parrotcode: Parrot extension interface | |
Contents | C |
src/extend.c - Parrot extension interface
These are the functions that parrot extensions (i.e. parrot subroutines written in C, or some other compiled language, rather than in parrot bytecode) may access.
There is a deliberate distancing from the internals here. Don't go peeking inside -- you've as much access as bytecode does, but no more, so we can provide backwards compatibility for as long as we possibly can.
/* Some internal notes. Parrot will die a horrible and bizarre death if the stack start pointer's not set and a DOD run is triggered. The pointer *will* be set by the interpreter if the interpreter calls code which calls these functions, so most extension code is safe, no problem.
The problem comes in if these routines are called from *outside*
an interpreter. This happens when an embedding application calls
them to do stuff with PMCs, STRINGS, interpreter contents, and
suchlike things. This is perfectly legal -- in fact it's what
we've documented should be done -- but the problem is that the
stack base pointer will be NULL. This is Very Bad.
To deal with this there are two macros that are defined to handle
the problem.
PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp) will figure out if the stack
anchor needs setting and, if so, will set it. It must *always*
come immediately after the last variable declared in the block
making the calls into the interpreter, as it declares a variable
and has some code.
PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp) will put the stack anchor back to
the way it was, and should always be the last statement before a
return. (If you have multiple returns have it in multiple times)
Not doing this is a good way to introduce bizarre heisenbugs, so
just do it. This is the only place they ought to have to be put
in, and most of the functions are already written, so it's not
like it's an onerous requirement.
#include "parrot/parrot.h" #include "parrot/extend.h"
/* HEADERIZER HFILE: include/parrot/extend.h */
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_string_intkey
Return the integer keyed string value of the passed-in PMC
PARROT_API Parrot_String Parrot_PMC_get_string_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key) { Parrot_String retval; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); retval = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return retval; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_pointer_intkey
Return the keyed, signed integer value of the value in the PMC.
PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL void * Parrot_PMC_get_pointer_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key) { void *retval; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); retval = VTABLE_get_pointer_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return retval; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_pmc_intkey
Return the integer keyed PMC value of the passed-in PMC
PARROT_API Parrot_PMC Parrot_PMC_get_pmc_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key) { Parrot_PMC retval; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); retval = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return retval; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_intval
Return the signed integer value of the value in the PMC.
PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_PMC_get_intval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc) { Parrot_Int retval; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); retval = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, pmc); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return retval; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_intval_intkey
Return the keyed, signed integer value of the value in the PMC.
PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_PMC_get_intval_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key) { Parrot_Int retval; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); retval = VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return retval; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_intval_pmckey
Return the keyed, signed integer value of the value in the PMC.
PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_PMC_get_intval_pmckey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_PMC key) { Parrot_Int retval; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); retval = VTABLE_get_integer_keyed(interp, pmc, key); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return retval; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_numval
Return the floating-point value of the PMC.
PARROT_API Parrot_Float Parrot_PMC_get_numval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc) { Parrot_Float retval; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); retval = VTABLE_get_number(interp, pmc); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return retval; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_numval_intkey
Return the keyed, signed integer value of the value in the PMC.
PARROT_API Parrot_Float Parrot_PMC_get_numval_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key) { Parrot_Float retval; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); retval = VTABLE_get_number_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return retval; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_cstring_intkey
Return a null-terminated string that represents the string value of the PMC.
Note that you must free this string with string_cstring_free()
PARROT_API PARROT_MALLOC PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL char * Parrot_PMC_get_cstring_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key) { STRING *intermediate; char *retval;
intermediate = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key);
retval = string_to_cstring(interp, intermediate);
return retval;
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_cstring
Return a null-terminated string that represents the string value of the PMC.
Note that you must free this string with string_cstring_free()
PARROT_API PARROT_MALLOC PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL char * Parrot_PMC_get_cstring(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc) { STRING *intermediate; char *retval;
intermediate = VTABLE_get_string(interp, pmc);
retval = string_to_cstring(interp, intermediate);
return retval;
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_cstringn
Return a null-terminated string for the PMC, along with the length.
Yes, right now this is a bit of a cheat. It needs fixing, but without disturbing the interface.
Note that you must free the string with string_cstring_free()
PARROT_API PARROT_MALLOC PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL char * Parrot_PMC_get_cstringn(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, NOTNULL(Parrot_Int *length)) { char *retval;
retval = string_to_cstring(interp, VTABLE_get_string(interp, pmc));
*length = strlen(retval);
return retval;
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_get_cstringn_intkey
Return a null-terminated string for the PMC, along with the length.
Yes, right now this is a bit of a cheat. It needs fixing, but without disturbing the interface.
Note that you must free this string with string_cstring_free()
PARROT_API PARROT_MALLOC PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL char * Parrot_PMC_get_cstringn_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, NOTNULL(Parrot_Int *length), Parrot_Int key) { char *retval;
retval = string_to_cstring(interp,
VTABLE_get_string_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key));
*length = strlen(retval);
return retval;
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_string
Assign the passed-in Parrot string to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_string(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_String value) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_string_native(interp, pmc, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_string_intkey
Assign the passed-in Parrot string to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_string_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, Parrot_String value) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_string_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_pmc_intkey
Assign the passed-in pmc to the passed-in slot of the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_pmc_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, Parrot_PMC value) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_pmc_pmckey
Assign the passed-in pmc to the passed-in slot of the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_pmc_pmckey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_PMC key, Parrot_PMC value) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed(interp, pmc, key, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_pointer_intkey
Assign the passed-in pointer to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_pointer_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, NULLOK(void *value)) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_pointer_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_intval
Assign the passed-in Parrot integer to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_intval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int value) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_integer_native(interp, pmc, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_intval_intkey
Assign the passed-in Parrot integer to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_intval_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, Parrot_Int value) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_numval
Assign the passed-in Parrot number to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_numval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Float value) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_number_native(interp, pmc, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_numval_intkey
Assign the passed-in Parrot number to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_numval_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, Parrot_Float value) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_number_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
Assign the passed-in null-terminated C string to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_cstring(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, NULLOK(const char *value)) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_string_native(interp, pmc, string_from_cstring(interp, value, 0)); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
Assign the passed-in null-terminated C string to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_cstring_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, NULLOK(const char *value)) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_string_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key, string_from_cstring(interp, value, 0)); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_cstringn
Assign the passed-in length-noted string to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_cstringn(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, NULLOK(const char *value), Parrot_Int length) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_string_native(interp, pmc, string_from_cstring(interp, value, length)); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_push_intval
Push the passed-in Parrot integer onto the passed in PMC
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_push_intval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int value) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_push_integer(interp, pmc, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_push_numval
Push the passed-in Parrot number onto the passed in PMC
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_push_numval(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Float value) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_push_float(interp, pmc, value); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_delete_pmckey
Deletes the value associated with the passed-in PMC from the PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_delete_pmckey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_PMC key) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_delete_keyed(interp, pmc, key); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_set_cstringn_intkey
Assign the passed-in length-noted string to the passed-in PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_cstringn_intkey(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_Int key, NULLOK(const char *value), Parrot_Int length) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); VTABLE_set_string_keyed_int(interp, pmc, key, string_from_cstring(interp, value, length)); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_new
Create and return a new PMC.
PARROT_API Parrot_PMC Parrot_PMC_new(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int type) { Parrot_PMC newpmc; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); newpmc = pmc_new_noinit(interp, type); VTABLE_init(interp, newpmc); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return newpmc; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_PMC_typenum
Returns the internal identifier that represents the named class.
PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_PMC_typenum(PARROT_INTERP, NULLOK(const char *_class)) { Parrot_Int retval; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); retval = pmc_type(interp, string_from_cstring(interp, _class, 0)); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return retval; }
Returns the special NULL
PARROT_API Parrot_PMC Parrot_PMC_null(void) { return PMCNULL; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_free_cstring
Deallocate a C string that the interpreter has handed to you.
PARROT_API void Parrot_free_cstring(NULLOK(char *string)) { string_cstring_free(string); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_call_sub
Call a parrot subroutine with the given function signature. The first char in signature
denotes the return value. Next chars are arguments.
The return value of this function can be void or a pointer type.
Signature chars are:
v ... void return
I ... Parrot_Int
N ... Parrot_Float
S ... Parrot_String
P ... Parrot_PMC
FUNCDOC: Parrot_call_sub_ret_int
FUNCDOC: Parrot_call_sub_ret_float
Like above, with Parrot_Int or Parrot_Float return result.
PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL void* Parrot_call_sub(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, NOTNULL(const char *signature), ...) { va_list ap; void *result;
va_start(ap, signature);
CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->constants =
result = Parrot_runops_fromc_arglist(interp, sub, signature, ap);
return result;
PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_call_sub_ret_int(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, NOTNULL(const char *signature), ...) { va_list ap; Parrot_Int result;
va_start(ap, signature);
CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->constants =
result = Parrot_runops_fromc_arglist_reti(interp, sub, signature, ap);
return result;
PARROT_API Parrot_Float Parrot_call_sub_ret_float(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, NOTNULL(const char *signature), ...) { va_list ap; Parrot_Float result;
va_start(ap, signature);
CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->constants =
result = Parrot_runops_fromc_arglist_retf(interp, sub, signature, ap);
return result;
FUNCDOC: Parrot_call_method
FUNCDOC: Parrot_call_method_ret_int
FUNCDOC: Parrot_call_method_ret_float
Call a parrot method for the given object.
PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL void * Parrot_call_method(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, Parrot_PMC obj, Parrot_String method, NOTNULL(const char *signature), ...) { void *result; va_list ap;
va_start(ap, signature);
result = Parrot_run_meth_fromc_arglist(interp, sub,
obj, method, signature, ap);
return result;
PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_call_method_ret_int(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, Parrot_PMC obj, Parrot_String method, NOTNULL(const char *signature), ...) { Parrot_Int result; va_list ap;
va_start(ap, signature);
result = Parrot_run_meth_fromc_arglist_reti(interp, sub,
obj, method, signature, ap);
return result;
PARROT_API Parrot_Float Parrot_call_method_ret_float(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC sub, Parrot_PMC obj, Parrot_String method, NOTNULL(const char *signature), ...) { Parrot_Float result; va_list ap;
va_start(ap, signature);
result = Parrot_run_meth_fromc_arglist_retf(interp, sub,
obj, method, signature, ap);
return result;
FUNCDOC: Parrot_get_intreg
Return the value of an integer register.
PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_get_intreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum) { return REG_INT(interp, regnum); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_get_numreg
Return the value of a numeric register.
PARROT_API Parrot_Float Parrot_get_numreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum) { return REG_NUM(interp, regnum); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_get_strreg
Return the value of a string register.
PARROT_API Parrot_String Parrot_get_strreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum) { return REG_STR(interp, regnum); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_get_pmcreg
Return the value of a PMC register.
PARROT_API Parrot_PMC Parrot_get_pmcreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum) { return REG_PMC(interp, regnum); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_set_intreg
Set the value of an I register.
PARROT_API void Parrot_set_intreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum, Parrot_Int value) { REG_INT(interp, regnum) = value; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_set_numreg
Set the value of an N register.
PARROT_API void Parrot_set_numreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum, Parrot_Float value) { REG_NUM(interp, regnum) = value; }
Set the value of an S register.
PARROT_API void Parrot_set_strreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum, Parrot_String value) { REG_STR(interp, regnum) = value; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_set_pmcreg
Set the value of a P register.
PARROT_API void Parrot_set_pmcreg(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int regnum, Parrot_PMC value) { REG_PMC(interp, regnum) = value; }
/*=for api extend Parrot_new_string * */ /*
FUNCDOC: Parrot_new_string
Create a new Parrot string from a passed-in buffer. Pass in a 0 for flags for right now.
A copy of the buffer is made.
PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL Parrot_String Parrot_new_string(PARROT_INTERP, NULLOK(char *buffer), int length, NULLOK(const char * const encoding_name), Parrot_Int flags) { Parrot_String retval; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); retval = string_make(interp, buffer, length, encoding_name, flags); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return retval; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_find_language
Find the magic language token for a language, by language name.
PARROT_API PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Parrot_Language Parrot_find_language(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(char *language)) { return 0; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_register_pmc
Add a reference of the PMC to the interpreters DOD registry. This prevents PMCs only known to extension from getting destroyed during DOD runs.
PARROT_API void Parrot_register_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); dod_register_pmc(interp, pmc); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_unregister_pmc
Remove a reference of the PMC from the interpreters DOD registry. If the reference count reaches zero, the PMC will be destroyed during the next DOD run.
FUNCDOC: Parrot_get_dod_registry
Return Parrot's internal DOD registry PMC. See also: src/pmc/addrregistry.pmc.
PARROT_API void Parrot_unregister_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc) { PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); dod_unregister_pmc(interp, pmc); PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); }
PARROT_API Parrot_PMC Parrot_get_dod_registry(PARROT_INTERP) { PMC *registry = interp->DOD_registry; PARROT_CALLIN_START(interp); if (!registry) { registry = interp->DOD_registry = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_AddrRegistry); } PARROT_CALLIN_END(interp); return registry; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_pmc_set_vtable
Replaces the vtable of the PMC.
PARROT_API void Parrot_PMC_set_vtable(SHIM_INTERP, Parrot_PMC pmc, Parrot_VTABLE vtable) { pmc->vtable = vtable; }
FUNCDOC: Parrot_get_vtable
Returns the vtable corresponding to the given PMC ID.
PARROT_API PARROT_PURE_FUNCTION Parrot_VTABLE Parrot_get_vtable(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Int id) { return interp->vtables[id]; }
See include/parrot/extend.h and docs/pdds/pdd11_extending.pod.
Initial version by Dan Sugalski.
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