src/exceptions.c - Exceptions
Define the the core subsystem for exceptions.
PMC *Parrot_ex_build_exception
- Constructs a new exception object from the passed in arguments.
static PMC *find_exception_handler
- Find the exception handler for
void Parrot_ex_add_c_handler
- Adds a new exception handler (defined in C) to the concurrency scheduler.
Since the exception handler is C code,
it stores a runloop jump point to the start of the handler code.
opcode_t *Parrot_ex_throw_from_op
- Runs the exception handler.
void Parrot_ex_throw_from_c
- Throws an exception object.
- See also
which signals fatal errors,
and Parrot_ex_throw_from_op
- The 'invoke' vtable function doesn't actually execute a sub/continuation/handler,
it only sets up the environment for invocation and returns the address of the start of the sub's code.
That address then becomes the next op in the runloop.
- Exceptions thrown from C and caught by a continuation-based handler are resumable at the level of a C instruction.
When handled,
they return the exception object.
Any values returned from the handler to the C code that threw the exception can be stored in the exception's payload.
opcode_t *Parrot_ex_throw_from_op_args
- Throws an exception from an opcode,
with an error message constructed from a format string and arguments.
- See also
and exit_fatal()
void Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args
- Throws an exception,
with an error message constructed from a format string and arguments.
is the address from which to resume,
if some handler decides that is appropriate,
or zero to make the error non-resumable.
is a exception_type_enum
- See also
and exit_fatal()
opcode_t *Parrot_ex_rethrow_from_op
- Rethrow the exception.
void Parrot_ex_rethrow_from_c
- Return back to runloop,
assumes exception is still in todo (see RT #45915) and that this is called from within a handler setup with
void Parrot_ex_mark_unhandled
- Mark an exception as unhandled,
as part of rethrowing it.
size_t Parrot_ex_calc_handler_offset
- Retrieve an exception from the concurrency scheduler,
prepare a call to the handler,
and return the offset to the handler so it can become the next op in the runloop.
void Parrot_assert
- A better version of assert() that gives a backtrace.
void Parrot_confess
- Prints a backtrace and message for a failed assertion.
void Parrot_print_backtrace
- Displays the primrose path to disaster,
(the stack frames leading up to the abort).
Used by
void exit_fatal
- Signal a fatal error condition.
This should only be used with dire errors that cannot throw an exception (because no interpreter is available,
or the nature of the error would interfere with the exception system).
- This involves printing an error message to stderr,
and calling
to exit the process with the given exitcode.
It is not possible for Parrot bytecode to intercept a fatal error (for that,
use Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args
does not call Parrot_exit
to invoke exit handlers (that would require an interpreter).
void do_panic
- Panic handler.