parrotcode: Lexical Ops | |
Contents | Tests |
t/op/lexicals.t - Lexical Ops
% prove t/op/lexicals.t
Tests various lexical scratchpad operations, as described in PDD20.
;;; Indicate that the computation has failed, and that the program
;;; should try another path. We rebind this variable as needed.
(define fail
(lambda () (error "Program failed")))
;;; Choose an arbitrary value and return it, with backtracking.
;;; You are not expected to understand this.
(define (choose . all-choices)
(let ((old-fail fail))
(lambda (continuation)
(define (try choices)
(if (null? choices)
(set! fail old-fail)
(set! fail
(lambda () (continuation (try (cdr choices)))))
(car choices))))
(try all-choices)))))
;;; Find two numbers with a product of 15.
(let ((x (choose 1 3 5))
(y (choose 1 5 9)))
(for-each display `("Trying " ,x " and " ,y #\newline))
(unless (= (* x y) 15)
(for-each display `("Found " ,x " * " ,y " = 15" #\newline)))
# The following PIR should be like:
use strict;
sub test_closures { my @closures;
# create some closures, outer scope
my $shared = 1;
# inner scope
for (1..3) {
my $not_shared = 1;
my $sub_num = $_;
push @closures,
sub {
print "Sub $sub_num was called $not_shared times. Any sub was called $shared times.\n";
for ( 1 .. 4 ) {
foreach ( @closures ) {
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