parrotcode: Rational numbers PMC | |
Contents | Dynamic PMCs |
src/dynpmc/rational.pmc - Rational numbers PMC
Rational is currently going to get implemented. It uses the GNU Multiple Precision (GMP) library, like BigInt, because implementation with integers would be too unstable and inaccurate.
'LispRational' will subclass this.
You may use Rational with any of parrot's basic data types as well as with String-, Integer- and Float-PMCs.
Currently rational.pmc
only has some static
functions for code sharing.
Returns a string representation of a Rational-PMC to a certain base.
Adds an integer "value" to a Rational-PMC and stores the result in (another) Rational-PMC.
Adds a float "value" to a Rational-PMC and stores the result in (another) Rational-PMC. "value" is first conveted to a rational using GMPs mpq_set_d-function. This is meant to be exact.
Multiplys a Rational-PMC with an integer "value" and stores the result in (another) Rational-PMC.
Multiplies a Rational-PMC with a float "value" and stores the result in (another) Rational-PMC.
Divides a Rational-PMC through an integer "value" and stores the result in (another) Rational-PMC.
Divides a Rational-PMC through a float "value" and stores the result in (another) Rational-PMC.
Calculates the power of a Rational-PMC to an exponent value and stores the result in (another) Rational-PMC.
The DynPMC Rational has the following methods. Note, that all methods depend on GMP. If GMP is not available, an exception is thrown in almost all cases. The only exception is the version-method.
METHOD version()
void init()
void clone()
void destroy()
void set_integer_native(INTVAL)
void set_number_native(FLOATVAL)
void set_string_native(STRING*)
void set_string_keyed_int(INTVAL base, STRING *value)
INTVAL get_integer()
STRING *get_string()
STRING *get_string_keyed_int(INTVAL base)
void increment()
void decrement()
PMC *add(PMC *value, PMC *dest)
void i_add(PMC *value)
PMC *add_int(INTVAL value, PMC *dest)
void i_add_int(INTVAL value)
PMC *add_float(FLOATVAL value, PMC *dest)
void i_add_float(FLOATVAL value)
PMC *subtract(PMC *value, PMC *dest)
void i_subtract(PMC *value)
PMC *subtract_int(INTVAL value, PMC *dest)
void i_subtract_int(INTVAL value)
PMC *subtract_float(FLOATVAL value, PMC *dest)
void i_subtract_float(FLOATVAL value)
PMC *multiply(PMC *value, PMC *dest)
void i_multiply(PMC *value)
PMC *multiply_int(INTVAL value, PMC *dest)
void i_multiply_int(INTVAL value)
PMC *multiply_float(FLOATVAL value, PMC *dest)
void i_multiply_float(FLOATVAL value)
PMC *divide(PMC *value, PMC *dest)
void i_divide(PMC *value)
PMC *divide_int(INTVAL value, PMC *dest)
void i_divide_int(INTVAL value)
PMC *divide_float(FLOATVAL value, PMC *dest)
void i_divide_float(FLOATVAL value)
PMC *negate(PMC *dest)
void i_negate()
PMC *absolute(PMC *dest)
void i_absolute()
INTVAL cmp(PMC *value)
INTVAL is_equal(PMC *value)
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