main.pir -- code for running Perl 6 from command line


See Perl6.pir for a synopsis.

Functions ^

main(PMC args)

Handles program control when the Perl6.pbc file is executed directly from the Parrot command line. It calls all of the submodule :load routines, then processes commands from the file specified on the command line or standard input.

The --target= command line option allows the compilation to display a parse tree or abstract syntax tree in lieu of executing program statements.

Notes ^

2006-04-14: This implementation currently converts program text to iso-8859-1 instead of leaving things as unicode. Ideally we'd like to do everything in unicode, since that's what Perl 6 says to do, but unfortunately Parrot doesn't know how to perform some ops (notably downcase) on unicode strings unless ICU is present, and not everyone has ICU yet. So, until we get that worked out in Parrot, we'll compile the program as ISO-8859-1.


Copyright (C) 2006, The Perl Foundation.

This is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Parrot.
