parrotcode: List aka array routines | |
Contents | C |
src/list.c - List aka array routines
List is roughly based on concepts of IntList (thanks to Steve), so I don't repeat them here.
Especially the same invariants hold, except an empty list is really empty, meaning, push does first check for space.
The main differences are:
- List can hold items of different size, it's suitable for ints and PMCs ..., calculations are still done in terms of items. The item_size is specified at list creation time with the "type" argument.
If you later store different item types in the list, as stated initially, you'll get probably not what you want - so don't do this.
- List does auto grow. The caller may implement a different behaviour if she likes.
- Error checking for out of bounds access is minimal, caller knows better, what should be done.
- List structure itself is different from List_chunk, implying:
but list->end
- list chunks don't have ->start
and ->end
Instead the list has ->start
which is start of first chunk,
and ->cap
the total usable capacity in the list.
- number of items in chunks are not fixed, but there is a mode using same sized chunks
when the first access to the array is indexed and beyond MIN_ITEMS
and below 10 * MAX_ITEMS
a sparse chunk will be created. new P0, .Array
set P0, 100000 # sets fixed sized, no sparse
, this will be selected for pushing data on an empty array.enum_grow_mixed
below for details.To save memory, List can handle sparse arrays. This code snippet:
new P0, .IntList set P0[1000000], 42
generates 3 List_chunks, one at the beginning of the array, a big sparse chunk and a chunk for the actual data.
Setting values inside sparse chunks changes them to real chunks. For poping/shifting inside sparse chunks, s. return value below.
holds the items of this sparse hole.A List can hold various datatypes. See src/datatypes.h for the enumeration of types.
Not all are yet implemented in list_set
, see the switch()
Arbitrary length data:
Construct initializer with:
In list_assign
the values are copied into the array, list_get
returns a pointer as for all other data types.
See src/list_2.t and list_new_init()
List get functions return a (void*)
pointer to the location of the stored data. The caller has to extract the value from this pointer.
For non existent data beyond the dimensions of the array a NULL
pointer is returned.
For non existing data inside sparse holes, a pointer (void*)-1
is returned.
The caller can decide to assume these data as undef or 0 or whatever is appropriate.
See t/src/{int,}list.c and t/pmc/{int,}list.t.
Also all array usage depends on list.
#include "parrot/parrot.h" #include <assert.h>
/* HEADERIZER HFILE: include/parrot/list.h */
/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */
static List_chunk * add_chunk( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), int where, UINTVAL idx ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static List_chunk * alloc_next_size( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), int where, UINTVAL idx ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
PARROT_MALLOC static List_chunk * allocate_chunk( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), UINTVAL items, UINTVAL size ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL static List_chunk * get_chunk( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), NOTNULL(UINTVAL *idx) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2) __attribute__nonnull__(3);
static void list_append( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), NULLOK(void *item), int type, UINTVAL idx ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static void list_dump( NOTNULL(const List *list), INTVAL type ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL static void * list_item( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), int type, INTVAL idx ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static void list_set( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), NULLOK(void *item), INTVAL type, INTVAL idx ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static UINTVAL rebuild_chunk_list( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static void rebuild_chunk_ptrs( NOTNULL(List *list), int cut ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static void rebuild_fix_ends( NOTNULL(List *list) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static void rebuild_other( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static void rebuild_sparse( NOTNULL(List *list) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static void split_chunk( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), NOTNULL(List_chunk *chunk), UINTVAL ix ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2) __attribute__nonnull__(3);
/* HEADERIZER END: static */
#define chunk_list_size(list) \ (PObj_buflen(&list->chunk_list) / sizeof (List_chunk *))
/* hide the ugly cast somehow: */ #define chunk_list_ptr(list, idx) \ ((List_chunk**) PObj_bufstart(&list->chunk_list))[idx]
FUNCDOC: allocate_chunk
Make a new chunk, size bytes big, holding items items.
PARROT_MALLOC static List_chunk * allocate_chunk(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), UINTVAL items, UINTVAL size) { List_chunk *chunk;
/*Parrot_block_GC(interp); - why */
chunk = (List_chunk *)new_bufferlike_header(interp, sizeof (*chunk));
chunk->items = items;
chunk->n_chunks = 0;
chunk->n_items = 0;
chunk->next = NULL;
chunk->prev = NULL;
Parrot_allocate_aligned(interp, (Buffer *)chunk, size);
memset(PObj_bufstart((Buffer*)chunk), 0, size);
/* see also src/hash.c */
if (list->container) {
DOD_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, list->container, 0, chunk);
/*Parrot_unblock_GC(interp); */
return chunk;
FUNCDOC: list_dump Only char and int are supported currently.
static void list_dump(NOTNULL(const List *list), INTVAL type) { const List_chunk *chunk = list->first; UINTVAL idx = 0;
for (; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) {
printf(chunk->flags & no_power_2 ? "(" : "[");
if (chunk->flags & sparse)
printf(INTVAL_FMT " x ''", chunk->items);
else {
for (i = 0; i < chunk->items; i++) {
if (idx++ >= list->start && idx <= list->length + list->start) {
switch (list->item_type) {
case enum_type_int:
case enum_type_short:
printf("%d", (int)((int *)
case enum_type_char:
printf("%c", (char)((char *)
if (i < chunk->items - 1)
printf(chunk->flags & no_power_2 ? ")" : "]");
if (chunk->next)
printf(" -> ");
FUNCDOC: rebuild_chunk_ptrs
Rebuild chunk_list and update/optimize chunk usage, helper functions.
Delete empty chunks, count chunks and fix prev pointers.
static void rebuild_chunk_ptrs(NOTNULL(List *list), int cut) { List_chunk *chunk, *prev; UINTVAL len = 0, start = list->start; UINTVAL cap;
cap = 0;
for (prev = 0, chunk = list->first; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) {
/* skip empty chunks, first is empty, when all items get skipped due
* to list->start */
if (chunk->items == start) {
if (prev)
prev->next = chunk->next;
list->first = chunk->next;
start = 0;
start = 0;
chunk->prev = prev;
prev = chunk;
list->last = chunk;
if (cut && cap > list->start + list->length && chunk != list->first) {
list->last = chunk->prev ? chunk->prev : list->first;
cap += chunk->items;
if (list->last)
list->last->next = 0;
list->cap = cap;
if (list->first)
list->first->prev = 0;
list->n_chunks = len;
FUNCDOC: rebuild_sparse
Coalesce adjacent sparse chunks.
static void rebuild_sparse(NOTNULL(List *list)) { List_chunk *chunk = list->first; List_chunk *prev = NULL; int changes = 0;
for (; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) {
if (prev && (prev->flags & sparse) &&
(chunk->flags & sparse)) {
prev->items += chunk->items;
chunk->items = 0;
prev = chunk;
if (changes)
rebuild_chunk_ptrs(list, 0);
FUNCDOC: rebuild_other
Coalesce adjacent irregular chunks.
static void rebuild_other(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list)) { List_chunk *chunk = list->first; List_chunk *prev = NULL; int changes = 0;
for (; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) {
/* two adjacent irregular chunks */
if (prev && (prev->flags & no_power_2) &&
(chunk->flags & no_power_2)) {
/* DONE don't make chunks bigger then MAX_ITEMS, no - make then
* but: if bigger, split them in a next pass
* TODO test the logic that solves the above problem */
if (prev->items + chunk->items > MAX_ITEMS) {
Parrot_reallocate(interp, (Buffer *)prev,
MAX_ITEMS * list->item_size);
if (list->container) {
DOD_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, list->container, 0, prev);
(char *) PObj_bufstart(&prev->data) +
prev->items * list->item_size,
(char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data),
(MAX_ITEMS - prev->items) * list->item_size);
(char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data),
(char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data) +
(MAX_ITEMS - prev->items) * list->item_size,
(chunk->items - (MAX_ITEMS - prev->items))
* list->item_size);
chunk->items = chunk->items - (MAX_ITEMS - prev->items);
prev->items = MAX_ITEMS;
else {
Parrot_reallocate(interp, (Buffer *)prev,
(prev->items + chunk->items) * list->item_size);
if (list->container) {
DOD_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, list->container, 0, prev);
(char *) PObj_bufstart(&prev->data) +
prev->items * list->item_size,
(char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data),
chunk->items * list->item_size);
prev->items += chunk->items;
chunk->items = 0;
prev = chunk;
if (changes)
rebuild_chunk_ptrs(list, 0);
FUNCDOC: rebuild_fix_ends
Called by rebuild_chunk_list()
static void rebuild_fix_ends(NOTNULL(List *list)) { List_chunk * const chunk = list->first;
/* first is irregular, next is empty */
if (list->n_chunks <= 2 && (chunk->flags & no_power_2) &&
(!chunk->next || chunk->next->items == 0 ||
list->start + list->length <= chunk->items)) {
chunk->flags = 0;
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_unknown;
list->cap += PObj_buflen(&chunk->data) / list->item_size - chunk->items;
chunk->items = PObj_buflen(&chunk->data) / list->item_size;
/* XXX - still needed? - if last is empty and last->prev not full then
* delete last - combine small chunks if list is big */
FUNCDOC: rebuild_chunk_list
Called to optimise the list when modifying it in some way.
static UINTVAL rebuild_chunk_list(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list)) { List_chunk *chunk, *prev, *first; UINTVAL len;
/* count chunks and fix prev pointers */
rebuild_chunk_ptrs(list, 0);
/* if not regular, check & optimize */
if (list->grow_policy == enum_grow_mixed) {
rebuild_other(interp, list);
/* allocate a new chunk_list buffer, if old one has moved or is too small */
len = list->n_chunks;
if (list->collect_runs != interp->arena_base->collect_runs ||
len > chunk_list_size(list)) {
/* round up to reasonable size */
len = 1 << (ld(len) + 1);
if (len < 4)
len = 4;
Parrot_reallocate(interp, (Buffer *)list,
len * sizeof (List_chunk *));
if (list->container) {
DOD_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, list->container, 0, list);
list->collect_runs = interp->arena_base->collect_runs;
/* reset type, actual state of chunks will show, what we really have */
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_unknown;
/* fill chunk_list and update statistics */
first = chunk = list->first;
for (prev = NULL, len = 0; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) {
chunk_list_ptr(list, len) = chunk;
/* look, what type of chunks we have this is always correct: */
chunk->n_chunks = 1;
chunk->n_items = chunk->items;
/* sparse hole or irregular chunk */
if (chunk->flags & (sparse | no_power_2)) {
List_chunk *next;
/* add next sparse or no_power_2 chunks up so that get_chunk will
* skip this range of chunks, when the idx is beyond this block. */
for (next = chunk->next; next; next = next->next)
if (next->flags & (sparse | no_power_2)) {
chunk->n_items += next->items;
first = chunk->next;
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_mixed;
/* clear flag, next chunks will tell what comes */
chunk->flags = enum_grow_unknown;
if (first && first != chunk) {
/* constant chunk block */
if (first->items == chunk->items) {
first->n_items += chunk->items;
first->flags = fixed_items;
/* TODO optimize for fixed but non MAX_ITEMS lists */
if (first->items == MAX_ITEMS)
list->grow_policy |= enum_grow_fixed;
list->grow_policy |= enum_grow_mixed;
/* growing chunk block could optimize small growing blocks, they
* are probably not worth the effort. */
else if (prev && (prev->items == chunk->items >> 1)) {
first->n_items += chunk->items;
first->flags = grow_items;
list->grow_policy |= enum_grow_growing;
/* different growing scheme starts here */
else {
first = chunk;
prev = chunk;
/* if we have some mixture of grow_policies, then set it to _mixed */
if (list->grow_policy && list->grow_policy != enum_grow_growing &&
list->grow_policy != enum_grow_fixed)
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_mixed;
return len;
FUNCDOC: alloc_next_size
Calculate size and items for next chunk and allocate it.
static List_chunk * alloc_next_size(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), int where, UINTVAL idx) { UINTVAL items, size; List_chunk *new_chunk; const int much = idx - list->cap >= MIN_ITEMS; int do_sparse = (INTVAL)idx - (INTVAL)list->cap >= 10 * MAX_ITEMS;
if (list->item_type == enum_type_sized) {
items = list->items_per_chunk;
size = items * list->item_size;
list->grow_policy = items == MAX_ITEMS ?
enum_grow_fixed : enum_grow_mixed;
do_sparse = 0;
else if (do_sparse) {
/* don't add sparse chunk at start of list */
if (!list->n_chunks) {
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_fixed;
/* if wee need more, the next allocation will allocate the rest */
items = MAX_ITEMS;
size = items * list->item_size;
do_sparse = 0;
else {
items = idx - list->cap - 1;
/* round down this function will then be called again, to add the
* final real chunk, with the rest of the needed size */
items &= ~(MAX_ITEMS - 1);
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_mixed;
/* allocate a dummy chunk holding many items virtually */
size = list->item_size;
/* initial size for empty lists grow_policy is not yet known or was
* different */
else if (!list->cap) {
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_fixed;
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_unknown;
/* more then MIN_ITEMS, i.e. indexed access beyond length */
if (much) {
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_fixed;
items = MAX_ITEMS;
else {
/* TODO make bigger for small items like char */
items = MIN_ITEMS;
size = items * list->item_size;
else {
if (list->grow_policy & (enum_grow_fixed | enum_grow_mixed))
items = MAX_ITEMS;
else {
items = where ? list->last->items : list->first->items;
/* push: allocate at end, more if possbile */
if (where) {
if (items < MAX_ITEMS) {
items <<= 1;
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_growing;
/* unshift: if possible, make less items */
else {
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_growing;
if (items > MIN_ITEMS)
items >>= 1; /* allocate less */
/* if not: second allocation from unshift */
else {
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_mixed;
items = MAX_ITEMS;
size = items * list->item_size;
new_chunk = allocate_chunk(interp, list, items, size);
list->cap += items;
if (do_sparse)
new_chunk->flags |= sparse;
return new_chunk;
FUNCDOC: add_chunk
Add chunk at start or end.
static List_chunk * add_chunk(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), int where, UINTVAL idx) { List_chunk * const chunk = where ? list->last : list->first; List_chunk * const new_chunk = alloc_next_size(interp, list, where, idx);
if (where) { /* at end */
if (chunk)
chunk->next = new_chunk;
list->last = new_chunk;
if (!list->first)
list->first = new_chunk;
else {
new_chunk->next = chunk;
list->first = new_chunk;
if (!list->last)
list->last = new_chunk;
rebuild_chunk_list(interp, list);
return new_chunk;
FUNCDOC: ld Calculates log2(x).
Stolen from src/malloc.c.
/* On intel, use BSRL instruction to find highest bit */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(i386)
__asm__("bsrl %1,%0\n\t":"=r"(m)
: "g"(x));
#else { /* * Based on branch-free nlz algorithm in chapter 5 of Henry S. Warren * Jr's book "Hacker's Delight". */
unsigned int n = ((x - 0x100) >> 16) & 8;
x <<= n;
m = ((x - 0x1000) >> 16) & 4;
n += m;
x <<= m;
m = ((x - 0x4000) >> 16) & 2;
n += m;
x = (x << m) >> 14;
m = 13 - n + (x & ~(x >> 1));
return m;
FUNCDOC: get_chunk
Get the chunk for idx
, also update the idx
to point into the chunk.
This routine will be called for every operation on list, so its optimized to be fast and needs an up to date chunk statistic, that rebuild_chunk_list
does provide.
The scheme of operations is:
if all_chunks_are_MAX_ITEMS
chunk = chunk_list[ idx / MAX_ITEMS ]
idx = idx % MAX_ITEMS
chunk = first
if (index < chunk->items)
if (index >= items_in_chunk_block)
index -= items_in_chunk_block
chunk += chunks_in_chunk_block
calc chunk and index in this block
One chunk_block consists of chunks of the same type: fixed, growing or other. So the time to look up a chunk doesn't depend on the array length, but on the complexity of the array. rebuild_chunk_list
tries to reduce the complexity, but may fail, if you e.g. do a prime sieve by actually list_delet
ing the none prime numbers.
The complexity of the array is how many different chunk_blocks
are there. They come from:
- initially fixed: 1
- initially growing: 2
- first unshift: 1 except for initially fixed arrays
- insert: 1 - 3
- delete: 1 - 2
- sparse hole: 3 (could be 2, code assumes access at either end now)
There could be some optimizer, that, after detecting almost only indexed access after some time, does reorganize the array to be all MAX_ITEMS
sized, when this would improve performance.
#ifndef GC_IS_MALLOC if (list->collect_runs != interp->arena_base->collect_runs) rebuild_chunk_list(interp, list); #endif #ifdef SLOW_AND_BORING UNUSED(interp); for (chunk = list->first; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) { if (*idx < chunk->items) return chunk; *idx -= chunk->items; } real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERNAL_PANIC, "list structure chaos!\n"); #endif
/* fixed sized chunks - easy: all MAX_ITEMS sized */
if (list->grow_policy == enum_grow_fixed) {
chunk = chunk_list_ptr(list, *idx >> LD_MAX);
*idx &= MAX_MASK;
return chunk;
/* else look at chunks flags, what grow type follows and adjust chunks and
* idx */
for (i = 0, chunk = list->first; chunk;) {
/* if we have no more items, we have found the chunk */
if (*idx < chunk->items)
return chunk;
/* now look, if we can use the range of items in chunk_block: if idx
* is beyond n_items, skip n_chunks */
if (*idx >= chunk->n_items) {
i += chunk->n_chunks;
*idx -= chunk->n_items;
chunk = chunk_list_ptr(list, i);
/* we are inside this range of items */
if (chunk->flags & fixed_items) {
/* all chunks are chunk->items big, a power of 2 */
chunk = chunk_list_ptr(list, i + (*idx >> ld(chunk->items)));
*idx &= chunk->items - 1;
return chunk;
/* * Here is a small table, providing the basics of growing sized * addressing, for people like me, who's math lessons are +30 years * in the past ;-) * assuming MIN_ITEMS=4 * * ch# size idx +4 bit ld2(idx) -ld2(4) * * 0 4 0..3 4..7 0000 01xx 2 0 * 1 8 4..11 8..15 0000 1xxx 3 1 * 2 16 12..27 16..31 0001 xxxx 4 2 * ... * 8 1024 1020.. ...2047 10 8 */
if (chunk->flags & grow_items) {
/* the next chunks are growing from chunk->items ... last->items */
const UINTVAL ld_first = ld(chunk->items);
const UINTVAL slot = ld(*idx + chunk->items) - ld_first;
/* we are in this growing area, so we are done */
assert(slot < chunk->n_chunks);
*idx -= (1 << (ld_first + slot)) - chunk->items;
return chunk_list_ptr(list, i + slot);
if (chunk->flags & (sparse | no_power_2)) {
/* these chunks hold exactly chunk->items */
*idx -= chunk->items;
chunk = chunk->next;
real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERNAL_PANIC, "list structure chaos #1!\n");
real_exception(interp, NULL, INTERNAL_PANIC, "list structure chaos #2!\n");
FUNCDOC: split_chunk
Split a sparse chunk, so that we have
- allocated space at idx
if sparse is big:
near idx
and if there is still sparse space after the real chunk, this also n*MAX_ITEMS
sized, so that consecutive writing would make MAX_ITEMS
sized real chunks.
static void split_chunk(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), NOTNULL(List_chunk *chunk), UINTVAL ix) { /* allocate space at idx */ if (chunk->items <= MAX_ITEMS) { /* it fits, just allocate */ Parrot_reallocate(interp, (Buffer *)chunk, chunk->items * list->item_size); if (list->container) { DOD_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, list->container, 0, chunk); } chunk->flags |= no_power_2; chunk->flags &= ~sparse; } else { /* split chunk->items: n3 = n*MAX_ITEMS after chunk n2 = MAX_ITEMS * chunk n1 = rest before */ const INTVAL idx = ix; const INTVAL n2 = MAX_ITEMS; const INTVAL n3 = ((chunk->items - idx) / MAX_ITEMS) * MAX_ITEMS; const INTVAL n1 = chunk->items - n2 - n3;
chunk->items = n2;
Parrot_reallocate(interp, (Buffer *)chunk,
chunk->items * list->item_size);
if (list->container) {
DOD_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, list->container, 0, chunk);
chunk->flags &= ~sparse;
if (n3) {
List_chunk * const new_chunk = allocate_chunk(interp, list, n3, list->item_size);
new_chunk->flags |= sparse;
new_chunk->next = chunk->next;
if (chunk->next)
chunk->next = new_chunk;
list->last = new_chunk;
/* size before idx */
if (n1 > 0) {
/* insert a new sparse chunk before this one */
List_chunk * const new_chunk = allocate_chunk(interp, list, n1, list->item_size);
new_chunk->flags |= sparse;
new_chunk->next = chunk;
if (chunk->prev)
chunk->prev->next = new_chunk;
list->first = new_chunk;
rebuild_chunk_list(interp, list);
FUNCDOC: list_set
Set item
of type type
in chunk at idx
static void list_set(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), NULLOK(void *item), INTVAL type, INTVAL idx) { const INTVAL oidx = idx; List_chunk *chunk = get_chunk(interp, list, (UINTVAL *)&idx);
/* if this is a sparse chunk: split in possibly 2 sparse parts before and
* after then make a real chunk, rebuild chunk list and set item */
if (chunk->flags & sparse) {
split_chunk(interp, list, chunk, idx);
/* reget chunk and idx */
idx = oidx;
chunk = get_chunk(interp, list, (UINTVAL *)&idx);
assert(!(chunk->flags & sparse));
switch (type) {
case enum_type_sized:
/* copy data into list */
memcpy(&((char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx * list->item_size],
item, list->item_size);
case enum_type_char:
((char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx] = (char)PTR2INTVAL(item);
case enum_type_short:
((short *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx] = (short)PTR2INTVAL(item);
case enum_type_int:
((int *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx] = (int)PTR2INTVAL(item);
case enum_type_INTVAL:
((INTVAL *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx] = PTR2INTVAL(item);
case enum_type_FLOATVAL:
((FLOATVAL *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx] = *(FLOATVAL *)item;
case enum_type_PMC:
if (list->container) {
DOD_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, list->container,
((PMC **) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx],
((PMC **) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx] = (PMC *)item;
case enum_type_STRING:
((STRING **) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx] = (STRING *)item;
real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Unknown list entry type\n");
FUNCDOC: list_item
Get the pointer to the item of type type
in the chunk at idx
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL static void * list_item(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), int type, INTVAL idx) { List_chunk * const chunk = get_chunk(interp, list, (UINTVAL *)&idx); /* if this is a sparse chunk return -1, the caller may decide to return 0 * or undef or whatever */ if (chunk->flags & sparse) { #ifdef INTLIST_EMUL static int null = 0;
return (void *)&null;
return (void *)-1;
switch (type) {
case enum_type_sized:
return (void *)&((char *)
PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx * list->item_size];
case enum_type_char:
return (void *)&((char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx];
case enum_type_short:
return (void *)&((short *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx];
case enum_type_int:
return (void *)&((int *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx];
case enum_type_INTVAL:
return (void *)&((INTVAL *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx];
case enum_type_FLOATVAL:
return (void *)&((FLOATVAL *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx];
case enum_type_PMC:
return (void *)&((PMC **) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx];
case enum_type_STRING:
return (void *)&((STRING **) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[idx];
real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Unknown list entry type\n");
FUNCDOC: list_append
Add one or more chunks to end of list.
static void list_append(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), NULLOK(void *item), int type, UINTVAL idx) { /* initially, list may be empty, also used by assign */ while (idx >= list->cap) add_chunk(interp, list, enum_add_at_end, idx); list_set(interp, list, item, type, idx); /* invariant: prepare for next push */ if (idx >= list->cap - 1) add_chunk(interp, list, enum_add_at_end, 0); }
FUNCDOC: list_new Returns a new list of type type
PARROT_API PARROT_MALLOC List * list_new(PARROT_INTERP, PARROT_DATA_TYPE type) { List * const list = (List *)new_bufferlike_header(interp, sizeof (*list));
list->item_type = type;
switch (type) {
case enum_type_sized: /* gets overridden below */
case enum_type_char:
list->item_size = sizeof (char);
case enum_type_short:
list->item_size = sizeof (short);
case enum_type_int:
list->item_size = sizeof (int);
case enum_type_INTVAL:
list->item_size = sizeof (INTVAL);
case enum_type_FLOATVAL:
list->item_size = sizeof (FLOATVAL);
case enum_type_PMC:
list->item_size = sizeof (PMC *);
case enum_type_STRING:
list->item_size = sizeof (STRING *);
real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Unknown list type\n");
return list;
FUNCDOC: list_pmc_new
Create a new list containing PMC* values in PMC_data(container).
PARROT_API void list_pmc_new(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(PMC *container)) { List * const l = list_new(interp, enum_type_PMC); l->container = container; PMC_data(container) = l; }
FUNCDOC: list_new_init
uses these initializers:
0 ... size (set initial size of list)
1 ... array dimensions (multiarray)
2 ... type (overriding type parameter)
3 ... item_size for enum_type_sized
4 ... items_per_chunk
After getting these values out of the key/value pairs, a new array with these values is stored in user_data, where the keys are explicit.
PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL List * list_new_init(PARROT_INTERP, PARROT_DATA_TYPE type, NOTNULL(PMC *init)) { List *list; PMC * user_array, *multi_key; INTVAL i, len, size, item_size, items_per_chunk;
if (!init->vtable) {
real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Illegal initializer for init\n");
len = VTABLE_elements(interp, init);
if (len & 1) {
real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Illegal initializer for init: odd elements\n");
size = item_size = items_per_chunk = 0;
multi_key = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
const INTVAL key = VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_int(interp, init, i);
const INTVAL val = i + 1;
switch (key) {
case 0:
size = VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_int(interp, init, val);
case 1:
multi_key = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, init, val);
case 2:
type = VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_int(interp, init, val);
case 3:
item_size = VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_int(interp, init, val);
case 4:
items_per_chunk = VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_int(
interp, init, val);
list = list_new(interp, type);
if (list->item_type == enum_type_sized) { /* override item_size */
if (!item_size) {
real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "No item_size for type_sized list\n");
list->item_size = item_size;
list->items_per_chunk =
? (1 << (ld(items_per_chunk) + 1)) /* make power of 2 */
if (size)
list_set_length(interp, list, size);
/* make a private copy of init data */
list->user_data = user_array = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_SArray);
/* set length */
VTABLE_set_integer_native(interp, user_array, 2);
/* store values */
VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(interp, user_array, 0, size);
VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interp, user_array, 1, multi_key);
return list;
FUNCDOC: list_pmc_new_init
Create a new list containing PMC* values in PMC_data(container).
PARROT_API void list_pmc_new_init(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(PMC *container), NOTNULL(PMC *init)) { List * const l = list_new_init(interp, enum_type_PMC, init); l->container = container; PMC_data(container) = l; /* * this is a new PMC, so no old value */ DOD_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, container, NULL, l->user_data); }
FUNCDOC: list_clone
Return a clone of the list.
TODO - Barely tested. Optimize new array structure, fixed if big.
PARROT_API PARROT_MALLOC PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL List * list_clone(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(const List *other)) { List *l; List_chunk *chunk, *prev; UINTVAL i; PMC *op; STRING *s;
l = list_new(interp, other->item_type);
PObj_buflen(&l->chunk_list) = 0;
PObj_bufstart(&l->chunk_list) = 0;
for (chunk = other->first, prev = 0; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) {
List_chunk * const new_chunk = allocate_chunk(interp, l,
chunk->items, PObj_buflen(&chunk->data));
new_chunk->flags = chunk->flags;
if (!prev)
l->first = new_chunk;
prev->next = new_chunk;
prev = new_chunk;
if (!(new_chunk->flags & sparse)) {
switch (l->item_type) {
case enum_type_PMC:
for (i = 0; i < chunk->items; i++) {
op = ((PMC **) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[i];
if (op) {
((PMC **) PObj_bufstart(&new_chunk->data))[i] =
VTABLE_clone(interp, op);
case enum_type_STRING:
for (i = 0; i < chunk->items; i++) {
s = ((STRING **) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data))[i];
if (s) {
((STRING **) PObj_bufstart(&new_chunk->data))[i] =
string_copy(interp, s);
PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data), PObj_buflen(&chunk->data));
if (other->user_data) {
l->user_data = VTABLE_clone(interp, other->user_data);
rebuild_chunk_list(interp, l);
return l;
FUNCDOC: list_mark
Mark the list and its contents as live.
PARROT_API void list_mark(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list)) { List_chunk *chunk;
for (chunk = list->first; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) {
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)chunk);
if (list->item_type == enum_type_PMC ||
list->item_type == enum_type_STRING) {
if (!(chunk->flags & sparse)) {
PObj **p = ((PObj **) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data));
for (i = 0; i < chunk->items; i++, ++p) {
if (*p)
pobject_lives(interp, *p);
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *)list);
if (list->user_data)
pobject_lives(interp, (PObj *) list->user_data);
FUNCDOC: list_visit
This is used by freeze/thaw to visit the contents of the list.
is the visit info, (see include/parrot/pmc_freeze.h>).
PARROT_API void list_visit(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), void *pinfo) { List_chunk *chunk; visit_info * const info = (visit_info*) pinfo; UINTVAL idx;
const UINTVAL n = list_length(interp, list);
assert(list->item_type == enum_type_PMC);
/* TODO intlist ... */
for (idx = 0, chunk = list->first; chunk; chunk = chunk->next) {
/* TODO deleted elements */
if (!(chunk->flags & sparse)) {
for (i = 0; i < chunk->items && idx < n; i++, idx++) {
PMC ** const pos = ((PMC **) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data)) + i;
info->thaw_ptr = pos;
(info->visit_pmc_now)(interp, *pos, info);
* TODO handle sparse
FUNCDOC: list_length Returns the length of the list.
FUNCDOC: list_set_length
Sets the length of the list to len
PARROT_API void list_set_length(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), INTVAL len) { if (len < 0) len += list->length; if (len >= 0) { const UINTVAL idx = list->start + (UINTVAL)len; list->length = len; if (idx >= list->cap) { /* assume user will fill it, so don't generate sparse * chunks */ if (!list->cap && idx > MAX_ITEMS) { while (idx - MAX_ITEMS >= list->cap) { add_chunk(interp, list, enum_add_at_end, list->cap + MAX_ITEMS); } }
list_append(interp, list, 0, list->item_type, idx);
else {
rebuild_chunk_ptrs(list, 1);
rebuild_chunk_list(interp, list);
FUNCDOC: list_insert Make room for n_items
at idx
PARROT_API void list_insert(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), INTVAL idx, INTVAL n_items) { List_chunk *chunk;
assert(idx >= 0);
idx += list->start;
assert(n_items >= 0);
if (n_items == 0)
/* empty list */
if (idx >= (INTVAL)list->cap) {
idx += n_items;
list->length = idx;
while (idx >= (INTVAL)list->cap)
add_chunk(interp, list, enum_add_at_end, idx);
list->length += n_items;
list->cap += n_items;
chunk = get_chunk(interp, list, (UINTVAL *)&idx);
/* the easy case: */
if (chunk->flags & sparse)
chunk->items += n_items;
else {
List_chunk *new_chunk;
INTVAL items;
/* 1. cut this chunk at idx */
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_mixed;
/* allocate a sparse chunk, n_items big */
new_chunk = allocate_chunk(interp, list, n_items,
new_chunk->flags |= sparse;
items = chunk->items - idx;
if (items) {
List_chunk *rest;
/* allocate a small chunk, holding the rest of chunk beyond idx */
chunk->flags = no_power_2;
rest = allocate_chunk(interp, list, items,
items * list->item_size);
rest->flags |= no_power_2;
/* hang them together */
rest->next = chunk->next;
chunk->next = new_chunk;
new_chunk->next = rest;
/* copy data over */
(char *)PObj_bufstart(&rest->data),
(char *)PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data) + idx * list->item_size,
items * list->item_size);
else {
new_chunk->next = chunk->next;
chunk->next = new_chunk;
chunk->items = idx;
rebuild_chunk_list(interp, list);
FUNCDOC: list_delete
Delete n_items
at idx
PARROT_API void list_delete(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), INTVAL idx, INTVAL n_items) { List_chunk *chunk;
assert(idx >= 0);
assert(n_items >= 0);
if (n_items == 0)
idx += list->start;
chunk = get_chunk(interp, list, (UINTVAL *)&idx);
/* deleting beyond end? */
if (idx + n_items > (INTVAL)list->length)
n_items = list->length - idx;
list->length -= n_items;
list->cap -= n_items;
list->grow_policy = enum_grow_mixed;
while (n_items > 0) {
if (idx + n_items <= (INTVAL)chunk->items) {
/* chunk is bigger then we want to delete */
if (!(chunk->flags & sparse)) {
chunk->flags = no_power_2;
if (idx + n_items <= (INTVAL)chunk->items) {
#ifdef __LCC__
/* LCC has a bug where it can't handle all the temporary
* variables created in this one line. adding an explicit
* one fixes things. No need to force this workaround on
* less brain-damaged compilers though */
size_t tmp_size = (chunk->items - idx - n_items) *
(char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data) +
idx * list->item_size,
(char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data) +
(idx + n_items) * list->item_size, tmp_size);
(char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data) +
idx * list->item_size,
(char *) PObj_bufstart(&chunk->data) +
(idx + n_items) * list->item_size,
(chunk->items - idx - n_items) * list->item_size);
chunk->items -= n_items;
if (idx == 0 && n_items >= (INTVAL)chunk->items) {
/* delete this chunk */
n_items -= chunk->items;
/* rebuild_chunk_list will kill it because: */
chunk->items = 0;
if (!chunk->prev)
list->first = chunk->next;
else if (idx) {
/* else shrink chunk, it starts at idx then */
if (!(chunk->flags & sparse))
chunk->flags = no_power_2;
n_items -= chunk->items - idx;
chunk->items = idx;
idx = 0;
chunk = chunk->next;
rebuild_chunk_ptrs(list, 1);
rebuild_chunk_list(interp, list);
FUNCDOC: list_push
Pushes item
of type type
on to the end of the list.
PARROT_API void list_push(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), NULLOK(void *item), int type) { const INTVAL idx = list->start + list->length++;
list_append(interp, list, item, type, idx);
FUNCDOC: list_unshift
Pushes item
of type type
on to the start of the list.
PARROT_API void list_unshift(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), void *item, int type) { List_chunk *chunk;
if (list->start == 0) {
chunk = add_chunk(interp, list, enum_add_at_start, 0);
list->start = chunk->items;
chunk = list->first;
list_set(interp, list, item, type, --list->start);
FUNCDOC: list_pop
Removes and returns the last item of type type
from the end of the list.
PARROT_API PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL void * list_pop(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), int type) { UINTVAL idx; void *ret; List_chunk *chunk = list->last;
if (list->length == 0)
return NULL;
idx = list->start + --list->length;
if (list->length == 0)
list->start = 0;
/* shrink array if necessary */
if (idx < list->cap - chunk->items) {
list->cap -= chunk->items;
chunk = list->last = chunk->prev;
chunk->next = 0;
if (list->n_chunks <= 2)
list->first = list->last;
rebuild_chunk_list(interp, list);
ret = list_item(interp, list, type, idx);
return ret;
FUNCDOC: list_shift
Removes and returns the first item of type type
from the start of the list.
PARROT_API PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL void * list_shift(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), int type) { void *ret; UINTVAL idx = list->start++; List_chunk *chunk = list->first;
if (list->length == 0)
return NULL;
/* optimize push + shift on empty lists */
if (list->length == 0)
list->start = 0;
ret = list_item(interp, list, type, idx);
if (list->start >= chunk->items) {
list->cap -= chunk->items;
chunk = list->first = chunk->next ? chunk->next : list->last;
list->start = 0;
rebuild_chunk_list(interp, list);
if (list->n_chunks == 1)
list->last = list->first;
return ret;
FUNCDOC: list_assign
Assigns item
of type type
to index idx
PARROT_API void list_assign(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), INTVAL idx, void *item, int type) { const INTVAL length = list->length;
if (idx < -length)
idx = -idx - length - 1;
else if (idx < 0)
idx += length;
if (idx >= length) {
list_append(interp, list, item, type, list->start + idx);
list->length = idx + 1;
else {
list_set(interp, list, item, type, list->start + idx);
FUNCDOC: list_get
Returns the item of type type
at index idx
PARROT_API PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT void * list_get(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), INTVAL idx, int type) { const INTVAL length = list->length;
if (idx >= length || -idx > length) {
return NULL;
if (idx < 0)
idx += length;
idx += list->start;
return list_item(interp, list, type, idx);
FUNCDOC: list_splice
Replaces count
items starting at offset
with the items in value
If count
is 0 then the items in value
will be inserted after offset
PARROT_API void list_splice(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(List *list), NULLOK(List *value_list), INTVAL offset, INTVAL count) { const INTVAL value_length = value_list ? value_list->length : 0; const INTVAL length = list->length; const int type = list->item_type; INTVAL i, j;
if (value_list && type != value_list->item_type) {
real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "Item type mismatch in splice\n");
/* start from end */
if (offset < 0)
offset += length;
if (offset < 0)
real_exception(interp, NULL, OUT_OF_BOUNDS, "illegal splice offset\n");
/* "leave that many elements off the end of the array" */
if (count < 0)
count += length - offset + 1;
if (count < 0)
count = 0;
/* replace count items at offset with values */
for (i = j = 0; i < count && j < value_length; i++, j++) {
void *val = list_get(interp, value_list, j, type);
/* no clone here, if the HL want's to reuse the values, the HL has to
* clone the values */
if (type == enum_type_PMC)
val = *(PMC **)val;
else if (type == enum_type_STRING)
val = *(STRING **)val;
list_assign(interp, list, offset + i, val, type);
/* if we still have values in value_list, insert them */
if (j < value_length) {
/* make room for the remaining values */
list_insert(interp, list, offset + i, value_length - j);
for (; j < value_length; i++, j++) {
void *val = list_get(interp, value_list, j, type);
if (type == enum_type_PMC)
val = *(PMC **)val;
else if (type == enum_type_STRING)
val = *(STRING **)val;
list_assign(interp, list, offset + i, val, type);
else {
/* else delete the rest */
list_delete(interp, list, offset + i, count - i);
/* * Local variables: * c-file-style: "parrot" * End: * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: */
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