src/pmc/parrotio.pmc - Parrot IO


These are the vtable functions and methods for Parrot IO.

Methods ^


Print the string with an appended newline to SELF or to stdout if used as a class method.

METHOD open(STRING *file, STRING *mode, STRING *layer)

Opens the file with the given mode, using the given IO layer.

METHOD isatty()

METHOD set_readline_interactive(INTVAL)

Sets readline interactive mode to the given value, if PARROT_HAS_READLINE is defined, that is, if the readline library is available. The return values are:

METHOD readline(STRING *prompt)

Reads a line from the given PIO. If readline is interactive and a prompt is not empty, it will be displayed. The interactive feature is not available with the readline opcode (which will be removed anyway). Interactive mode adds non-empty lines to the readline history.

Returns the line without the newline in a String PMC. If ^D/eof occurred, this will return a Null PMC.


      pio = getstdin
      $I0 = pio.'set_readline_interactive'(1)
      if $I0 >= 0 goto loop
      printerr "set_readline_interactive failed: "
      $P1 = pio.'readline'('hello polly> ')
      if null $P1  goto ex
      goto loop
METHOD slurp(STRING *name);

Slurp an (existing, disc) file named name into a STRING result.

Please note that this method isn't catching any failures yet.

Usage as class method:

  .local pmc cl
  cl = get_class 'ParrotIO'
  $S0 = cl.'slurp'('the_file')
The file will be opened, read, and closed.

Or with an openend file:

  pio = open 'the_file', '<'
  $S0 = pio.'slurp'('')
This does not close the file.

METHOD eof()

Returns true or false according to the end of file state of the object.

METHOD flush()

Flushes pending writes.


RT #46087 TBD

METHOD setlinebuf()

RT #46089 TBD


Get the file descriptor out of the ParrotIO object.

RT #48312 Still to do: integral file descriptors might not exist outside of the UNIX platform. or for other streams.

void class_init()

Class initialization.

void init()

Initializes the IO PMC.

void destroy()

Destroys the IO PMC, flushing and closing as necessary.

PMC *clone()

Clones the IO PMC.

For now, both PMCs refer to the same ParrotIO object. If we have different IO layers, we might copy data and struct_val.

void assign_pmc(PMC *other)

Set SELF to the data in other.

INTVAL get_bool()

Returns whether at EOF or not.

STRING *get_string_keyed_int(INTVAL n)

Returns the name of the nth layer. n >= 0 returns layer names up from the bottom. If n is negative, returns layer names from top down. For non-existent layers, returns an empty string.

void push_string(STRING *value)

Pushes the layer name value onto the PIO's layer stack.

STRING *pop_string()

Pops a layer off the PIO's layer stack and returns its name.
