set.ops - Register Loading Ops
These operations all set registers to various values.
- clone(out STR,
in STR)
- Make a clone of $2,
and put it in $1.
Doesn't affect what was in $1.
Removes the constant flag on the copy,
if there was one.
- exchange(inout INT,
inout INT)
- exchange(inout NUM,
inout NUM)
- exchange(inout PMC,
inout PMC)
- exchange(inout STR,
inout STR)
- Exchange the contents of registers $1 and $2
- set(out INT,
in INT)
- set(out INT,
in NUM)
- set(out INT,
in PMC)
- set(out INT,
in PMC)
- set(out INT,
in STR)
- set(out NUM,
in INT)
- set(out NUM,
in NUM)
- set(out NUM,
in PMC)
- set(out NUM,
in STR)
- set(in PMC,
in INT)
- set(in PMC,
in NUM)
- set(out PMC,
in PMC)
- set(in PMC,
invar STR)
- set(out STR,
in INT)
- set(out STR,
in NUM)
- set(out STR,
in PMC)
- set(out STR,
inconst STR)
- set(out STR,
invar STR)
- set(out PMC,
inconst PMC)
- set(in PMC,
inconst STR)
- Set $1 to $2.
- assign(in PMC,
in INT)
- assign(in PMC,
in NUM)
- Assign a new value $2,
to PMC $1.
Same as the equivalent set opcodes.
- assign(in PMC,
in STR)
- assign(in PMC,
in PMC)
- Assign a new value $2,
to PMC $1 by copying the value.
- assign(out STR,
in STR)
- Assign a new value to a string by reusing the string header.
- setref(in PMC,
in PMC)
- Make $1 refer to $2 by calling
- deref(out PMC,
in PMC)
- Not strictly an assignment operation: Put into $1 the PMC that the reference PMC $2 refers to.
- setp_ind(in INT,
in PMC)
- Set the PMC in register $1 to $2.
Please note,
that the register allocator doesn't track the usage of the affected register - handle with care.
- setn_ind(in INT,
in NUM)
- Set the number in register $1 to $2.
Please note,
that the register allocator doesn't track the usage of the affected register - handle with care.
- sets_ind(in INT,
in STR)
- Set the string in register $1 to $2.
Please note,
that the register allocator doesn't track the usage of the affected register - handle with care.
- seti_ind(in INT,
in INT)
- Set the int in register $1 to $2.
Please note,
that the register allocator doesn't track the usage of the affected register - handle with care.
- set(in PMC,
in INT)
- set(in PMC,
in NUM)
- set(in PMC,
in STR)
- set(in PMC,
in PMC)
- set(out INT,
in PMC,
- set(out NUM,
in PMC,
- set(out STR,
in PMC,
- set(out PMC,
in PMC,
- set(in PMC,
in KEY,
in INT)
- set(in PMC,
in KEY,
in NUM)
- set(in PMC,
in KEY,
in STR)
- set(in PMC,
in KEY,
in PMC)
- set(out INT,
in PMC,
in KEY)
- set(out NUM,
in PMC,
in KEY)
- set(out STR,
in PMC,
in KEY)
- set(out PMC,
in PMC,
in KEY)
- clone(out PMC,
in PMC)
- Makes a copy of the PMC in $2 and puts it in $1.
These operations effect entire sets of registers.
- null(out STR)
- null(out INT)
- null(out PMC)
- null(out NUM)
- Set register $1 to a null value,
or zero for the numeric registers
- cleari()
- clearn()
- clearp()
- clears()
- Clear all the registers of the type indicated in the name of the operation.
- INTVAL ('i') and FLOATVAL ('n') registers clear to zero.
- PMC ('p') and STRING ('s') registers clear to NULL.
Copyright (C) 2001-2006 The Perl Foundation.
All rights reserved.
This program is free software.
It is subject to the same license as the Parrot interpreter itself.