parrotcode: verify file metadata matches expectations | |
Contents | Tests |
t/distro/file_metadata.t - verify file metadata matches expectations
% prove t/distro/file_metadata.t
Makes sure that file metadata meets our expectations. For example, checks include 'all test files have "text/plain" mime-type', and 'all "text/plain" files have keyword expansion enabled'.
Note: These tests would benefit from judicial application of Iterators.
# When unskipped, rewrite to use get_attribute()...
SKIP: { skip 'custom svn keywords not yet supported' => 1; ## Copyright keyword COPYRIGHT: { my $readme = catfile( $PConfig{build_dir}, 'README' ); open my $IN, '<' => $readme or die qq|can't open $readme: $!|;
my $official_copyright;
while( <$IN> )
next unless m/^Parrot is (Copyright .*)/;
$official_copyright = $1;
fail('official copyright not found') and last COPYRIGHT
unless length $official_copyright;
@cmd = qw(pg Copyright);
$msg = 'Copyright property matches official copyright';
diag $msg;
sub{ my $r = qx($cmd @cmd $_); chomp $r; "$_: $r" }->(),
"$_: $official_copyright",
"$msg ($_)"
) for @manifest_files;
} # SKIP
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