

This file implements the charset functions for binary data

static void set_graphemes

Sets the graphemes for STRING source_string, starting at offset offset. Replaces replace_count graphemes from STRING insert_string.

static STRING *to_charset

Converts the STRING src to STRING dest in binary mode. Throws an exception if a suitable conversion function is not found.

static STRING *compose

Throws an exception because we cannot compose a binary string.

static STRING *decompose

Throws an exception because we cannot decompose a binary string.

static void upcase

Throws an exception because we cannot convert a binary string to upper case.

static void downcase

Throws an exception because we cannot convert a binary string to lower-case.

static void titlecase

Throws an exception because we cannot convert a binary string to title case.

static void upcase_first

Throws an exception because we cannot set the first "character" of the binary string to uppercase.

static void downcase_first

Throws an exception because we cannot set the first "character" of the binary string to lowercase.

static void titlecase_first

Throws an exception because we can't convert the first "character" of binary data to title case.

static INTVAL compare

Returns 0. We can't directly compare two binary buffers (yet).

static INTVAL cs_index

Returns -1. It makes no sense to try and search for a substring in raw binary data.

static INTVAL cs_rindex

Returns -1. It makes no sense to search for the last substring match in raw binary data.

static UINTVAL validate

Returns 1. All sequential data is valid binary data.

static INTVAL is_cclass

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

static INTVAL find_cclass

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

static INTVAL find_not_cclass

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

static STRING *string_from_codepoint

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

const CHARSET *Parrot_charset_binary_init

Initialize the binary charset, including function pointers and settings.
