parrotcode: parser for Parrot Intermediate Representation | |
Contents | Compilers |
pirparser.c - parser for Parrot Intermediate Representation
The parser_state structure has the following fields:
typedef struct parser_state {
struct lexer_state *lexer; -- the lexer
token curtoken; -- the current token as returned by the lexer
char **heredoc_ids; -- array for holding heredoc arguments
unsigned heredoc_index; -- index to keep track of heredoc ids in the array
unsigned parse_errors; -- counter for parse_errors
pirvtable *vtable; -- vtable holding pointers for output routines
void exit_parser(parser_state *p)
int get_parse_errors(parser_state *p)
parser_state *new_parser(char const *filename, pirvtable *vtable)
struct lexer_state const *get_lexer(parser_state *p)
token get_token(parser_state *p)
static void resize_heredoc_args(parser_state *p)
static void syntax_error(parser_state *p, int numargs, ...)
static void match(parser_state *p, token expected)
The following conventions are used:
[ foo ] indicate an optional foo element
{ foo } indicate zero or more foo elements
( foo | bar ) either foo or bar
IDENTIFIER match a token of type IDENTIFIER
'string' match the literal 'string'
static token expression(parser_state *p)
expression -> ( IDENTIFIER | INTC | NUMC | STRINGC | register )
static void string_value(parser_state *p)
string_value -> SREG | PASM_SREG | STRINGC
static void method(parser_state *p)
static void target(parser_state *p)
target -> register | IDENTIFIER
static void type(parser_state *p)
type -> 'int' | 'num' | 'pmc' | 'string'
static void key(parser_state *p)
key -> '-' expression | '..' expression | expression [ '..' [ expression ] ]
static void keylist(parser_state *p)
keylist -> '[' key { (';'|',') key } ']'
static void arg_flags(parser_state *p)
arg_flags -> { arg_flag }
arg_flag -> ':flat' | ':named' [ '(' STRINGC ')' ]
static void argument(parser_state *p)
argument -> HEREDOCID | expression arg_flags | STRINGC ('=>' expression | arg_flags)
static void argument_list(parser_state *p)
argument_list -> argument { ',' argument }
static void arguments(parser_state *p)
arguments -> '(' [argument_list] ')' heredoc_arguments
heredoc_arugments -> { HEREDOC_STRING }
static void methodcall(parser_state *p)
methodcall -> INVOCANT_IDENT method arguments
static void arith_expression(parser_state *p)
arith_expr -> [ binop expression ]
binop -> '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '//' | '%' | '~~' | '~'
| '&&' | '&' | '||' | '|' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '.'
static void parrot_instruction(parser_state *p)
parrot_instruction -> PARROT_OP [ expression {',' expression } ]
static void assignment(parser_state *p)
assignment -> '=' ( unop expression
| expression arith_expr
| target ( keylist | arguments )
| STRINGC arguments
| 'global' STRINGC
| heredocstring
| methodcall
| 'null'
| parrot_instruction
unop -> '-' | '!' | '~'
static void return_statement(parser_state *p)
return_statement -> '.return' ( arguments
| target arguments
| methodcall
static void yield_statement(parser_state *p)
yield_statement -> '.yield' arguments '\n'
static void local_id_list(parser_state *p)
local_id_list -> local_id { ',' local_id }
local_id -> IDENTIFIER [':unique_reg']
static void declaration_list(parser_state *p)
declaration_list -> type local_id_list '\n'
static void local_declaration(parser_state *p)
local_declaration -> '.local' declaration_list
static void lex_declaration(parser_state *p)
lex_declaration -> '.lex' STRINGC ',' target '\n'
static void conditional_expression(parser_state *p)
conditional_expression -> expression [cond_op expression]
cond_op -> '>' | '>=' | '<' | '<=' | '==' | '!='
static void jump_statement(parser_state *p)
jump_statement -> 'goto' IDENTIFIER '\n'
static void goto_statement(parser_state *p)
goto_statement -> jump_statement
static void unless_statement(parser_state *p)
unless_statement -> 'unless' (['null'] expression | conditional_expression) jump_statement
static void if_statement(parser_state *p)
if_statement -> 'if' (['null'] expression | conditional_expression) jump_statement
static void const_definition(parser_state *p)
const_definition -> 'int' IDENTIFIER '=' INTC
static void param_flags(parser_state *p)
param_flags -> { param_flag }
param_flag -> ':slurpy'
| ':named'['(' STRINGC ')']
| ':unique_reg'
| ':optional'
| ':opt_flag'
static void invokable(parser_state *p)
invokable -> IDENTIFIER | PREG
static void long_invocation(parser_state *p)
long-invocation -> '.begin_call' '\n'
{ '.arg' expression arg_flags }
( '.call'|'.nci_call') invokable '\n'
| '.invocant' invokable '\n'
'.meth_call' method '\n'
{ (local_declaration | '.result' target param_flags '\n') }
'.end_call' '\n'
static void long_return_statement(parser_state *p)
long_return_statement -> '.begin_return' '\n'
{ '.return' expression arg_flags '\n' }
'.end_return' '\n'
static void long_yield_statement(parser_state *p)
long_yield_statement -> '.begin_yield' '\n'
{ '.return' expression arg_flags '\n' }
'.end_yield' '\n'
static void target_statement(parser_state *p)
target_statement -> target ( '=' assignment
| augmented_op expression
| keylist '=' expression
| arguments
augmented_op -> '+=' | '-=' | '%=' | '/=' | '//=' | '*=' | '.='
| '~=' | '&=' | '|=' | '**=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>='
static void target_list(parser_state *p)
target_list -> '(' target param_flags {',' target param_flags } ')'
static void multi_result_invocation(parser_state *p)
multi-result-invocation -> target_list '=' (invokable arguments | methodcall) '\n'
static void macro_expansion(parser_state *p)
macro_expansion -> MACRO_IDENT [ '(' [ expression { ',' expression } ')' ] '\n'
static void get_results_instruction(parser_state *p)
get_results_instr -> '.get_results' target_list '\n'
static void global_assignment(parser_state *p)
global_assignment -> 'global' string_value '=' (IDENTIFIER|PREG) '\n'
static void instructions(parser_state *p)
instructions -> {instruction}
instruction -> {LABEL ['\n']} instr
instr -> if_statement
| unless_statement
| local_declaration
| lex_declaration
| '.globalconst' const_definition
| '.const' const_definition
| return_statement
| yield_statement
| macro_expansion
| target_statement
| STRINGC arguments
| methodcall
| long_invocation
| long_return_statement
| long_yield_statement
| 'null' var
| get_results_instruction
| global_assignment
| '\n'
static void multi_type_list(parser_state *p)
multi-type-list -> '(' [multi-type {',' multi-type } ] ')'
multi-type -> IDENTIFIER | STRINGC | keylist | type
static void sub_flags(parser_state *p)
sub_flags -> [sub_flag { sub_flag } ]
sub_flag -> ':anon'
| ':init'
| ':load'
| ':main'
| ':method'
| ':lex'
| ':outer' '(' ( STRINGC | IDENTIFIER ) ')'
| ':vtable' '(' STRINGC ')'
| ':multi' multi-type-list
| ':postcomp'
| ':immediate'
static void parameters(parser_state *p)
parameters -> { '.param' parameter[param_flag] '\n' }
parameter -> type [ STRING_CONSTANT '=>' ] IDENTIFIER
static void sub_definition(parser_state *p)
sub_definition -> '.sub' (IDENTIFIER | STRINGC) subflags '\n' parameters instructions '.end'
static void macro_parameters(parser_state *p)
macro_parameters -> [ '(' [ id {',' id} ] ')' ]
static void macro_definition(parser_state *p)
macro-definition -> '.macro' IDENTIFIER macro_parameters '\n' macro_body '.endm'
static void include(parser_state *p)
include -> '.include' STRINGC
static void pragma(parser_state *p)
pragma -> '.pragma' 'n_operators' INTC
static void hll_specifier(parser_state *p)
hll_specifier -> '.HLL' STRINGC ',' STRINGC
static void hll_mapping(parser_state *p)
hll_mapping -> '.HLL_map' STRINGC ',' STRINGC
static void namespace_declaration(parser_state *p)
namespace_declaration -> '.namespace' [ '[' STRINGC { (','|';') STRINGC ']' ]
static void loadlib(parser_state *p)
loadlib -> '.loadlib' STRINGC
static void compilation_unit(parser_state *p)
compilation_unit -> sub_definition
| '.const' const_definition
| include
| macro_definition
| pragma
| loadlib
| namespace_declaration
| hll_specifier
| hll_mapping
static void program(parser_state *p)
program -> {'\n'} compilation_unit { '\n' compilation_unit } EOF
void TOP(parser_state *p)
TOP -> program
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