parrotcode: Fetch/store packfile data | |
Contents | C |
src/packfile/pf_items.c - Fetch/store packfile data
Low level packfile functions to fetch and store Parrot data,
functions retrieve the datatype item from the opcode stream and convert byteordering or binary format on the fly,
depending on the packfile header.
functions write the datatype item to the stream as is.
These functions don't check the available size.
functions return the store size of item in opcode_t
#include "parrot/parrot.h"
/* HEADERIZER HFILE: include/parrot/packfile.h */
/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */
static void cvt_num12_num8( NOTNULL(unsigned char *dest), NOTNULL(const unsigned char *src) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static void cvt_num12_num8_be( NOTNULL(unsigned char *dest), NOTNULL(const unsigned char *src) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static void cvt_num12_num8_le( NOTNULL(unsigned char *dest), NOTNULL(unsigned char *src) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static opcode_t fetch_op_be_4( NOTNULL(unsigned char *b) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static opcode_t fetch_op_be_8( NOTNULL(unsigned char *b) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static opcode_t fetch_op_le_4( NOTNULL(unsigned char *b) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static opcode_t fetch_op_le_8( NOTNULL(unsigned char *b) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static opcode_t fetch_op_mixed_be( NOTNULL(unsigned char *b) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static opcode_t fetch_op_mixed_le( NOTNULL(unsigned char *b) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static opcode_t fetch_op_test( NOTNULL(unsigned char *b) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
/* HEADERIZER END: static */
/* * round val up to whole size, return result in bytes */ #define ROUND_UP_B(val,size) ((((val) + (size - 1))/(size)) * (size))
/* * round val up to whole opcode_t, return result in opcodes */ #define ROUND_UP(val,size) (((val) + ((size) - 1))/(size))
/* * low level FLOATVAL fetch and convert functions * * * convert i386 LE 12 byte long double to IEEE 754 8 byte double */ static void cvt_num12_num8(NOTNULL(unsigned char *dest), NOTNULL(const unsigned char *src)) { int expo, i, s; #ifdef __LCC__ int expo2; #endif
memset (dest, 0, 8);
/* exponents 15 -> 11 bits */
s = src[9] & 0x80; /* sign */
expo = ((src[9] & 0x7f)<< 8 | src[8]);
if (expo == 0) {
if (s)
dest[7] |= 0x80;
#ifdef __LCC__
/* Yet again, LCC blows up mysteriously until a temporary variable is
* added. */
expo2 = expo - 16383;
expo = expo2;
expo -= 16383; /* - bias */
expo += 1023; /* + bias 8byte */
if (expo <= 0) /* underflow */
goto nul;
if (expo > 0x7ff) { /* inf/nan */
dest[7] = 0x7f;
dest[6] = src[7] == 0xc0 ? 0xf8 : 0xf0 ;
goto nul;
expo <<= 4;
dest[6] = (expo & 0xff);
dest[7] = (expo & 0x7f00) >> 8;
if (s)
dest[7] |= 0x80;
/* long double frac 63 bits => 52 bits
src[7] &= 0x7f; reset integer bit */
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
dest[i+1] |= (i==5 ? src[7]&0x7f : src[i+2]) >> 3;
dest[i] |= (src[i+2] & 0x1f) << 5;
dest[0] |= src[1] >> 3;
static void cvt_num12_num8_be(NOTNULL(unsigned char *dest), NOTNULL(const unsigned char *src)) { cvt_num12_num8(dest, src); /* TODO endianize */ internal_exception(1, "TODO cvt_num12_num8_be\n"); }
static void cvt_num12_num8_le(NOTNULL(unsigned char *dest), NOTNULL(unsigned char *src)) { unsigned char b[8]; cvt_num12_num8(b, src); fetch_buf_le_8(dest, b); } static opcode_t fetch_op_test(NOTNULL(unsigned char *b)) { union { unsigned char buf[4]; opcode_t o; } u; fetch_buf_le_4(u.buf, b); return u.o; }
/* * opcode fetch helper function * * This is mostly wrong or at least untested * * Fetch an opcode and convert to LE */ static opcode_t fetch_op_mixed_le(NOTNULL(unsigned char *b)) { #if OPCODE_T_SIZE == 4 union { unsigned char buf[8]; opcode_t o[2]; } u; /* wordsize = 8 then */ fetch_buf_le_8(u.buf, (unsigned char *) b); return u.o[0]; /* or u.o[1] */ #else union { unsigned char buf[4]; opcode_t o; } u;
/* wordsize = 4 */
u.o = 0;
fetch_buf_le_4(u.buf, b);
return u.o;
/* * Fetch an opcode and convert to BE */ static opcode_t fetch_op_mixed_be(NOTNULL(unsigned char *b)) { #if OPCODE_T_SIZE == 4 union { unsigned char buf[8]; opcode_t o[2]; } u; /* wordsize = 8 then */ fetch_buf_be_8(u.buf, (unsigned char *) b); return u.o[1]; /* or u.o[0] */ #else union { unsigned char buf[4]; opcode_t o; } u; /* wordsize = 4 */ u.o = 0; fetch_buf_be_4(u.buf, b); return u.o; #endif }
static opcode_t fetch_op_be_4(NOTNULL(unsigned char *b)) { union { unsigned char buf[4]; opcode_t o; } u; fetch_buf_be_4(u.buf, b); #if PARROT_BIGENDIAN # if OPCODE_T_SIZE == 8 return u.o >> 32; # else return u.o; # endif #else # if OPCODE_T_SIZE == 8 return (opcode_t)(fetch_iv_le((INTVAL)u.o) & 0xffffffff); # else return (opcode_t) fetch_iv_le((INTVAL)u.o); # endif #endif }
static opcode_t fetch_op_be_8(NOTNULL(unsigned char *b)) { union { unsigned char buf[8]; opcode_t o[2]; } u; fetch_buf_be_8(u.buf, b); #if PARROT_BIGENDIAN # if OPCODE_T_SIZE == 8 return u.o[0]; # else return u.o[1]; # endif #else return (opcode_t)fetch_iv_le((INTVAL)u.o[0]); #endif }
static opcode_t fetch_op_le_4(NOTNULL(unsigned char *b)) { union { unsigned char buf[4]; opcode_t o; } u; fetch_buf_le_4(u.buf, b); #if PARROT_BIGENDIAN # if OPCODE_T_SIZE == 8 return u.o >> 32; # else return (opcode_t) fetch_iv_be((INTVAL)u.o); # endif #else # if OPCODE_T_SIZE == 8 return u.o & 0xffffffff; # else return u.o; # endif #endif }
static opcode_t fetch_op_le_8(NOTNULL(unsigned char *b)) { union { unsigned char buf[8]; opcode_t o[2]; } u; fetch_buf_le_8(u.buf, b); #if PARROT_BIGENDIAN # if OPCODE_T_SIZE == 8 return u.o[0]; # else return (opcode_t)fetch_op_be((INTVAL)u.o[1]); # endif #else return u.o[0]; #endif }
FUNCDOC: PF_fetch_opcode
Fetch an opcode_t
from the stream, converting byteorder if needed.
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT opcode_t PF_fetch_opcode(NULLOK(PackFile *pf), NOTNULL(opcode_t **stream)) { opcode_t o; if (!pf || !pf->fetch_op) return *(*stream)++; #if TRACE_PACKFILE == 2 PIO_eprintf(NULL, "PF_fetch_opcode: Reordering.\n"); #endif o = (pf->fetch_op)(*((unsigned char **)stream)); *((unsigned char **) (stream)) += pf->header->wordsize; return o; }
FUNCDOC: PF_store_opcode
Store an opcode_t
to stream as is.
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL opcode_t* PF_store_opcode(NOTNULL(opcode_t *cursor), opcode_t val) { *cursor++ = val; return cursor; }
FUNCDOC: PF_size_opcode
Return size of an item in opcode_t
units, which is 1 per definitionem.
PARROT_CONST_FUNCTION size_t PF_size_opcode(void) { return 1; }
FUNCDOC: PF_fetch_integer
Fetch an INTVAL
from the stream, converting byteorder if needed.
XXX assumes sizeof (INTVAL) == sizeof (opcode_t)
- we don't have INTVAL
size in the PackFile header.
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT INTVAL PF_fetch_integer(NULLOK(PackFile *pf), NOTNULL(opcode_t **stream)) { INTVAL i; if (!pf || pf->fetch_iv == NULL) return *(*stream)++; i = (pf->fetch_iv)(*((unsigned char **)stream)); /* XXX assume sizeof (opcode_t) == sizeof (INTVAL) on the * machine producing this PBC */ *((unsigned char **) (stream)) += pf->header->wordsize; return i; }
FUNCDOC: PF_store_integer
Store an INTVAL
to stream as is.
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL opcode_t* PF_store_integer(NOTNULL(opcode_t *cursor), INTVAL val) { *cursor++ = (opcode_t)val; /* XXX */ return cursor; }
FUNCDOC: PF_size_integer
Return store size of INTVAL
in opcode_t
PARROT_CONST_FUNCTION size_t PF_size_integer(void) { const size_t s = sizeof (INTVAL) / sizeof (opcode_t); return s ? s : 1; }
FUNCDOC: PF_fetch_number
from the stream, converting byteorder if needed. Then advance stream pointer by amount of packfile float size.
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT FLOATVAL PF_fetch_number(NULLOK(PackFile *pf), NOTNULL(opcode_t **stream)) { /* When we have alignment all squared away we don't need * to use memcpy() for native byteorder. */ FLOATVAL f; double d; if (!pf || !pf->fetch_nv) { #if TRACE_PACKFILE PIO_eprintf(NULL, "PF_fetch_number: Native [%d bytes]\n", sizeof (FLOATVAL)); #endif memcpy(&f, (char*)*stream, sizeof (FLOATVAL)); (*stream) += (sizeof (FLOATVAL) + sizeof (opcode_t) - 1)/ sizeof (opcode_t); return f; } f = (FLOATVAL) 0; #if TRACE_PACKFILE PIO_eprintf(NULL, "PF_fetch_number: Byteordering..\n"); #endif /* Here is where the size transforms get messy */ if (NUMVAL_SIZE == 8 && pf->header->floattype == 1) { (pf->fetch_nv)((unsigned char *)&f, (unsigned char *) *stream); *((unsigned char **) (stream)) += 12; } else { (pf->fetch_nv)((unsigned char *)&d, (unsigned char *) *stream); *((unsigned char **) (stream)) += 8; f = d; } return f; }
FUNCDOC: PF_store_number
to the opcode stream as is.
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL opcode_t* PF_store_number(NOTNULL(opcode_t *cursor), NOTNULL(const FLOATVAL *val)) { opcode_t padded_size = (sizeof (FLOATVAL) + sizeof (opcode_t) - 1) / sizeof (opcode_t); mem_sys_memcopy(cursor, val, sizeof (FLOATVAL)); cursor += padded_size; return cursor; }
FUNCDOC: PF_size_number
Return store size of FLOATVAL in opcode_t units.
PARROT_CONST_FUNCTION size_t PF_size_number(void) { return ROUND_UP(sizeof (FLOATVAL), sizeof (opcode_t)); }
FUNCDOC: PF_fetch_string
Fetch a STRING
from bytecode and return a new STRING
Opcode format is:
opcode_t flags
opcode_t encoding
opcode_t type
opcode_t size
* data
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL STRING * PF_fetch_string(PARROT_INTERP, NULLOK(PackFile *pf), NOTNULL(opcode_t **cursor)) { UINTVAL flags; opcode_t charset_nr; size_t size; STRING *s; const int wordsize = pf ? pf->header->wordsize : sizeof (opcode_t); const char *charset_name;
flags = PF_fetch_opcode(pf, cursor);
/* don't let PBC mess our internals - only constant or not */
flags &= (PObj_constant_FLAG | PObj_private7_FLAG);
charset_nr = PF_fetch_opcode(pf, cursor);
/* These may need to be separate */
size = (size_t)PF_fetch_opcode(pf, cursor);
/* #define TRACE_PACKFILE 1 */ #if TRACE_PACKFILE PIO_eprintf(NULL, "PF_fetch_string(): flags are 0x%04x...\n", flags); PIO_eprintf(NULL, "PF_fetch_string(): charset_nr is %ld...\n", charset_nr); PIO_eprintf(NULL, "PF_fetch_string(): size is %ld...\n", size); #endif
charset_name = Parrot_charset_c_name(interp, charset_nr);
s = string_make(interp, (char *)*cursor, size, charset_name, flags);
#if TRACE_PACKFILE PIO_eprintf(NULL, "PF_fetch_string(): string is: "); PIO_putps(interp, PIO_STDERR(interp), s); PIO_eprintf(NULL, "\n"); #endif
/* s = string_make(interp, *cursor, size, encoding_lookup_index(encoding), flags); */
size = ROUND_UP_B(size, wordsize);
*((unsigned char **) (cursor)) += size;
return s;
FUNCDOC: PF_store_string
Write a STRING to the opcode stream.
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL opcode_t* PF_store_string(NOTNULL(opcode_t *cursor), NOTNULL(STRING *s)) { opcode_t padded_size = s->bufused; char *charcursor; size_t i;
/* PIO_eprintf(NULL, "PF_store_string(): size is %ld...\n", s->bufused); */
if (padded_size % sizeof (opcode_t)) {
padded_size += sizeof (opcode_t) - (padded_size % sizeof (opcode_t));
*cursor++ = PObj_get_FLAGS(s); /* only constant_FLAG and private7 */
* TODO as soon as we have dynamically loadable charsets
* we have to store the charset name, not the number
* TODO encoding
* see also PF_fetch_string
*cursor++ = Parrot_charset_number_of_str(NULL, s);
*cursor++ = s->bufused;
/* Switch to char * since rest of string is addressed by
* characters to ensure padding. */
charcursor = (char *)cursor;
if (s->strstart) {
mem_sys_memcopy(charcursor, s->strstart, s->bufused);
charcursor += s->bufused;
if (s->bufused % sizeof (opcode_t)) {
for (i = 0; i < (sizeof (opcode_t) -
(s->bufused % sizeof (opcode_t))); i++) {
*charcursor++ = 0;
PARROT_ASSERT(((long)charcursor & 3) == 0);
cursor = (opcode_t *)charcursor;
return cursor;
FUNCDOC: PF_size_string
Report store size of STRING
in opcode_t
PARROT_PURE_FUNCTION size_t PF_size_string(NOTNULL(const STRING *s)) { opcode_t padded_size = s->bufused;
if (padded_size % sizeof (opcode_t)) {
padded_size += sizeof (opcode_t) - (padded_size % sizeof (opcode_t));
/* Include space for flags, representation, and size fields. */
return 3 + (size_t)padded_size / sizeof (opcode_t);
FUNCDOC: PF_fetch_cstring
Fetch a cstring from bytecode and return an allocated copy
PARROT_MALLOC PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL char * PF_fetch_cstring(NOTNULL(PackFile *pf), NOTNULL(opcode_t **cursor)) { const size_t str_len = strlen ((char *)(*cursor)) + 1; char * const p = (char *)mem_sys_allocate(str_len);
const int wordsize = pf->header->wordsize;
strcpy(p, (char*) (*cursor));
*((unsigned char **) (cursor)) += ROUND_UP_B(str_len, wordsize);
return p;
FUNCDOC: PF_store_cstring
Write a 0-terminated string to the stream.
PARROT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT PARROT_CANNOT_RETURN_NULL opcode_t* PF_store_cstring(NOTNULL(opcode_t *cursor), NOTNULL(const char *s)) { strcpy((char *) cursor, s); return cursor + PF_size_cstring(s); }
FUNCDOC: PF_size_cstring
Return store size of a C-string in opcode_t
PARROT_PURE_FUNCTION size_t PF_size_cstring(NOTNULL(const char *s)) { size_t str_len;
str_len = strlen(s);
return ROUND_UP(str_len + 1, sizeof (opcode_t));
FUNCDOC: PackFile_assign_transforms
Assign transform functions to vtable.
void PackFile_assign_transforms(NOTNULL(PackFile *pf)) { const int need_endianize = pf->header->byteorder != PARROT_BIGENDIAN; const int need_wordsize = pf->header->wordsize != sizeof (opcode_t);
pf->need_endianize = need_endianize;
pf->need_wordsize = need_wordsize;
* this Parrot is on a BIG ENDIAN machine
if (need_endianize) {
if (pf->header->wordsize == 4)
pf->fetch_op = fetch_op_le_4;
pf->fetch_op = fetch_op_le_8;
if (pf->header->floattype == 0)
pf->fetch_nv = fetch_buf_le_8;
else if (pf->header->floattype == 1)
pf->fetch_nv = cvt_num12_num8_le;
else {
if (pf->header->wordsize == 4)
pf->fetch_op = fetch_op_be_4;
pf->fetch_op = fetch_op_be_8;
* this Parrot is on a LITTLE ENDIAN machine
if (need_endianize) {
if (pf->header->wordsize == 4)
pf->fetch_op = fetch_op_be_4;
pf->fetch_op = fetch_op_be_8;
if (pf->header->floattype == 0)
pf->fetch_nv = fetch_buf_be_8;
else if (pf->header->floattype == 1)
pf->fetch_nv = cvt_num12_num8_be;
else {
if (pf->header->wordsize == 4)
pf->fetch_op = fetch_op_le_4;
pf->fetch_op = fetch_op_le_8;
if (NUMVAL_SIZE == 8 && pf->header->floattype == 1)
pf->fetch_nv = cvt_num12_num8;
else if (NUMVAL_SIZE != 8 && pf->header->floattype == 0)
pf->fetch_nv = fetch_buf_le_8;
pf->fetch_iv = pf->fetch_op;
Initial review by leo 2003.11.21
Most routines moved from src/packfile.c.
Renamed PackFile_* to PF_*
()>> - write an opcode_t stream to cursor in natural byte-ordering.
()>> - read items and possibly convert the foreign format.
()>> - return the needed size in opcode_t
/* * Local variables: * c-file-style: "parrot" * End: * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: */
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