parrotcode: Thread handling stuff | |
Contents | C |
src/thread.c - Thread handling stuff
Threads are created by creating new ParrotInterpreter
#include "parrot/parrot.h" #include "parrot/atomic.h"
/* HEADERIZER HFILE: include/parrot/thread.h */
/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */
static Parrot_Interp detach( UINTVAL tid ); static Shared_gc_info * get_pool( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static int is_suspended_for_gc( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static PMC * make_local_args_copy( PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Interp old_interp, PMC *args ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static PMC * make_local_copy( PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(Parrot_Interp from), NULLOK(PMC *arg) ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static void mutex_unlock( void *arg ); static Parrot_Interp pt_check_tid( UINTVAL tid, NOTNULL(const char *from) ) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static int pt_gc_count_threads( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static void pt_gc_wait_for_stage( PARROT_INTERP, thread_gc_stage_enum from_stage, thread_gc_stage_enum to_stage ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static void pt_gc_wakeup_check( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static void pt_ns_clone( Parrot_Interp d, PMC *dest_ns, Parrot_Interp s, PMC *source_ns );
static void pt_suspend_all_for_gc( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static void pt_suspend_one_for_gc( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static void pt_thread_signal( NOTNULL(Parrot_Interp self), PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1) __attribute__nonnull__(2);
static void pt_thread_wait( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
static QUEUE_ENTRY * remove_queued_suspend_gc( PARROT_INTERP ) __attribute__nonnull__(1);
PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static void* thread_func( void *arg );
/* HEADERIZER END: static */
#if defined THREAD_DEBUG && THREAD_DEBUG # define DEBUG_ONLY(x) x #else # define DEBUG_ONLY(x) #endif
static int running_threads;
void Parrot_really_destroy(PARROT_INTERP, int exit_code, void *arg);
FUNCDOC: make_local_copy
Create a local copy of the PMC if necessary. (No copy is made if it is marked shared.) This includes workarounds for Parrot_clone() not doing the Right Thing with subroutines (specifically, code segments aren't preserved and it is difficult to do so as long as Parrot_clone() depends on freezing).
PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static PMC * make_local_copy(PARROT_INTERP, NOTNULL(Parrot_Interp from), NULLOK(PMC *arg)) { PMC *ret_val; STRING * const _sub = interp->vtables[enum_class_Sub]->whoami; STRING * const _multi_sub = interp->vtables[enum_class_MultiSub]->whoami;
if (PMC_IS_NULL(arg)) {
ret_val = PMCNULL;
else if (PObj_is_PMC_shared_TEST(arg)) {
ret_val = arg;
else if (VTABLE_isa(from, arg, _multi_sub)) {
INTVAL i = 0;
const INTVAL n = VTABLE_elements(from, arg);
ret_val = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_MultiSub);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
PMC *const orig = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(from, arg, i);
PMC *const copy = make_local_copy(interp, from, orig);
VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, ret_val, copy);
else if (VTABLE_isa(from, arg, _sub)) {
/* this is a workaround for cloning subroutines not actually
* working as one might expect mainly because the segment is
* not correctly copied
ret_val = Parrot_clone(interp, arg);
PMC_sub(ret_val)->seg = PMC_sub(arg)->seg;
Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace(interp, ret_val);
else {
ret_val = Parrot_clone(interp, arg);
return ret_val;
static Shared_gc_info * get_pool(PARROT_INTERP) { return shared_gc_info; }
FUNCDOC: make_local_args_copy
Make a local copy of the corresponding array of arguments.
PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static PMC * make_local_args_copy(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Interp old_interp, PMC *args) { PMC *ret_val; INTVAL old_size; INTVAL i;
if (PMC_IS_NULL(args))
return PMCNULL;
old_size = VTABLE_get_integer(old_interp, args);
/* XXX should this be a different type? */
ret_val = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_FixedPMCArray);
VTABLE_set_integer_native(interp, ret_val, old_size);
for (i = 0; i < old_size; ++i) {
PMC * const copy = make_local_copy(interp, old_interp,
VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(old_interp, args, i));
VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interp, ret_val, i, copy);
return ret_val;
FUNCDOC: pt_shared_fixup
Fixup a PMC to be sharable. Right now, reassigns the vtable to one owned by some master interpreter, so the PMC can be safely reused after thread death.
In the future the PMC returned might be different than the one passed, e.g., if we need to reallocate the PMC in a different interpreter.
PMC * pt_shared_fixup(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *pmc) { if (PObj_is_object_TEST(pmc)) { Parrot_Interp master = interpreter_array[0]; INTVAL type_num; PMC *vtable_cache;
/* keep the original vtable from going away... */
vtable_cache = ((PMC**)PMC_data(pmc->vtable->pmc_class))[PCD_OBJECT_VTABLE];
PARROT_ASSERT(vtable_cache->vtable->base_type == enum_class_VtableCache);
add_pmc_sync(interp, vtable_cache);
/* don't want the referenced class disappearing on us */
type_num = pmc->vtable->base_type;
SET_CLASS((SLOTTYPE*) PMC_data(pmc), pmc,
else {
/* TODO this will need to change for thread pools
* XXX should we have a separate interpreter for this?
INTVAL type_num;
Parrot_Interp master = interpreter_array[0];
int is_ro = pmc->vtable->flags & VTABLE_IS_READONLY_FLAG;
/* This lock is paired with one in objects.c. It is necessary to protect
* against the master interpreter adding classes and consequently
* resizing its classname->type_id hashtable and/or expanding its vtable
* array.
* TODO investigate if a read-write lock results in substantially
* better performance.
type_num = pmc->vtable->base_type;
if (type_num == enum_type_undef) {
real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "pt_shared_fixup: unsharable type");
return PMCNULL;
pmc->vtable = master->vtables[type_num];
if (is_ro)
pmc->vtable = pmc->vtable->ro_variant_vtable;
add_pmc_sync(interp, pmc);
/* make sure metadata doesn't go away unexpectedly */
if (PMC_metadata(pmc))
PMC_metadata(pmc) = pt_shared_fixup(interp, PMC_metadata(pmc));
return pmc;
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_signal
Wakeup a interp
which should have called pt_thread_wait().
static void pt_thread_signal(NOTNULL(Parrot_Interp self), PARROT_INTERP) { COND_SIGNAL(interp->thread_data->interp_cond); }
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_wait_with
Wait for this interpreter to be signalled through its condition variable, dealing properly with GC issues. *mutex
is assumed locked on entry and will be locked on exit from this function. If a GC run occurs in the middle of this function, then a spurious wakeup may occur.
void pt_thread_wait_with(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_mutex *mutex) { LOCK(interpreter_array_mutex); if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPEND_GC_REQUESTED) { interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC; /* fprintf(stderr, "%p: pt_thread_wait, before sleep, doing GC run\n", * interp); */ UNLOCK(interpreter_array_mutex); UNLOCK(*mutex);
/* since we unlocked the mutex something bad may have occured */
interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_GC_WAKEUP;
COND_WAIT(interp->thread_data->interp_cond, *mutex);
interp->thread_data->state &= ~THREAD_STATE_GC_WAKEUP;
if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC) {
/* XXX loop needed? */
do {
/* fprintf(stderr, "%p: woken up, doing GC run\n", interp); */
} while (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC);
else {
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_wait
Wait for us to be signalled. GC matters are handled correctly. interpreter_array_mutex
is assumed held. Spurious wakeups may occur.
static void pt_thread_wait(PARROT_INTERP) { if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPEND_GC_REQUESTED) { interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC; /* fprintf(stderr, "%p: pt_thread_wait, before sleep, doing GC run\n", * interp); */
/* while we were GCing, whatever we were waiting on might have
* changed */
interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_GC_WAKEUP;
COND_WAIT(interp->thread_data->interp_cond, interpreter_array_mutex);
interp->thread_data->state &= ~THREAD_STATE_GC_WAKEUP;
while (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC) {
/* fprintf(stderr, "%p: woken up, doing GC run\n", interp); */
FUNCDOC: thread_func
The actual thread function.
PARROT_CAN_RETURN_NULL static void* thread_func(void *arg) { Parrot_exception exp; int lo_var_ptr; UINTVAL tid; PMC *sub; PMC *sub_arg; PMC * const self = (PMC*) arg; PMC *ret_val = NULL; Parrot_Interp interp = (Parrot_Interp)PMC_data(self);
/* need to set it here because argument passing can trigger GC */
interp->lo_var_ptr = &lo_var_ptr;
sub = (PMC *)PMC_struct_val(self);
sub_arg = PMC_pmc_val(self);
if (setjmp(exp.destination)) {
const Parrot_exception * const except = interp->exceptions;
/* caught exception */
/* XXX what should we really do here */
"Unhandled exception in thread with tid %d "
"(message=%Ss, number=%d)\n",
ret_val = PMCNULL;
else {
/* run normally */
push_new_c_exception_handler(interp, &exp);
ret_val = Parrot_runops_fromc_args(interp, sub, "PF", sub_arg);
* thread is finito
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"marking an thread as finished"));
interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_FINISHED;
tid = interp->thread_data->tid;
if (interp != interpreter_array[tid]) {
PANIC(interp, "thread finished: interpreter mismatch");
if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_DETACHED) {
interpreter_array[tid] = NULL;
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"really destroying an interpreter [exit while detached]"));
Parrot_really_destroy(interp, 0, NULL);
else if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_JOINED) {
pt_thread_signal(interp, interp->thread_data->joiner);
/* make sure we don't block a GC run */
PARROT_ASSERT(interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_FINISHED);
return ret_val;
FUNCDOC: pt_clone_code
Copy/clone the packfile/code from interpreter s
to d
. All resources are created in d
void pt_clone_code(Parrot_Interp d, Parrot_Interp s) { Parrot_block_DOD(d); Interp_flags_SET(d, PARROT_EXTERN_CODE_FLAG); d->code = NULL; Parrot_switch_to_cs(d, s->code, 1); Parrot_unblock_DOD(d); }
pt_clone_globals(Parrot_Interp d, Parrot_Interp s)>
Clone all globals from s
to d
static void pt_ns_clone(Parrot_Interp d, PMC *dest_ns, Parrot_Interp s, PMC *source_ns) { PMC * const iter = VTABLE_get_iter(s, source_ns); const INTVAL n = VTABLE_elements(s, source_ns); INTVAL i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
/* XXX what if 'key' is a non-constant-pool string? */
STRING * const key = VTABLE_shift_string(s, iter);
PMC *val;
val = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(s, source_ns, key);
if (val->vtable->base_type == enum_class_NameSpace) {
PMC *sub_ns;
sub_ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(d, dest_ns, key);
if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns) || sub_ns->vtable->base_type !=
enum_class_NameSpace) {
sub_ns = pmc_new(d, enum_class_NameSpace);
VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(d, dest_ns, key, sub_ns);
pt_ns_clone(d, sub_ns, s, val);
else {
PMC * const dval = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(d, dest_ns, key);
if (PMC_IS_NULL(dval)) {
PMC *copy;
copy = make_local_copy(d, s, val);
VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(d, dest_ns, key, copy);
void pt_clone_globals(Parrot_Interp d, Parrot_Interp s) { Parrot_block_DOD(d); pt_ns_clone(d, d->root_namespace, s, s->root_namespace); Parrot_unblock_DOD(d); }
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_prepare_for_run
Setup code, and TODO ...
*/ void pt_thread_prepare_for_run(Parrot_Interp d, Parrot_Interp s) { Parrot_setup_event_func_ptrs(d); }
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_run
Run the *sub
PMC in a separate thread using interpreter in *dest_interp
should be an array of arguments for the subroutine.
/* create a clone of the sub suitable for the other interpreter */
PMC * pt_transfer_sub(Parrot_Interp d, Parrot_Interp s, NULLOK(PMC *sub)) { #if defined THREAD_DEBUG && THREAD_DEBUG PIO_eprintf(s, "copying over subroutine [%Ss]\n", Parrot_full_sub_name(s, sub)); #endif return make_local_copy(d, s, sub); }
int pt_thread_run(PARROT_INTERP, PMC* dest_interp, PMC* sub, PMC *arg) { PMC *old_dest_interp; PMC *parent; Interp * const interpreter = (Parrot_Interp)PMC_data(dest_interp);
/* make a copy of the ParrotThread PMC so we can use it
* to hold parameters to the new thread without it being
* garbage collected or otherwise changed by the parent thread.
* Also so the new thread's getinterp doesn't return an object
* owned by the wrong interpreter -- which would be very bad
* if the parent is destroyed before the child.
* XXX FIXME move this elsewhere? at least the set_pmc_keyed_int
old_dest_interp = dest_interp;
dest_interp = pmc_new_noinit(interpreter, enum_class_ParrotThread);
/* so it's not accidentally deleted */
PMC_data(old_dest_interp) = NULL;
PMC_data(dest_interp) = interpreter;
VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interpreter, interpreter->iglobals,
parent = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, interp->iglobals,
* TODO check if thread flags are consistent
if (interp->flags & PARROT_THR_COPY_INTERP)
clone_interpreter(interpreter, (Parrot_Interp)PMC_data(parent), PARROT_CLONE_DEFAULT);
* TODO thread pools
pt_thread_prepare_for_run(interpreter, interp);
PMC_struct_val(dest_interp) = pt_transfer_sub(interpreter, interp, sub);
PMC_pmc_val(dest_interp) = make_local_args_copy(interpreter, interp,
* set regs according to pdd03
interpreter->current_object = dest_interp;
* create a joinable thread
interpreter->thread_data->state = THREAD_STATE_JOINABLE;
thread_func, dest_interp);
/* check for pending GC */
if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPEND_GC_REQUESTED)
return 0;
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_run_1
Runs a type 1 thread. Nothing is shared, both interpreters are free running without any communication.
int pt_thread_run_1(PARROT_INTERP, PMC* dest_interp, PMC* sub, PMC *arg) { interp->flags |= PARROT_THR_TYPE_1; return pt_thread_run(interp, dest_interp, sub, arg); }
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_run_2
Runs a type 2 thread. No shared variables, threads are communicating by sending messages.
int pt_thread_run_2(PARROT_INTERP, PMC* dest_interp, PMC* sub, PMC *arg) { interp->flags |= PARROT_THR_TYPE_2; return pt_thread_run(interp, dest_interp, sub, arg); }
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_run_3
Run a type 3 thread. Threads may have shared variables and are managed in a thread pool.
int pt_thread_run_3(PARROT_INTERP, PMC* dest_interp, PMC* sub, PMC *arg) { interp->flags |= PARROT_THR_TYPE_3; return pt_thread_run(interp, dest_interp, sub, arg); }
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_yield
Relinquishes hold on the processor.
void pt_thread_yield(void) { YIELD; }
FUNCDOC: pt_check_tid
Helper function. Check if tid
is valid. The caller holds the mutex. Returns the interpreter for tid
static Parrot_Interp pt_check_tid(UINTVAL tid, NOTNULL(const char *from)) { if (tid >= n_interpreters) { UNLOCK(interpreter_array_mutex); internal_exception(1, "%s: illegal thread tid %d", from, tid); } if (tid == 0) { UNLOCK(interpreter_array_mutex); internal_exception(1, "%s: illegal thread tid %d (main)", from, tid); } if (!interpreter_array[tid]) { UNLOCK(interpreter_array_mutex); internal_exception(1, "%s: illegal thread tid %d - empty", from, tid); } return interpreter_array[tid]; }
FUNCDOC: mutex_unlock
Unlocks the mutex *arg
static void mutex_unlock(void *arg) { UNLOCK(*(Parrot_mutex *) arg); }
FUNCDOC: is_suspended_for_gc
Returns true iff interp
is suspended so a global GC can be performed. interpreter_array_mutex must be held.
static int is_suspended_for_gc(PARROT_INTERP) { if (!interp) return 1; else if (interp->thread_data->wants_shared_gc) return 1; else if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC) return 1; else if ((interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_FINISHED) || (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_NOT_STARTED)) return 1; else return 0; }
/* XXX should this function be in a different file? */ static QUEUE_ENTRY * remove_queued_suspend_gc(PARROT_INTERP) { parrot_event *ev = NULL; QUEUE *queue = interp->task_queue; QUEUE_ENTRY *prev = NULL; QUEUE_ENTRY *cur;
cur = queue->head;
while (cur) {
ev = (parrot_event *)cur->data;
if (ev->type == EVENT_TYPE_SUSPEND_FOR_GC)
prev = cur;
cur = cur->next;
if (cur) {
if (prev)
prev->next = cur->next;
queue->head = cur->next;
if (cur == queue->tail)
queue->tail = prev;
if (cur == queue->head)
queue->head = cur->next;
cur = NULL;
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"%p: remove_queued_suspend_gc: got one", interp));
return cur;
/* interpreter_array_mutex must be held */ static int pt_gc_count_threads(PARROT_INTERP) { UINTVAL i; int count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n_interpreters; ++i) {
Parrot_Interp cur;
cur = interpreter_array[i];
if (!cur)
if (cur->thread_data->state & (THREAD_STATE_NOT_STARTED |
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"found %d threads", count));
return count;
static void pt_gc_wait_for_stage(PARROT_INTERP, thread_gc_stage_enum from_stage, thread_gc_stage_enum to_stage) { Shared_gc_info *info = shared_gc_info; int thread_count;
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"%p: gc_wait_for_stage: %d->%d", interp, from_stage, to_stage));
/* XXX well-timed thread death can mess this up */
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"%p: got lock", interp));
thread_count = pt_gc_count_threads(interp);
PARROT_ASSERT(info->gc_stage == from_stage);
PARROT_ASSERT(!(interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_NOT_STARTED));
PARROT_ASSERT(!(interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_FINISHED));
if (from_stage == 0)
PARROT_ASSERT(interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC);
PARROT_ASSERT(!(interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC));
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"%p: gc_wait_for_stage: got %d", interp, info->num_reached));
if (info->num_reached == thread_count) {
info->gc_stage = to_stage;
info->num_reached = 0;
else {
do {
COND_WAIT(info->gc_cond, interpreter_array_mutex);
} while (info->gc_stage != to_stage);
/* Check if we need to wake threads to perform garbage collection. * This is called after thread death. * interpreter_array_mutex is assumed held. */ static void pt_gc_wakeup_check(PARROT_INTERP) { Shared_gc_info *info = shared_gc_info; int thread_count;
thread_count = pt_gc_count_threads(interp);
if (info->num_reached == thread_count) {
info->gc_stage = THREAD_GC_STAGE_MARK;
info->num_reached = 0;
FUNCDOC: pt_suspend_one_for_gc
Suspend a single interpreter for GC. interpreter_array_mutex
assumed held.
static void pt_suspend_one_for_gc(PARROT_INTERP) { DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"suspend one: %p", interp)); if (is_suspended_for_gc(interp)) { DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"ignoring already suspended")); return; }
if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_GC_WAKEUP) {
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"just waking it up"));
interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC;
else {
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"queuing event"));
interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_SUSPEND_GC_REQUESTED;
FUNCDOC: pt_suspend_all_for_gc
Get all threads to perform a GC run.
static void pt_suspend_all_for_gc(PARROT_INTERP) { UINTVAL i;
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"suspend_all_for_gc [interp=%p]", interp));
interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC;
if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPEND_GC_REQUESTED) {
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"found while suspending all\n"));
interp->thread_data->state &= ~THREAD_STATE_SUSPEND_GC_REQUESTED;
#if 0 for (i = 0; i < n_interpreters; ++i) { Parrot_Interp other_interp; other_interp = interpreter_array[i]; if (!other_interp) continue;
if (is_suspended_for_gc(other_interp) &&
other_interp != interp &&
(other_interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC))
QUEUE_ENTRY *successp;
/* this means that someone else already got this far,
* so we have a suspend event in our queue to ignore
/* XXX still reachable? */
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"apparently someone else is doing it [%p]",other_interp));
fprintf(stderr, "??? found later (%p)\n", other_interp);
successp = remove_queued_suspend_gc(interp);
/* now send all the non-suspended threads to suspend for GC */
for (i = 0; i < n_interpreters; ++i) {
Parrot_Interp other_interp = interpreter_array[i];
if (interp == other_interp)
if (is_suspended_for_gc(other_interp))
FUNCDOC: pt_suspend_self_for_gc
Suspend this thread for a full GC run.
XXX FIXME -- if GC is blocked, we need to do a GC run as soon as it becomes unblocked.
void pt_suspend_self_for_gc(PARROT_INTERP) { PARROT_ASSERT(interp); PARROT_ASSERT(!interp->arena_base->DOD_block_level); DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"%p: suspend_self_for_gc", interp)); /* since we are modifying our own state, we need to lock * the interpreter_array_mutex. */ LOCK(interpreter_array_mutex); DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"%p: got lock", interp));
PARROT_ASSERT(interp->thread_data->state &
if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPEND_GC_REQUESTED) {
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"remove queued request"));
while (remove_queued_suspend_gc(interp));
interp->thread_data->state &= ~THREAD_STATE_SUSPEND_GC_REQUESTED;
if (!(interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC)) {
interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC;
else {
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"no need to set suspended\n"));
/* mark and sweep our world -- later callbacks will keep
* it sync'd
Parrot_dod_ms_run(interp, DOD_trace_stack_FLAG);
PARROT_ASSERT(!(interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC));
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_join
Join (wait for) a joinable thread.
PMC* pt_thread_join(NOTNULL(Parrot_Interp parent), UINTVAL tid) { int state; Parrot_Interp interp;
interp = pt_check_tid(tid, "join");
if (interp == parent)
do_panic(parent, "Can't join self", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if ((!(interp->thread_data->state & (THREAD_STATE_DETACHED
!(interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_NOT_STARTED)) ||
interp->thread_data->state == THREAD_STATE_FINISHED) {
void *raw_retval = NULL;
PMC *retval;
interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_JOINED;
while (!(interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_FINISHED)) {
interp->thread_data->joiner = parent;
JOIN(interp->thread_data->thread, raw_retval);
retval = (PMC *)raw_retval;
* we need to push a cleanup handler here: if cloning
* of the retval fails (e.g. it's a NULLPMC) this lock
* isn't released until eternity or someone hits ^C
* TODO This is needed for all places holding a lock for
* non-trivial tasks
* -leo
* TODO remove that and replace it with proper exception
* handling, so that a failing clone in the parent
* just stops that thread
* -leo
CLEANUP_PUSH(mutex_unlock, &interpreter_array_mutex);
if (retval) {
PMC *parent_ret;
* clone the PMC into caller, if its not a shared PMC
* the PMC is not in the parents root set nor in the
* stack so block DOD during clone
* XXX should probably acquire the parent's interpreter mutex
parent_ret = make_local_copy(parent, interp, retval);
/* this PMC is living only in the stack of this currently
* dying interpreter, so register it in parent's DOD registry
* XXX is this still needed?
dod_register_pmc(parent, parent_ret);
retval = parent_ret;
else {
retval = PMCNULL;
interpreter_array[tid] = NULL;
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"destroying an interpreter [join]"));
if (Interp_debug_TEST(parent, PARROT_THREAD_DEBUG_FLAG))
fprintf(stderr, "running threads %d\n", running_threads);
/* reparent it so memory pool merging works */
interp->parent_interpreter = parent;
Parrot_really_destroy(interp, 0, NULL);
* interpreter destruction is done - unregister the return
* value, caller gets it now
if (retval)
dod_unregister_pmc(parent, retval);
return retval;
* when here thread was in wrong state
state = interp->thread_data->state;
real_exception(interp, NULL, 1, "join: illegal thread state %d tid %d",
state, tid);
return NULL;
FUNCDOC: pt_join_threads
Possibly wait for other running threads. This is called when destroying interp
void pt_join_threads(PARROT_INTERP) { size_t i; Shared_gc_info *info = get_pool(interp);
if (info) {
* if no threads were started - fine
if (n_interpreters <= 1) {
* only the first interpreter waits for other threads
if (interp != interpreter_array[0]) {
for (i = 1; i < n_interpreters; ++i) {
Parrot_Interp thread_interp = interpreter_array[i];
if (thread_interp == NULL)
if (thread_interp->thread_data->state == THREAD_STATE_JOINABLE ||
(thread_interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_FINISHED)) {
void *retval = NULL;
thread_interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_JOINED;
JOIN(thread_interp->thread_data->thread, retval);
FUNCDOC: detach
Helper for detach and kill.
Returns the interpreter, if it didn't finish yet.
static Parrot_Interp detach(UINTVAL tid) { Parrot_Interp interp;
interp = pt_check_tid(tid, "detach");
* if interpreter is joinable, we detach em
if (interp->thread_data->state == THREAD_STATE_JOINABLE ||
interp->thread_data->state == THREAD_STATE_FINISHED) {
interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_DETACHED;
if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_FINISHED) {
interpreter_array[tid] = NULL;
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"destroying an interpreter [detach]"));
Parrot_really_destroy(interp, 0, NULL);
interp = NULL;
return interp;
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_detach
Detaches (make non-joinable) the thread.
void pt_thread_detach(UINTVAL tid) { (void) detach(tid); }
FUNCDOC: pt_thread_kill
Kills the thread.
void pt_thread_kill(UINTVAL tid) { PARROT_INTERP = detach(tid);
/* schedule a terminate event for that interpreter */
if (interp)
FUNCDOC: pt_add_to_interpreters
All threaded interpreters are stored in an array. Assumes that caller holds LOCK.
void pt_add_to_interpreters(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_Interp new_interp) { size_t i; DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"interp = %p", interp));
if (!new_interp) {
* Create an entry for the very first interpreter, event
* handling needs it
PARROT_ASSERT(n_interpreters == 0);
interpreter_array = mem_allocate_typed(Interp *);
interpreter_array[0] = interp;
n_interpreters = 1;
shared_gc_info = (Shared_gc_info *)mem_sys_allocate_zeroed(sizeof(*shared_gc_info));
PARROT_ATOMIC_INT_SET(shared_gc_info->gc_block_level, 0);
/* XXX try to defer this until later */
PARROT_ASSERT(interp == interpreter_array[0]);
interp->thread_data = mem_allocate_zeroed_typed(Thread_data);
interp->thread_data->tid = 0;
new_interp->thread_data = mem_allocate_zeroed_typed(Thread_data);
if (Interp_debug_TEST(interp, PARROT_THREAD_DEBUG_FLAG))
fprintf(stderr, "running threads %d\n", running_threads);
* look for an empty slot
for (i = 0; i < n_interpreters; ++i) {
if (interpreter_array[i] == NULL) {
interpreter_array[i] = new_interp;
new_interp->thread_data->tid = i;
new_interp->thread_data->state = THREAD_STATE_NOT_STARTED;
/* need to resize */
interpreter_array = (Interp **)mem_sys_realloc(interpreter_array,
(n_interpreters + 1) * sizeof (Interp *));
interpreter_array[n_interpreters] = new_interp;
new_interp->thread_data->tid = n_interpreters;
new_interp->thread_data->state = THREAD_STATE_NOT_STARTED;
FUNCDOC: pt_DOD_start_mark
DOD is gonna start the mark phase. In the presence of shared PMCs, we can only run one DOD run at a time because PMC->next_for_GC
may be changed.
are the DOD flags. We check if we need to collect shared objects or not.
TODO - Have a count of shared PMCs and check it during DOD.
TODO - Evaluate if a interpreter lock is cheaper when dod_mark_ptr
is updated.
void pt_DOD_start_mark(PARROT_INTERP) { Shared_gc_info *info; int block_level;
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"%p: pt_DOD_start_mark", interp));
/* if no other threads are running, we are safe */
if (!running_threads)
info = get_pool(interp);
PARROT_ATOMIC_INT_GET(block_level, info->gc_block_level);
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"start threaded mark"));
* TODO now check, if we are the owner of a shared memory pool
* if yes:
* - suspend all other threads by sending them a suspend event
* (or put a LOCK around updating the mark pointers)
* - return and continue the mark phase
* - then s. comments below
if (interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC) {
PARROT_ASSERT(!(interp->thread_data->state &
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"already suspended..."));
else if (block_level) {
/* unthreaded collection */
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"... but blocked"));
/* holding the lock */
else if (interp->thread_data->state &
while (remove_queued_suspend_gc(interp));
interp->thread_data->state &= ~THREAD_STATE_SUSPEND_GC_REQUESTED;
interp->thread_data->state |= THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC;
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"%p: detected request", interp));
else {
/* we need to stop the world */
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"stop the world"));
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"%p: wait for stage", interp));
pt_gc_wait_for_stage(interp, THREAD_GC_STAGE_NONE, THREAD_GC_STAGE_MARK);
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"actually mark"));
* we can't allow parallel running DODs both would mess with shared PMCs
* next_for_GC pointers
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"got marking lock"));
FUNCDOC: pt_DOD_mark_root_finished
DOD is finished for the root set.
void pt_DOD_mark_root_finished(PARROT_INTERP) { if (!running_threads) return; /* * TODO now check, if we are the owner of a shared memory pool * if yes: * - now run DOD_mark on all members of our pool * - if all shared PMCs are marked by all threads then * - we can continue to free unused objects */ }
FUNCDOC: pt_DOD_stop_mark
DOD's mark phase is done.
void pt_DOD_stop_mark(PARROT_INTERP) { if (!running_threads) return; /* * normal operation can continue now * - other threads may or not free unused objects then, * depending on their resource statistics */ if (!(interp->thread_data->state & THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC)) { UNLOCK(interpreter_array_mutex); return; }
PARROT_ASSERT(!(interp->thread_data->state &
interp->thread_data->state &= ~THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_GC;
while (remove_queued_suspend_gc(interp)) {
/* XXX FIXME make this message never trigger */
fprintf(stderr, "%p: extraneous suspend_gc event\n", (void *)interp);
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"%p: unlock", interp));
DEBUG_ONLY(fprintf(stderr,"wait to sweep"));
pt_gc_wait_for_stage(interp, THREAD_GC_STAGE_MARK, THREAD_GC_STAGE_SWEEP);
FUNCDOC: Parrot_shared_DOD_block
Block stop-the-world DOD runs.
PARROT_API void Parrot_shared_DOD_block(PARROT_INTERP) { Shared_gc_info * const info = get_pool(interp);
if (info) {
int level;
PARROT_ATOMIC_INT_INC(level, info->gc_block_level);
PARROT_ASSERT(level > 0);
FUNCDCOC: Parrot_shared_DOD_unblock
Unblock stop-the-world DOD runs.
PARROT_API void Parrot_shared_DOD_unblock(PARROT_INTERP) { Shared_gc_info * const info = get_pool(interp); if (info) { int level; PARROT_ATOMIC_INT_DEC(level, info->gc_block_level); PARROT_ASSERT(level >= 0); } }
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