src/builtins/control.pir - Perl 6 Control functions

Functions ^


Create a return exception. (Only handles 1 return value for the moment -- we'll do more complex handling a bit later.)



 multi Control::Basic::exit ( Int $status = 0)
Stops all program execution, and returns $status to the calling environment.


 multi Control::Basic::nothing ()
No operation. Literally does nothing.


 our Num multi Control::Basic::sleep ( Num $for = Inf )
Attempt to sleep for up to $for seconds. Implementations are obligated to support subsecond resolutions if that is at all possible.

[Q: what about multithreading? do we just sleep this thread? need to coordinate with entire async model. -law]


 our Time sub Control::Basic::time()
XXX Should be returning a (currently unspec'd, it seems) Time object that numifies to a floating point value giving the number of seconds and fractional seconds since 2000. At the moment, just handing back what the Parrot time opcode does, since that doesn't give something with a consistent epoch. Mails sent about both issues, will fix when answers come back.


 multi Control::Basic::eval ( Str $code, Grammar :$lang = CALLER::<$?PARSER>)
Execute $code as if it were code written in $lang. The default is the language in effect at the exact location of the eval call.

Returns whatever $code returns, or undef on error. Sets caller's $! on error.

TODO: Functions ^


 multi Control::Basic::evalfile (Str $filename : Grammar :$lang = Perl6)
Behaves like, and replaces Perl 5 do EXPR, with optional $lang support.


TODO: Research the exception handling system.
