parse.pir - Parsing support subroutines


This file contains support subroutines for parsing Perl 6 programs. Specialized parsing subroutines will appear here as the parser grows.

expression(PMC mob)

The expression subroutine implements the Perl6::Grammar <expression> subrule. It accepts a match object representing the current state of the parse, passes the match object to the operator precedence parser to obtain an expression, and returns the result to the caller.


Parse a listop expression -- i.e., the tokens that follow a listop. This limits the parse to tokens that are tighter than the listop precedence level, nominally indicated by infix:<==.


Handles parsing of the various types of quoted literals.

slash_regex(PMC mob)

Handles parsing of "slash regexes" -- i.e., regexes that are terminated by a slash. For this, we just call PGE's p6 regex parser, telling it to stop parsing on the closing slash.

XXX: This is just a temporary sub to get things working -- it will likely change.
