

This file implements the charset functions for iso-8859-1 data

static void set_graphemes

Sets replace_count graphemes in STRING source_string starting at offset offset. Gets the replacement graphemes from STRING insert_string.

static STRING *to_latin1

Converts STRING src to Latin1 in STRING dest.

static STRING *to_unicode

Converts STRING src to unicode STRING dest.

static STRING *to_charset

Converts the STRING src to an ISO-8859-1 STRING dest.

static STRING *compose

ISO-8859-1 does not support composing, so we just copy the STRING src and return the copy.

static STRING *decompose

SO-8859-1 does not support decomposing, so we throw an exception.

static void upcase

Convert all graphemes in the STRING source_string to upper case, for those graphemes that support cases.

static void downcase

Converts all graphemes in STRING source_string to lower-case, for those graphemes that support cases.

static void titlecase

Converts the graphemes in STRING source_string to title case, for those graphemes that support cases.

static void upcase_first

Converts the first grapheme in STRING source_string to upper case, if it supports cases.

static void downcase_first

Converts the first character of the STRING source_string to lower case, if the grapheme supports lower case.

static void titlecase_first

Converts the first grapheme in STRING source_string to title case, if the grapheme supports case.

static UINTVAL validate

Returns 1 if the STRING src is a valid ISO-8859-1 STRING. Returns 0 otherwise.

static INTVAL is_cclass

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

static INTVAL find_cclass

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

static INTVAL find_not_cclass

RT#48260: Not yet documented!!!

static STRING *string_from_codepoint

Creates a new STRING from the single codepoint codepoint.

const CHARSET *Parrot_charset_iso_8859_1_init

Initializes the ISO-8859-1 charset by installing all the necessary function pointers.

STRING *charset_cvt_iso_8859_1_to_ascii

Converts STRING src in ISO-8859-1 to ASCII STRING dest.
