); \ } while (0); #else /* not PARROT_GC_GMS */ /* if object is live or on free list return */ if (PObj_is_live_or_free_TESTALL(obj)) { return; } # if ! DISABLE_GC_DEBUG # if GC_VERBOSE if (CONSERVATIVE_POINTER_CHASING) { fprintf(stderr, "GC Warning! Unanchored %s %p " " found in system areas \n", PObj_is_PMC_TEST(obj) ? "PMC" : "Buffer", obj); } # endif # endif /* mark it live */ PObj_live_SET(obj);
/* if object is a PMC and it's real_self pointer points to another
* PMC, we must mark that. */
if (PObj_is_PMC_TEST(obj)) {
PMC * const p = (PMC*)obj;
if (p->real_self != p)
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)p->real_self);
/* if object is a PMC and contains buffers or PMCs, then attach
* the PMC to the chained mark list.
if (PObj_is_special_PMC_TEST(obj)) {
mark_special(interp, (PMC*) obj);
# ifndef NDEBUG
else {
if (PObj_is_PMC_TEST(obj)) {
PMC * const p = (PMC*)obj;
if (p->pmc_ext && PMC_metadata(p)) {
fprintf(stderr, "GC: error obj %p (%s) has properties\n",
(void *)p, (char*)p->vtable->whoami->strstart);
# endif
/* buffer GC_DEBUG stuff */
if (! GC_DEBUG(interp))
if (PObj_report_TEST(obj)) {
fprintf(stderr, "GC: buffer %p pointing to %p marked live\n",
obj, PObj_bufstart((Buffer*) obj));
# endif
#endif /* PARROT_GC_GMS */
FUNCDOC: Parrot_dod_trace_root
Trace the root set. Returns 0 if it's a lazy DOD run and all objects that need timely destruction were found.
can have these values:
0 ... trace normal roots, no system areas
1 ... trace whole root set
2 ... trace system areas only
PARROT_API int Parrot_dod_trace_root(PARROT_INTERP, int trace_stack) { Arenas * const arena_base = interp->arena_base; parrot_context_t *ctx;
* note: adding locals here did cause increased DOD runs
unsigned int i = 0;
if (trace_stack == 2) {
return 0;
if (interp->profile)
/* We have to start somewhere; the interpreter globals is a good place */
if (!arena_base->dod_mark_start) {
= arena_base->dod_mark_ptr
= interp->iglobals;
/* mark it as used */
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)interp->iglobals);
/* mark the current context. */
ctx = CONTEXT(interp->ctx);
mark_context(interp, ctx);
/* mark the dynamic environment. */
mark_stack(interp, interp->dynamic_env);
* mark vtable->data
* XXX these PMCs are constant and shouldn't get collected
* but t/library/dumper* fails w/o this marking.
* It seems that the Class PMC gets DODed - these should
* get created as constant PMCs.
for (i = 1; i < (unsigned int)interp->n_vtable_max; i++) {
const VTABLE * const vtable = interp->vtables[i];
* XXX dynpmc groups have empty slots for abstract objects
if (vtable) {
if (vtable->mro)
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)vtable->mro);
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)vtable->_namespace);
/* mark exception list */
for (i = 0; i <= E_LAST_PYTHON_E; ++i)
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj*)interp->exception_list[i]);
/* mark the root_namespace */
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)interp->root_namespace);
/* s. packfile.c */
/* mark caches and freelists */
/* Now mark the class hash */
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)interp->class_hash);
/* Mark the PMC Proxy PMC array. */
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)interp->pmc_proxies);
/* Mark the registry if any */
if (interp->DOD_registry)
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)interp->DOD_registry);
/* Mark the transaction log */
/* XXX do this more generically? */
if (interp->thread_data && interp->thread_data->stm_log)
/* Walk the iodata */
Parrot_IOData_mark(interp, interp->piodata);
/* quick check if we can already bail out */
if (arena_base->lazy_dod && arena_base->num_early_PMCs_seen >=
return 0;
/* Find important stuff on the system stack */
if (trace_stack)
if (interp->profile)
Parrot_dod_profile_end(interp, PARROT_PROF_DOD_p1);
return 1;
FUNCDOC: trace_active_PMCs
Do a full trace run and mark all the PMCs as active if they are. Returns whether the run completed, that is, whether it's safe to proceed with GC.
static int trace_active_PMCs(PARROT_INTERP, int trace_stack) { if (!Parrot_dod_trace_root(interp, trace_stack)) return 0;
/* Okay, we've marked the whole root set, and should have a good-sized
* list of things to look at. Run through it */
return Parrot_dod_trace_children(interp, (size_t) -1);
FUNCDOC: Parrot_dod_trace_children
Returns whether the tracing process completed.
PARROT_API int Parrot_dod_trace_children(PARROT_INTERP, size_t how_many) { Arenas * const arena_base = interp->arena_base; const int lazy_dod = arena_base->lazy_dod; PMC *current = arena_base->dod_mark_start; PMC *next;
const UINTVAL mask = PObj_data_is_PMC_array_FLAG | PObj_custom_mark_FLAG;
* First phase of mark is finished. Now if we are the owner
* of a shared pool, we must run the mark phase of other
* interpreters in our pool, so that live shared PMCs in that
* interpreter are appended to our mark_ptrs chain.
* If there is a count of shared PMCs and we have already seen
* all these, we could skip that.
if (interp->profile)
for (; ; current = next) {
const UINTVAL bits = PObj_get_FLAGS(current) & mask;
if (lazy_dod && arena_base->num_early_PMCs_seen >=
arena_base->num_early_DOD_PMCs) {
return 0;
arena_base->dod_trace_ptr = current;
* short-term hack to color objects black
PObj_get_FLAGS(current) |= PObj_custom_GC_FLAG;
* clearing the flag is much more expensive then testing
if (!PObj_needs_early_DOD_TEST(current))
/* mark properties */
if (PMC_metadata(current))
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)PMC_metadata(current));
/* Start by checking if there's anything at all. This assumes that the
* largest percentage of PMCs won't have anything in their data
* pointer that we need to trace. */
if (bits) {
if (bits == PObj_data_is_PMC_array_FLAG) {
/* malloced array of PMCs */
PMC ** const data = PMC_data_typed(current, PMC **);
if (data) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < PMC_int_val(current); i++) {
if (data[i])
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)data[i]);
else {
/* All that's left is the custom */
VTABLE_mark(interp, current);
/* this value may be null */
next = PMC_next_for_GC(current);
if (next && next == current)
if (--how_many == 0) {
current = next;
arena_base->dod_mark_start = current;
arena_base->dod_trace_ptr = NULL;
if (interp->profile)
Parrot_dod_profile_end(interp, PARROT_PROF_DOD_p2);
return 1;
FUNCDOC: clear_cow
Clear the COW ref count.
void clear_cow(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(Small_Object_Pool *pool), int cleanup) { const UINTVAL object_size = pool->object_size; Small_Object_Arena *cur_arena;
/* clear refcount for COWable objects. */
for (cur_arena = pool->last_Arena;
NULL != cur_arena; cur_arena = cur_arena->prev) {
Buffer *b = cur_arena->start_objects;
for (i = 0; i < cur_arena->used; i++) {
if (!PObj_on_free_list_TEST(b)) {
if (cleanup) {
/* clear COWed external FLAG */
/* if cleanup (Parrot_destroy) constants are dead too */
if (PObj_COW_TEST(b) && PObj_bufstart(b) &&
!PObj_external_TEST(b)) {
INTVAL * const refcount = PObj_bufrefcountptr(b);
*refcount = 0;
b = (Buffer *)((char *)b + object_size);
FUNCDOC: used_cow
Find other users of COW's bufstart
void used_cow(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(Small_Object_Pool *pool), int cleanup) { UINTVAL object_size = pool->object_size; Small_Object_Arena *cur_arena;
for (cur_arena = pool->last_Arena;
NULL != cur_arena; cur_arena = cur_arena->prev) {
const Buffer *b = cur_arena->start_objects;
for (i = 0; i < cur_arena->used; i++) {
if (!PObj_on_free_list_TEST(b) &&
PObj_COW_TEST(b) &&
PObj_bufstart(b) &&
!PObj_external_TEST(b)) {
INTVAL * const refcount = PObj_bufrefcountptr(b);
/* mark users of this bufstart by incrementing refcount */
if (PObj_live_TEST(b))
*refcount = 1 << 29; /* ~infinite usage */
(*refcount)++; /* dead usage */
b = (Buffer *)((char *)b + object_size);
#endif /* GC_IS_MALLOC */
FUNCDOC: Parrot_dod_sweep
Put any buffers/PMCs that are now unused onto the pool's free list. If GC_IS_MALLOC
, bufstart gets freed too, if possible. Avoid buffers that are immune from collection (i.e. constant).
PARROT_API void Parrot_dod_sweep(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(Small_Object_Pool *pool)) { Arenas * const arena_base = interp->arena_base; UINTVAL i, total_used = 0; UINTVAL object_size = pool->object_size;
Small_Object_Arena *cur_arena;
UINTVAL free_arenas = 0, old_total_used = 0;
#if GC_VERBOSE if (Interp_trace_TEST(interp, 1)) { Interp *tracer = interp->debugger; PMC *pio = PIO_STDERR(interp);
PIO_flush(interp, pio);
if (tracer) {
pio = PIO_STDERR(tracer);
PIO_flush(tracer, pio);
/* Run through all the buffer header pools and mark */
for (cur_arena = pool->last_Arena;
NULL != cur_arena; cur_arena = cur_arena->prev) {
Buffer *b = (Buffer *)cur_arena->start_objects;
for (i = 0; i < cur_arena->used; i++) {
if (PObj_on_free_list_TEST(b))
; /* if it's on free list, do nothing */
else if (PObj_live_TEST(b)) {
PObj_get_FLAGS(b) &= ~PObj_custom_GC_FLAG;
else {
/* it must be dead */
#if GC_VERBOSE if (Interp_trace_TEST(interp, 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Freeing pobject %p\n", b); if (PObj_is_PMC_TEST(b)) { fprintf(stderr, "\t = PMC type %s\n", (char*) ((PMC*)b)->vtable->whoami->strstart); } } #endif
if (PObj_is_shared_TEST(b)) {
/* only mess with shared objects if we
* (and thus everyone) is suspended for
* a GC run.
* XXX wrong thing to do with "other" GCs
if (!(interp->thread_data &&
(interp->thread_data->state &
goto next;
/* if object is a PMC and needs destroying */
if (PObj_is_PMC_TEST(b)) {
PMC * const p = (PMC*)b;
/* then destroy it here
* TODO collect objects with finalizers
if (PObj_needs_early_DOD_TEST(p))
if (PObj_active_destroy_TEST(p))
VTABLE_destroy(interp, p);
if (PObj_is_PMC_EXT_TEST(p) && p->pmc_ext != NULL) {
/* if the PMC has a PMC_EXT structure,
* return it to the pool/arena
Small_Object_Pool * const ext_pool = arena_base->pmc_ext_pool;
if (PObj_is_PMC_shared_TEST(p) && PMC_sync(p)) {
PMC_sync(p) = NULL;
ext_pool->add_free_object(interp, ext_pool, p->pmc_ext);
#ifndef NDEBUG
* invalidate the PMC
p->pmc_ext = (PMC_EXT *)0xdeadbeef;
p->vtable = (VTABLE *)0xdeadbeef;
PMC_pmc_val(p) = (PMC *)0xdeadbeef;
/* else object is a buffer(like) */
else if (PObj_sysmem_TEST(b) && PObj_bufstart(b)) {
/* has sysmem allocated, e.g. string_pin */
PObj_bufstart(b) = NULL;
PObj_buflen(b) = 0;
else {
/* free allocated space at (int*)bufstart - 1,
* but not if it used COW or is external
if (PObj_bufstart(b) &&
!PObj_is_external_or_free_TESTALL(b)) {
if (PObj_COW_TEST(b)) {
INTVAL *refcount = ((INTVAL *)PObj_bufstart(b) - 1);
if (!--(*refcount))
free(refcount); /* the actual bufstart */
free((INTVAL*)PObj_bufstart(b) - 1);
* XXX Jarkko did report that on irix pool->mem_pool
* was NULL, which really shouldn't happen
if (pool->mem_pool) {
if (!PObj_COW_TEST(b)) {
((Memory_Pool *)
pool->mem_pool)->guaranteed_reclaimable +=
((Memory_Pool *)
pool->mem_pool)->possibly_reclaimable +=
PObj_buflen(b) = 0;
PObj_flags_SETTO((PObj *)b, PObj_on_free_list_FLAG);
pool->add_free_object(interp, pool, b);
b = (Buffer *)((char *)b + object_size);
pool->num_free_objects = pool->total_objects - total_used;
FUNCDOC: find_common_mask
Find a mask covering the longest common bit-prefix of val1
and val2
PARROT_CONST_FUNCTION static size_t find_common_mask(PARROT_INTERP, size_t val1, size_t val2) { int i; const int bound = sizeof (size_t) * 8;
/* Shifting a value by its size (in bits) or larger is undefined behaviour.
So need an explicit check to return 0 if there is no prefix, rather than
attempting to rely on (say) 0xFFFFFFFF << 32 being 0. */
for (i = 0; i < bound; i++) {
if (val1 == val2)
return ~(size_t)0 << i;
val1 >>= 1;
val2 >>= 1;
if (val1 == val2) {
assert(i == bound);
return 0;
real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERP_ERROR,
"Unexpected condition in find_common_mask()!\n");
return 0;
FUNCDOC: trace_mem_block
Traces the memory block between lo_var_ptr
and hi_var_ptr
void trace_mem_block(PARROT_INTERP, size_t lo_var_ptr, size_t hi_var_ptr) { size_t prefix; ptrdiff_t cur_var_ptr;
const size_t buffer_min = get_min_buffer_address(interp);
const size_t buffer_max = get_max_buffer_address(interp);
const size_t pmc_min = get_min_pmc_address(interp);
const size_t pmc_max = get_max_pmc_address(interp);
const size_t mask =
buffer_min < pmc_min ? buffer_min : pmc_min,
buffer_max > pmc_max ? buffer_max : pmc_max);
if (!lo_var_ptr || !hi_var_ptr)
if (lo_var_ptr < hi_var_ptr) {
const size_t tmp_ptr = hi_var_ptr;
hi_var_ptr = lo_var_ptr;
lo_var_ptr = tmp_ptr;
/* Get the expected prefix */
prefix = mask & buffer_min;
for (cur_var_ptr = hi_var_ptr;
(ptrdiff_t)cur_var_ptr < (ptrdiff_t)lo_var_ptr;
cur_var_ptr = (size_t)((ptrdiff_t)cur_var_ptr + sizeof (void *))) {
const size_t ptr = *(size_t *)cur_var_ptr;
/* Do a quick approximate range check by bit-masking */
if ((ptr & mask) == prefix || !prefix) {
/* Note that what we find via the stack or registers are not
* guaranteed to be live pmcs/buffers, and could very well have
* had their bufstart/vtable destroyed due to the linked list of
* free headers... */
if (pmc_min <= ptr && ptr < pmc_max &&
is_pmc_ptr(interp, (void *)ptr)) {
/* ensure that pobject_lives checks PObj_on_free_list_FLAG
* before adding it to the next_for_GC list, to have
* vtable->mark() called. */
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)ptr);
else if (buffer_min <= ptr && ptr < buffer_max &&
is_buffer_ptr(interp, (void *)ptr)) {
/* ...and since pobject_lives doesn't care about bufstart, it
* doesn't really matter if it sets a flag */
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)ptr);
FUNCDOC: Run through all PMC arenas and clear live bits.
static void clear_live_bits(NOTNULL(Small_Object_Pool *pool)) { Small_Object_Arena *arena; const UINTVAL object_size = pool->object_size;
for (arena = pool->last_Arena; arena; arena = arena->prev) {
Buffer *b = (Buffer *)arena->start_objects;
for (i = 0; i < arena->used; i++) {
b = (Buffer *)((char *)b + object_size);
PARROT_API void Parrot_dod_clear_live_bits(PARROT_INTERP) { Small_Object_Pool * const pool = interp->arena_base->pmc_pool; clear_live_bits(pool); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_dod_profile_start
Records the start time of a DOD run when profiling is enabled.
PARROT_API void Parrot_dod_profile_start(PARROT_INTERP) { if (Interp_flags_TEST(interp, PARROT_PROFILE_FLAG)) interp->profile->dod_time = Parrot_floatval_time(); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_dod_profile_end
Records the end time of the DOD part what
run when profiling is enabled. Also record start time of next part.
PARROT_API void Parrot_dod_profile_end(PARROT_INTERP, int what) { if (Interp_flags_TEST(interp, PARROT_PROFILE_FLAG)) { RunProfile * const profile = interp->profile; const FLOATVAL now = Parrot_floatval_time();
profile->data[what].time += now - profile->dod_time;
* we've recorded the time of a DOD/GC piece from
* dod_time until now, so add this to the start of the
* currently executing opcode, which hasn't run this
* interval.
profile->starttime += now - profile->dod_time;
/* prepare start for next step */
profile->dod_time = now;
FUNCDOC: Parrot_dod_ms_run_init
Prepare for a mark & sweep DOD run.
PARROT_API void Parrot_dod_ms_run_init(PARROT_INTERP) { Arenas * const arena_base = interp->arena_base;
arena_base->dod_trace_ptr = NULL;
arena_base->dod_mark_start = NULL;
arena_base->num_early_PMCs_seen = 0;
arena_base->num_extended_PMCs = 0;
static int sweep_cb(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(Small_Object_Pool *pool), int flag, NOTNULL(void *arg)) { int * const total_free = (int *) arg;
#ifdef GC_IS_MALLOC if (flag & POOL_BUFFER) used_cow(interp, pool, 0); #endif
Parrot_dod_sweep(interp, pool);
#ifdef GC_IS_MALLOC if (flag & POOL_BUFFER) clear_cow(interp, pool, 0); #endif
if (interp->profile && (flag & POOL_PMC))
Parrot_dod_profile_end(interp, PARROT_PROF_DOD_cp);
*total_free += pool->num_free_objects;
return 0;
FUNCDOC: Parrot_dod_ms_run
Run the stop-the-world mark & sweep collector.
PARROT_API void Parrot_dod_ms_run(PARROT_INTERP, int flags) { Arenas * const arena_base = interp->arena_base;
/* XXX these should go into the interpreter */
int total_free = 0;
if (arena_base->DOD_block_level)
if (interp->debugger) {
* if the other interpreter did a DOD run, it can set
* live bits of shared objects, but these aren't reset, because
* they are in a different arena. When now such a PMC points to
* other non-shared object, these wouldn't be marked and hence
* collected.
* the sync sweep is always at the end, so that
* the live bits are cleared
if (flags & DOD_finish_FLAG) {
/* XXX */
Parrot_dod_sweep(interp, interp->arena_base->pmc_pool);
Parrot_dod_sweep(interp, interp->arena_base->constant_pmc_pool);
arena_base->lazy_dod = flags & DOD_lazy_FLAG;
/* tell the threading system that we're doing DOD mark */
/* Now go trace the PMCs */
if (trace_active_PMCs(interp, flags & DOD_trace_stack_FLAG)) {
arena_base->dod_trace_ptr = NULL;
arena_base->dod_mark_ptr = NULL;
/* mark is now finished */
/* Now put unused PMCs and Buffers on the free list */
Parrot_forall_header_pools(interp, POOL_BUFFER | POOL_PMC,
(void*)&total_free, sweep_cb);
if (interp->profile)
Parrot_dod_profile_end(interp, PARROT_PROF_DOD_cb);
else {
pt_DOD_stop_mark(interp); /* XXX */
/* successful lazy DOD count */
/* it was an aborted lazy dod run - we should clear the live bits, but
* e.g. t/pmc/timer_7 succeeds w/o this */
#if 1 Parrot_dod_clear_live_bits(interp); #endif if (interp->profile) Parrot_dod_profile_end(interp, PARROT_PROF_DOD_p2); }
/* Note it */
FUNCDOC: Parrot_do_dod_run
Call the configured garbage collector to reclaim unused headers.
PARROT_API void Parrot_do_dod_run(PARROT_INTERP, UINTVAL flags) { interp->arena_base->do_dod_run(interp, flags); parrot_gc_context(interp); }
include/parrot/dod.h, src/cpu_dep.c, docs/dev/ and docs/pdds/pdd09_gc.pod.
Initial version by Mike Lambert on 2002.05.27.
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